Computer Studies Paper 2 Question Paper
Computer Studies Paper 2
A Type the following letter as it appears in a word processor. Use the mail merge feature to produce to produce copies of the same letter to the persons whose details are given below (12 mks)
P.O.BPX 4500
6TH JULY 2010
I am happy to inform you that the NOV-DEC. Examinations are out. Kindly arrange to visit our school on<Date to visit>at 9.00 am in order to know the details. Remember to carry your original KCPE certificate and examination registration card–bearing the index number.
Your’s truly,
Data source (List of candidates)
Name | Adm no- | Address | Town | Date of visit |
Mark Otieno | 8074 | P.O.Box 24 | Sondu | 02/03/08 |
Kevin Kirui | 8189 | P.O.Box 172 | Kericho | 08/03/08 |
Bernard Soi | 8065 | P.O.Box 84 | Bomet | 24/03/08 |
- Save Main document as Main Doc (1 mk)
- Save Data source as Data source (1 mk)
- Change the addresses and reference font size to 14 pt (1½mks)
- Underline the reference (½ mk)
- Merge the letter onto main document so as to produce for all the three candidates and save it as ‘Results 2009’ (6 mks)
- Print the letters (3 mks)
B a)Type the following text in word processing software and save it in a folder using your Name and Admission Number.
A computer is a machine or an electronic device that can solve problems by accepting data, performing certain operations on that data(processing)and presenting the results of those operations(Information)Basic characteristics that distinguish a computer from other information processing devices:
- A computer is electronic-That is, all its processing operations are carried out with electrical signals
- A computer can store information for future reference. This is done on temporary basis with memory circuits and permanently with storage devices such as magnetic disks and tape.
- A computer is programmable-unlike other devices built to perform a single function, a computer can be instructed or programmed to perform a variety of tasks.
Converting the data(raw facts) into informations (Organized, usable form) is called data processing. Data get into the system by means of input device e.g keyboard then the performs the necessary calculations or manipulation on the data and finally the organized information is displayed by an output device e.g a monitor.
Although computers have many applications, they can perform only three basic tasks.
- Arithmetic functions on numeric data(adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing)
- Test relationships between data items(by comparing values)
- Store and retrieve data
These skills are really no more than people can do, but the computer can accomplish can the task more;
- Faster
- Accurately
- Reliable
- Align the title to the center and underline it (1 mk)
- Add border to the title (2 mks)
- Replace all the Roman numbers with bullets (2 mks)
- i)Insert the foster ‘’Computer F4 Joint Evaluation Test,2010’’ (2 mks)
- Set the line spacing to exactly 1.5 (4 mks)
- Insert word Art ‘’COMPUTER’’ and set it to appear behind the text. (5 mks)
- Search for words ‘’Computer’’ and replace all with ‘’PC’’ (2mks)
- Move paragraph with the heading ‘’how a computer operates’’ to the end of the document (2 mks)
- Set the font style of the document to Arial black (3 mks)
- Save your work as ‘’computer literacy’’ (1 mk)
- Print your document (2 mks)
37 marks
b) Enter the following data in sheet 1 (20 mks)
c) Rename the sheets as Term one result (1 mk)
d) Find:
- Totals (2 mks)
- Average (2 mks)
e)Use the IF function to award remarks as follows (3 mks)
- A student whose average is above or equals 65 is given ‘’excellent’’
- An average of 55 or above but less than 65 award ‘’average work’’
- An average less than 55 award ‘’work below average’’
f)i) Award position to student basing on the average scored (3 mks)
ii) On the last rows enter formulas to count students from both classes (2 mks)
g) Sort the students list by class position in ascending order (2 mks)
h)i)Copy the entire worksheet 2 rename it ‘’lower group’’ (2 mks)
ii) Filter ‘’Lower group’’ sheet to display students from ‘’E’’ class and whose average score is below 50 (4 mks)
i)Draw a bar graph to display the following information (3 mks)
- The three cats
- Names
- Place the legend at the bottom of the graph (1 mk)
- Save the chart on a new sheet and name it graphical analysis (1 mk)
- The filtered lower group (1 mk)
- The chart (1 mk)
- Term one results sheet (1 mk
50 marks