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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

Christian Religious Education Paper 1

Answer any five questions in the spaces provided in pages 3-12.

.a) Give the order of creation from the first account of creation in Gen 1, 2:13a. (6 marks)

b) State seven attributes of God from the Biblical accounts of creation of Genesis chapters1 and 2. (7 marks)

c) Identify ways through which human beings continue with Gods work of creation today. (7 marks)

20 marks


a) Outline the promises God made to Abraham during his call. (7 marks)

b) What did Abraham learn about God during his call? (7 marks)

c) Show the significance of God’s promises to Abraham to Christians today. (6 marks)

20 marks


a) Give seven reasons against kingship in Israel as foretold by prophet Samuel. (7 marks)

b) Explain seven ways in which king Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life. (7 marks)

c) What is the relevance of Elijah’s prophetic mission to Christians today? (6 marks)

20 marks


a) State seven ways in which the Old Testament prophets received Gods revelation. (7 marks)

b) Identify seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor during the time of prophet Amos. (7 marks)

c) Explain six ways in which injustice can disrupt peace in society today. (6 marks)

20 marks


a) Describe the call of prophet Jeremiah. (7 marks)

b) Explain prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on deception among the people of Judah. (8 marks)

c) Identify sources of deception amongst believers today. (5 marks)

20 marks


a) Explain the significance of rituals connected with the birth of a child in traditional African society. (8 marks)

b) Give seven reasons why singing is important during initiation ceremonies in traditional African communities. (7 marks)

c) State five factors that have affected initiation rites in traditional African communities. (5 marks)

20 marks

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