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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

History and Government Paper 2

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

Identify one written material used by historians as a source of history and government.

1 marks


State two ways through which early man acquired food

2 marks


Name the personality behind the discovery of electricity.

1 marks


Name one early source of energy.

1 marks


State two advantages of the use of money over barter as medium of exchange.

2 marks


List down two early centres of agriculture in the world.

2 marks


State two political effects of the Trans-Saharan trade on West Africa.

2 marks


Give one limitation of cell phones.

1 marks


List two metals that were used in Africa during metal age.

2 marks


Give two economic activities of the Shona during the pre-colonial period.

2 marks


Define the term “sphere of influence’ as used by the European powers at Berlin Conference of 1884 and 1885.

1 marks


Name the organ of the United Nations Organization that promotes justice in the world.

1 marks


Give two factors that caused the failure of the Maji Maji rebellion of 1905 – 1907

2 marks


State the immediate cause of the First World War.

1 marks


Identify two treaties that the Allies signed with the central powers after the First World War.

2 marks


Identify one super power that emerged after the Second World War.

1 marks


State one uniqueness of Manchester Pan-African Conference (1945).

1 marks

SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer THREE questions only from this section in the answer booklet provided.

a) State reasons why early man acquired the upright posture in his process of evolution. (3 marks)

b) Describe the culture of early man during the middle and new Stone Age period. (12 marks)

15 marks


a) Identify three duties of Omanhene in the Asante Kingdom in the 19th century. (3 marks)

b) Explain factors that led to the growth of the Asante Empire. (12 marks)

15 marks


a) State three ways in which Portugal benefited from Mozambique prior to 1900. (3 marks)

b) Explain six factors that enabled the liberation movement in Mozambique to win the war against Portuguese. (12 marks)

15 marks


a) State three problems brought about by the industrial revolution in Europe. (3 marks)

b) What challenges do Third world countries face in their attempt to attain industrialization? (12 marks)

15 marks

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer TWO questions only from this section in the answer booklet provided.

a) State three conditions that one had to fulfill to become fully assimilated in the French Africa. (3 marks)

b) Explain any six factors that undermined the application of the French policy of assimilation in West Africa. (12 marks)

15 marks


a) State five factors that led to the cold war. (5 marks)

b) Explain five measures that were undertaken to ease the cold war. (10 marks)

15 marks


a) Outline three functions of East African Community. (3 marks)

b) Explain six problems that the East African Community experienced up to 1977. (12 marks)

15 marks

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