Geography Paper 1 Question Paper
Geography Paper 1
SECTION A (20 Marks)
a) Name two types of soil according to structure. (2mks)
b) State three ways in which humus improves the quality of soils. (3mks)
5 marks
a) What do you understand by
i) Micro climate (2mks)
ii) Green house effect (2mks
b) Name two instruments to match two elements of weather that can be measured at a school weather station.
4 marks
a) What is the time at Hola 400E, when the time at Tema 00 longitude is 1200noon. (2mks)
b) i) What is international dateline. (2mks)
ii) Name two dates of the year when the Earth experiences solistice. (2mks)
4 marks
a) Name a place in Kenya where Tarns are formed. (1mk)
.b) Describe how a Tarn is formed. (4mks)
5 marks
a) Name the two major types of Earth movements that occur within the Earth’s crust. (2mks)
b) Mention two boundaries that form due to movement of Earth’s plates. (2mks)
4 marks
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer question 6 and any other two questions in this section.Study the map of Karatina (1:50000) and answer the question that follow.
a) i) Give the six figure grid reference of the cattle dip at Kanyokora in the South. (2mks
) ii) Give the approximate height of Tagwa hill to the West of the map. (2mks)
iii) Measure the distance of the all weather road bound surface D 450 from the junction with the dry weather road D 451 to mountain lodge. Give your answer in kilometers.(2mks)
b) Draw a rectangle measuring 14cms by 12cms to represent the area enclosed by easting 83 and 90 and Northing 60 and 66. (1mk)
On the rectangle mark and name
i) River Sagana
ii) Water reservoir.
iii) Tagwa hill.
iv) Plantation (4mks)
c) Describe the economic activities carried out in the area West of Easting 88. (4mks)
d) What evidence on the map other than forest, shows the area receives high rainfall. (6mks)
e) i) Name the two districts in the area covered by the map. (2mks)
ii) What was the magnetic variation at the time the map was taken? (2mks)
25 marks
a) i) Distinguish between a shore line and Coast. (2mks)
ii) State three conditions necessary for the formation of a beach. (3mks)
b) i) The diagram below represents some Coastal features. Name the features marked B and C.
ii) Describe how the feature marked A is formed. (5mks)
c) Explain four factors that influence the development of Coasts. (8mks)
d) i) Name two wave erosional processes. (2mks)
ii) State three significance of Coasts and Coastal features to man. (3mks)
25 marks
a) i) What is the hydrological cycle? (2mks)
ii) State any three factors that influence occurrence of underground water. (3mks)
b) The diagram below shows an artesian well. Use it to answer the questions that follow.
i) Name the parts marked X,Y AND Z. (3mks)
ii) Give four conditions that are necessary for construction of an artesian well. (4mks)
c) Explain three ways in which Karst sceneries are significance to human activities. (6mks)
Your form IV class is supposed to carry out a field study in an area of limestone rocks.
i) State two ways in which you would prepare yourself for the study. (2mks)
ii) Name three surface features that you are likely to come across. (3mks)
iii) State the problems your class is likely to encounter, (2mks)
25 marks
a) i) Name the three types of rocks according to the mode of formation. (3mks)
ii) Distinguish between plutonic and Hypabysal rocks (4mks)
b) i) State the characteristics of igneous rocks. (5mks)
ii) Describe the formation of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (5mks)
c) Explain four benefits of rocks to the economy of Kenya. (8mks)
25 marks
Study the world map below and answer the questions that follow.
a) i) Name the climatic types marked A and B. (2mks)
ii) Name the ocean currents marked R and S. (2mks)
iii) Describe the climatic characteristics of the area shaded on the map. (8mks)
b) Explain how the following factors influence the climate of a place
ï‚· Altitude (4mks)
ï‚· Distance from the sea. (4mks)
c) State five reasons why weather forecasting is important. (5mks)
25 marks