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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

Geography Paper 2

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

a) State three characteristics of jua Kali industries in Kenya. (3 marks)

b) Give two reasons why the development of jua Kali industry is encouraged in Kenya. (2 marks)

5 marks


a) State two reasons why the Northern parts of Kenya are sparsely populated. (2 marks)

b) Give three reasons why it is important for Kenya to have a national food policy. (3 marks)

5 marks


a) Give two examples of trading blocs found in Africa. (2 marks)

b) State three benefits of forming the regional trading blocs in Africa. (3 marks)

5 marks


a) State three physical factors that influenced the location of Mombasa. (3 marks)

b) Give two problems Mombasa experiences as it grows. (2 marks)

5 marks


a) Give two advantages of domestic tourism. (2 marks)

b) State three factors hindering the development of domestic tourism in Kenya. (3 marks)

5 marks

SECTION B (75 Marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section.

Study the table below and answer the questions that follow:


a) Draw proportional circles to show tea production in the years 2002 and 2003.

(Use a scale of radius 1cm rep. 2 units) (10 marks)

b) State two demerits of using proportional circles in data. (2 marks)

c) Describe how tea is processed after harvesting. (6 marks)

d) State four roles of Kenya Tea Development Agency in the cultivation of tea. (4 marks)

e) Give three problems experienced by farmers in tea growing areas. (3 marks)

25 marks


a) i) Identify two counties in the Rift valley where ranching is practiced. (2 marks)

ii) Name one exotic breed of beef cattle reared in Kenya. (1 mark)

b) Explain three characteristics of nomadic herding. (6 marks)

c) Give four steps taken by Kenya Government to improve beef farming. (4 marks)

d) i) State four physical factors which favour beef farming in Argentina. (4 marks)

ii) Explain four benefits of beef farming to the economy of Argentina. (8 marks)

25 marks


a) i) What is industrialization? (2 marks)

ii) Explain four factors affecting the location of industries. (8 marks)

b) Describe the significance of industrialization to a country. (10 marks)

c) Explain five negative effects of industrialization. (5 marks)

25 marks


a) i) Apart from coal, name three other non-renewable sources of energy. (3 marks)

ii) State four reasons why there has been a decline in the use of coal as a source of energy. (4 marks)

iii) Give three advantages of using wind energy. (3 marks)

b) Name two examples of agriculture non-food processing industries in Kenya. (2 marks)

c) Below is a sketch map of the Ruhr Industrial Region. Use it to answer question (i)

i) Name:

  • The canal market U. (1 mark)

  • The river marked V. (1 mark)

  • The town marked W. (1 mark)

ii) Explain three factors which led to the growth of iron and steel industry in the Ruhr region of Germany. (6 marks)

d) Explain two environmental problems which have resulted from the development of car manufacturing industry in Japan. (4 marks)

25 marks


a) Define agro-forestry. (2 marks)

b) State three benefits of agro-forestry. (3 marks)

c) i) Explain how the following factors have influenced distribution of natural forests

in Kenya.

  • Aspect. (2 marks)

  • Soils. (2 marks)

ii) Explain four ways of managing forests in Kenya. (8 marks)

d) Compare softwood forestry in Kenya and Canada under the following sub-headings:

  • Transportation. (2 marks)

  • Harvesting. (2 marks)

  • Climate. (2 marks)

  • Distribution. (2 marks)

25 marks

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