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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

Geography Paper 1

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

a) What is a:

i) Sea breeze? (2 marks)

ii) Land breeze? (2 marks)

b) Name one effect of land and sea breezes in places where they occur. (1 mark)

5 marks


State five factors that influence landslides in Kenya.

5 marks


The sketch below is a coastal landscape. Study the sketch and answer the questions below.

a. Name features A to D. (2 marks)

b. State three evidences of emerged coastline. (3 marks)

5 marks


a) Name features A to D. (2 marks)

b) State three evidences of emerged coastline. (3 marks)

5 marks


a) Define an equinox. (2 marks)

b) State three characteristics of the summer solstice. (3 marks)

5 marks

SECTION B (75 Marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

Study the map of Migwani 1:50,000 (sheet 151/1) provided and answer the following questions.

a) i) What is the four figure grid reference of the school at Mui? (2 marks)

ii) What is the bearing of the school at Usiani from the trigonometrical station near Kyawea? (2 marks)

iii) Measure the distance in kilometres of the dry weather road from grid reference 800989 to grid reference 840002. (2 marks)

b) Citing evidence from the map, state three functions served by Mutitu (Ndoa) town. (6 marks)

c) Explain three factors that influence settlement in the area. (6 marks)

d) Identify three sources of water in the area covered by the map. (3 marks)

e) You intend to carry out a field study in Mutitu forest. Explain four problems you are likely to encounter. (4 marks)

5 marks


a) Give an account of:

i) A lava volcano (6 marks)

ii) A composite volcano (6 marks)

b) Explain advantages and disadvantages of vulcanicity. (8 marks)

c) When conducting field study in an area that has experienced vulcanicity, what aspects would you address? (5 marks)

25 marks


a) Differentiate between aridity and desertification. (4 marks)

b) Explain five causes of aridity and desertification. (10 marks)

c) Discuss three causes of climate change. (6 marks)

d) Give five characteristics of savanna vegetation. (5 marks)

25 marks


a) Describe the following processes in arid areas.

i) Abrasion (2 marks)

ii) Deflation (2 marks)

iii) Attrition (2 marks)

b) With the aid of a diagram, explain how an oasis is formed in a desert landscape. (8 marks)

c) The diagram below represents features found in a Karst topography.

i) Identify features marked P, Q, R, S. (4 marks)

ii)Explain the formation of feature P. (3 marks)

d) Explain two effects of karst topography to farming. (4 marks)

25 marks


a) i) What is a river’s load? (1 mark)

ii) Explain how a river transports its load. (8 marks)

iii) What is river capture? (1 mark)

iv) With the use of a diagram, explain how river capture occurs. (4 marks)

b) Name any four features of river deposition. (4 marks)

c) List six economic uses of rivers. (3 marks)

d) If you were to carry out a field study on the upper course of river Tana, name four

features you are likely to observe. (4 marks)

25 marks

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