Home Science Paper 1 Question Paper
Home Science Paper 1
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Give two examples of laundry washing equipments
2 marks
Name three types of button holes
3 marks
Mention three observations you can make when burning a piece of linen fabric
3 marks
State two advantages of using gas as a fuel
2 marks
Apart from using salt to fix dye in loose coloured cottons give other two of its uses in laundry .
2 marks
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of enzymes in fresh foods
2 marks
Mention two ways of providing a variety in meal planning and management
2 marks
Give meaning to the term seam
2 marks
Give two advantages of binding over loop stitches in edge finishings
2 marks
Give three rules to be observed when starching clothes
3 marks
Give two advantages of routine feeding for a baby
2 marks
Mention three factors to consider when Planning a kitchen placement in a house
3 marks
Mention the classification of permanent stitches
3 marks
Name two seams commonly used when joining the side seams of trousers made of heavy fabric.
2 marks
Explain the meaning of the term malnutrition
2 marks
Mention two important mineral salts for the elderly.
1 marks
Explain why wool should be completely submerged under water during washing
1 marks
State two functions of the skin
2 marks
Give meaning of the term food hygiene
1 marks
SECTION B (20 Marks)
You have been invited by your aunty who is recuperating from malaria bout to help her over the weekend.
a) Giving reasons explain how to thorough clean her bathing basin. (10mrks)
b) Describe the procedure of laundering a loose-coloured cotton handkerchief. (10mrks)
20 marks
SECTION C (40 Marks)
a) Explain two precautions to observe when using candles for lighting (4mrks)
b) Give two explanations why HIV/AIDS causes malnutrition to people (4mrks)
c) Explain three points to consider when choosing sleeves. (6mrks)
d) Describe how to prepare a front and back facing. Use one well labeled diagram. (6mrks)
20 marks
a) Suggest four problems experienced during pregnancy and give a possible cause and remedy (6mrks)
b) Discuss six problems likely to be faced by a first time mother when weaning her child for the first time (6mrks)
c) Explain four characteristics of undergarments (8mrks)
20 marks
a)Explain three factors that can influence a budget (6mrks)
b) Identify four physical changes that occur when a limb is fractured (4mrks)
c) With the aid of well drawn and labeled diagrams, explain how to make a hem on a straight skirt (10mrks)
20 marks