Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Question Paper
Christian Religious Education Paper 2
(a). Explain how John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah. (7 marks)
(b). Identify ways in which the birth of Jesus was going to be extra-ordinary. (7 marks)
(c). Outline six teachings of Jesus about John the baptism. (6 marks)
20 marks
(a). With reference to Jesus’ parables in St. Lukes’s gospel explain the teachings about the
Kingdom of God. (8 marks)
(b). Relate the parable of the rich fool(Luke 12:13-34). (6 marks)
(c). State six ways in which Christians prepare themselves for the kingdom of God.
(6 marks)
20 marks
. (a). Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.(Luke 19:28-40) (7 marks)
(b). Outline four ways in which Jesus prepared the disciples for his coming death.
(8 marks)
(c). Give reasons why the death of Jesus is important to Christians in modern times.
(5 marks)
20 marks
(a). Outline Jesus’ teachings on the role of the Holy Spirit. (7 marks)
(b). Explain what the teachings of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10 reveal about the unity of believers. (8 marks)
(c). Identify five factors that prevent effective church cooperation in Kenya. (5 marks)
20 marks
. (a). Explain the responsibilities of children in a Christian family. (6 marks)
(b). Identify four ways in which retrenchment of employees may affect the Christian family in Kenya. (8 marks)
(c). Outline ways in which Christian youths can overcome temptations of drug abuse. (6 marks)
20 marks
(a). State seven factors that hinder fair distribution of wealth in Kenya. (7 marks)
(b). Give reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia. (8 marks)
(c). What role can Christians play in the national elections. (5 marks)
20 marks