Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper
Computer Studies Paper 1
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Answer all questionsHow is a point of sale terminal used in a business organization?
2 marks
Distinguish between compiler and interpreter
2 marks
Explain why computers use binary numbers in data representation
2 marks
What is meant by the term dry running as used in program development?
2 marks
A computer teacher has put a rule that diskettes should not be used in the computer laboratory
(a) Give a reason for the rule
(b) State two alternatives that can be used to achieve the same objective
3 marks
List three differences between a laser printer and a dot matrix printer
3 marks
List four stages involved in the data processing cycle
2 marks
(a) What is a utility software?
(b) Give four examples of utility software
3 marks
Distinguish between an intelligent terminal and dump terminal
3 marks
List down any four hardware components you can add or upgrade in your computer. .........................................................................................................................................
4 marks
Differentiate between source program and object program
2 marks
(a) Which key will you press to:
i. Start a new line of paragraph _____________________________
ii. Erase a letter that you have just typed _______________________
iii. Create space between two words __________________________
iv. Automatically type in capital letters throughout _______________
(b) Write down the functions of the following keyboard shortcut keys as used in a word document.
i. CTR + C ___________________________________________
ii. CTRL + V ___________________________________________
iii. CTRL + X ____________________________________________
iv. CTRL + Z ____________________________________________
4 marks
A student presented a budget in the form of a worksheet as follows
The student intends to have spent half the amount by mid- term
(a) Given that the value 0.5 is typed in cell B9, write the shortest formula that would be typed in cell C2 and then copied down the column to obtain half the values in column B.
(b) Write two different formulae that can be typed to obtain the total in cell B6 and then copied to cell C6. .........................................................................................................................................
3 marks
State three operations that can be performed on a relational database files .........................................................................................................................................
3 marks
List three differences between Wide Area Networks (WAN) and local Area Networks (LAN)
3 marks
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Question 16 (Compulsory) and any other THREEa. Name and state the use of each of the following flowchart symbols.
b. Below is an algorithm that is used to compute the values of R, S and T.
From the algorithm, determine the output if the input value of N is
i. 7;
ii. 10;
c. Draw a flowchart for the algorithm in question 16(b)
15 marks
a. State three standard data coding schemes used in computing and electronic systems .........................................................................................................................................
......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................
b. Convert each of the following numbers:
i. 110.1012 to decimal
ii. 12.687510 to binary
c. Subtract 110.012 from 11001.01012
d. Using seven-bit twos compliment, perform the following binary arithmetic leaving the answer in binary notation.
11012 - 1001012
15 marks
A school organizes its work in directories. The directories WP contains the files CATS, EXAMS and ASSIGNMENTS. The directory of SP contain the spreadsheet files. The directory DB contains the database files. The directory PROG is contained in the OTHERS directory. The directory WP also contains the PERSONAL directory. Given that the directory STUDENT contains directories SP, DB, WP and OTHERS
(a) Draw the directory tree structure with C as the root
(b) Write the path at which the contents of subdirectory DB can be erased or displayed
(c) Write the path for the directory PROG ( 2 mks)
(d) Give two reasons for storing files in directories and subdirectories
(e) Give two disadvantages of using command driven interfaces as compared to menu driven interfaces
15 marks
(a) Differentiate between macros and report in a database.
(b) List four tasks that can be performed in a database.
(c) Identify the most appropriate data type for these fields
(i) Name: ...................................................................................................................
(ii) Admission number ..................................................................................................................................
(iii) Fees: ..................................................................................................................................
(iv) Gender: ..................................................................................................................................
(d) From the above fields which field can be used as the primary key field? Explain?
(e) List six data base programs available in the market today.
15 marks
(a) Define the following terms
(i) Internet:
......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Domain name:
......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................
(iii) ISP:
......................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................
(b) Explain 5 application of internet in a learning institution
(c ) Describe 3 security threats of data stored in a computer system
(d) State three measures that can be taken to protect data against such threats. .........................................................................................................................................
15 marks