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Biology Paper 2

SECTION A (40 Marks)


The diagram below represents a longitudinal section of the dicotyledonous root apex.

a) Name the parts A, C and E



b) i) State the function of B.


ii) State three characteristics of cells found in B.



c) What is the difference between zones 2 and 3.



8 marks


The figure is a pedigree diagram showing the inheritance of phenylketonuria a disease transmitted through a recessive gene.

a) Using the symbols R for the normal gene and r for the phenylketonuric gene,

write down the genotypes of the parents 1 and 2.



b) Work out the possible genotypes of the normal child 4.



c) Marriage between closely related individuals is always not advised in many communities.

Give the biological explanation for this.



9 marks


The diagram below shows a stem of a passion fruit twinning around a post.


i) What is the name given to the type of growth movement shown above?



ii) Account for the twinning growth pattern in (a) i) above.



b) Name two other types of growth responses exhibited by plants.



c) State three biological importance of tropisms to plants.



9 marks


Gastrin is a hormone produced by mammals.

a) i) Where is the hormone produced?


ii) What is the function of gastrin?


b) What stimulates the production of gastrin?



c) The diagram below shows two internal sections of the human intestines.

Name the part of the intestines represented by

i) Fig P


ii) Fig Q


d) What observable structural feature forms the basis of identifying the figures P and Q?


6 marks


The diagram below shows some cells found in the inner lining of a respiratory tract of a mammal.

a) Name the structures labeled X and Z

X:…………………………………………………….. Z:………………………………………………………

b) Other than the trachea, name another structure in a mammal that is lined by similar cells as shown in the diagram above.



c) State the functions of the structure labeled Z.



d) Cells of type Y secrete mucus, State three functions of mucus in the respiratory tract.



8 marks

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8

The following data was obtained by a doctor from a healthy woman over a period of 28 days of her menstrual cycle.

a) Using the same axes, draw graphs of Oestrogen and progesterone against time.

b) Using the graph, determine the concentration of oestrogen on day 10

c) Which of the two hormones is responsible for ovulation? Explain

d) i) On which day did ovulation likely to take place?



ii) Give an explanation for your answer in (d) (i) above.



e) Account for the concentration of progesterone between:

i) Day 14 and 21



ii) Day 21 and 28



f) Name three types of placentation in plants



20 marks


Explain how urine is formed and removed from the human body.



20 marks


Explain how the internal and external structure of a mesophyte leaf is adapted to photosynthesis.



20 marks

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