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2015 Kitui West Sub-County Mock

Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

State two reasons why drenching alone is not an effective method of controlling liver fluke

1 marks


Name two diseases in livestock that may be spread through breeding.

1 marks


Name two implements that may be connected to power take off shaft (P.T.O) on a tractor.

1 marks


State the functions of each of the following components in a tractor engine.

a) Carburetor

b) Lift pump

2 marks


State three uses of a spike tooth harrow.

1.5 marks


State four signs of kidding in nannies.

2 marks


State four reasons for dehorning.

2 marks


Differentiate between milk-let down and milk secretion in dairy cattle management.

1 marks


Give the four strokes of a four stroke cycle engine.

2 marks


State four qualities of a good feed store.

2 marks


List four characters of a good creep feed.

2 marks


Give four effects of livestock disease in agricultural production.

2 marks


Give two limitations of coal as a source of farm power.

1 marks


List four precautions that should be followed when handling bees.

2 marks


Which tool will be required for each of the following farm operations?

a) Cutting overgrown hooves in sheep.

b) Castrating piglets.

1 marks


State three demerits of live fences.

1.5 marks


Give two methods of drug administration in the control of endo-parasites.

2 marks


Under what conditions would a farmer prefer to use an ox-cart instead of a tractor-drawn trailer?

2 marks


Name two breeds of dual-purpose cattle.

1 marks

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions from this section in the spaces provided

Below is a diagram of an ox-plough. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

i. Label the parts A – C. (3 marks)

A ____________________________________

B ____________________________________

C ____________________________________

ii. State two adjustments done on the implement during working. (2 marks)

iii. State two advantages of an ox-plough over a tractor mouldboard. (2 marks)

7 marks


Below are some care and maintenance practices for a certain farm tool.

  • Knobs should be replaced when worn out.

  • Cap iron should be replaced when worn out.

  • Cutting edge should be sharpened on an oilstone when blunt.

a. Identify the tool. (1 mark)

b. Give three different types of the above named tool. (3 marks)

c. Name two other tools that can be used to do the same job as the above mentioned tools. (2 marks)

6 marks


The diagram below is a cross- section of part of a cow udder.

i. Name the parts labelled A, B and C. (1½ marks)

A _________________________________________

B _________________________________________

C _________________________________________

ii. What is milk letdown? (1 mark)

iii. State the hormone which stimulates milk letdown. (½ mark)

iv. State three practices which are carried out to control mastitis in lactating cows. (3 marks)

6 marks

SECTION C (40 Marks)

Answer any TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 25.

a) State four major uses of a tractor in the farm. (4 marks)

b) List four disadvantages of using wood fuel as a source of power in the farm. (4 marks)

c) Name and explain functions of the main parts of a tractor that make up the transmission system of a tractor. (8 marks)

d) Explain the functions of four secondary tillage implements. (4 marks)

20 marks


a) What causes milk fever in dairy cows? (2 marks)

b) State five symptoms that would show that a cow is suffering from milk fever (5 marks)

c) How would the disease be controlled? (6 marks)

d) Name two other animals that may suffer milk fever. (2 marks)

e) Name five predisposing factors of diseases to livestock. (5 marks)

20 marks


a) Describe the factors a farmer would consider when selecting a young female pig (gilt)

for breeding. (5 marks)

b) Describe five requirements of a deep litter system. (5 marks)

c) Explain five routine management practices done on a calf. (10 marks)

20 marks

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