Agriculture Paper 2 Question Paper
Agriculture Paper 2
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer all the questionsGive three measures a poultry farmer can use to control fleas in a flock.
1.5 marks
Differentiate between a gilt and a sow.
1 marks
Name two notifiable diseases in cattle.
1 marks
Give one importance of a thermostat in a tractor cooling system.
0.5 marks
Give four characteristics of a livestock roughage feed stuff.
2 marks
Name two limitations of upgrading as a system of breeding livestock. ..............................................................................................................................................................
1 marks
State four maintenance practices of a knapsack sprayer. ..............................................................................................................................................................
2 marks
Name three categories used when classifying cattle on the base of production
1.5 marks
Give four factors to consider when formulating livestock ration. ..............................................................................................................................................................
2 marks
List down four materials that are collected by bees. ..............................................................................................................................................................
2 marks
Define the term dry cow therapy.
1 marks
Highlight three field conditions under which a disc plough is preferred to a mouldboard plough. ..............................................................................................................................................................
1.5 marks
Give three sources of water in livestock body.
1.5 marks
Differentiate between file and rasp. ..............................................................................................................................................................
1 marks
State two disadvantages of a barbed wire fence when used in paddocking.
1 marks
Give four effects of ticks to their host. ..............................................................................................................................................................
2 marks
State four factors that determine the choice of a rearing system in poultry.
2 marks
Give four predisposing factors of scours in calves.
2 marks
Give three reasons for crutching in sheep.
1.5 marks
State two maintenance practices of a zero-grazing unit. ..............................................................................................................................................................
1 marks
Name two breeds of camels.
1 marks
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Attempt all questionsDiagrams A, B, C and D represent some farm tools. Study them carefully and answer the questions that follows:
(i)Identify the above tools.
(ii)State the use of the following tools.
(iii)Give two maintenance practices carried out on tool C. ..............................................................................................................................................................
5 marks
Below is diagram of a tractor drawn implement labelled T. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(i)Identify the implement T.
(ii)Name the parts labelled:
(iii)State two adjustments that can be made to increase the ploughing depth of the implement. ..............................................................................................................................................................
5 marks
Study the following diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(i)Identify the parts labelled.
(iii)Give the part that;
(a)Separates fine and coarse food.
(b)Removes excess water from the food.
(iii)Name the type of digestive system shown above.
5 marks
(i)Describe the procedure of shearing the wool from a sheep. .............................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................
(ii)Outline four characteristics of high quality wool.
.............................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................
(iii)Name two breeds of sheep that are required for wool production. .............................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................
5 marks
SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer any two questions(a)Describe the step followed in establishment of a fish pond.
(b)Describe the management of a daily calf using artificial rearing from birth to weaning.
20 marks
(a)Discuss milk fever under the following sub-heading;
(ii)Symptoms of attack.
(b)State and explain four rules a farmer should observe when milking.
(c)Explain four effects of parasites on livestock.
20 marks
(a)Discuss the factors that influence the power output by drought animals.
(b) Give six differences between Bos indicus and Bos taurus.
(c)Outline six maintenance practices of a hedge fence.
20 marks