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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

Biology Paper 3

4. Answer all the questions in spaces provided.

You are provided with specimen K1. Examine the specimen.

a) Given that the specimen K1 is a modified stem, draw and label a diagram of the specimen showing observable features which support this view. (4 marks)


Food substance


b) Using a mortar and a pestle crush a piece of specimen K1 and use the resulting pulp to test for the food substances present using the given reagents provided. (6 marks)

10 marks


You are provided with photographs of specimen U, X, Y and Z

a) Name the bones labelled U1, U2, U5, X, Y and Z where each is located in the mammalian body. (10 marks)

Bone labelled

Bone identity

Location in the mammalian body







b) Name the joint formed at the proximal end of bone X and its distal end. (2 marks)

  1. Proximal end
  2. Distal end

c) Name the structures that join the bones together at the joint formed between X1 and Y1. (1 mark)

d) Name the structure at the elbow that performs same function as the patella (1 mark)

14 marks


Below are photographs of specimens obtained from plants. Examine the photographs.

a) In the table below name the mode of dispersal and feature that adapt the specimen(s) to that mode of dispersal .(12 marks)


Mode of dispersal

Mode of dispersal


b) i) Label any two parts on specimen L. (2 marks)
ii) tate the type of placentation in specimen L. (1 mark)

c) Name the structure labelled W on specimen P. (1 mark)

16 marks

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