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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

Home Science Paper 1

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

Suggest two ways of improving flavour of food when cooking.

2 marks


Give two reasons for folding in flour in creamed cake mixtures.

2 marks


Define the term disposal of fullness.

2 marks


State threefactors that affect the choice of a hem.

3 marks


State two ways of minimizing wastage of detergents when washing.

2 marks


State three reasons for using floor coverings in a house.

3 marks


Give two factors to consider when choosing where to buy vegetables.

2 marks


Mention two points to consider when selecting baking tins.

2 marks


Explain the functions of a trap in a kitchen sink.

1 marks


Explain why vitamin A deficiency is not common in most parts of Kenya.

2 marks


Give two reasons for keeping potatoes in cold water as soon as they are peeled

2 marks


State the main purpose for blending fibre.

1 marks


State two ways of caring for a suitcase.

2 marks


State two qualities which make stainless steel unsuitable for cooking pans.

2 marks


State two conditions which encourage the breeding of cockroaches.2

2 marks


State three dangers of excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

3 marks


Give two qualities of a good advertisement.

2 marks


State two roles of consumer organizations in Kenya.

2 marks


Apart from nutritional deficiency, name three other causes of anaemia.

3 marks

SECTION B (20 Marks)


You have been left at home to take care of your ailing grandmother who is down with tuberculosis.

  1. Outline the procedure of laundering her loose coloured cotton nightdress. (8 marks)

  2. Describe how to clean her neglected wedding ring made of silver. (4 marks)

  3. Write down the procedure of thorough cleaning a pair of muddy leather shoes. (8 marks)

20 marks

SECTION C (40 Marks)

Answer any TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided.

a) Giving an example in each case, state four reasons for using soft furnishings in the house. (4 marks)

b) Apart from inadequate breast milk supply, give five other problems a mother may

experience in breastfeeding. State the cause of the problem. (5 marks)

c) Suggest four ways of reducing expenditure on food. (4 marks)

d) Describe four qualities of a toy suitable for a six month old baby. (4 marks)

e) State three qualities of a well-made hem. (3 marks)

20 marks


a) State four reasons for using trimmings in garment construction. (4 marks)

b) Give five points to consider when selecting a laundry bar soap. (5 marks)

c) State five practices that are essential in the management of a child with measles. (5 marks)

d) State three precautionary measures to take to ensure that cotton articles remain in good condition. (3 marks)

e) Give three reasons for using interfacing in garment construction. (3 marks)

20 marks


a) Suggest four ways of finishing the lower edge of a short sleeve decoratively. (4 marks)

b) State six desirable qualities of baking flour. (6 marks)

c) State five desirable qualities of fabrics for making chair backs. (5 marks)

d) List five qualities of a well-made opening. (5 marks)

20 marks

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