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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Physics Paper 3

QUESTION 1 (20 Marks)

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You are provided with the following:
− Salt solution in a 250ml container
− Two identical cylindrical 100g masses
− A string
− A metre rule
− Knife edge
− Two pieces of thread.
 Determine the volume V, of one of the masses by using the apparatus provided. Record the volume, V.
V = ………………………………………… (1mark)
Explain how you have determined the volume, V. (1mark)
 (i) Determine the centre of gravity of the metre rule and record it.
Centre of gravity = ……………………………………..(1mk)
(i) Arrange the apparatus as shown in diagram 1 below show that the metre rule is at equilibrium, starting with X = 100mm.
Diagram 1

Measure and record the length, Y. (1mark)
Y =………………………
ii) Repeat procedure a(i) with the following values of X and fill table 1 below.

b) i) On the grid provided, plot a graph of Y (y-axis) against X. (5marks)
ii) Determine the gradient, N, of the graph. (3marks)
iii) The gradient, N, given by the equations N = F/W, where F is the apparent weight of the mass in the salt solution and W is the actual weight of the mass. Calculate the value F and the upthrust, U.
F =………………….. (1mark)
U = …………………. (2marks)
iv) Hence determine the density, p of the salt solution. (2marks)

17 marks

QUESTION 2 (20 Marks)

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You are provided with the following:
− A glass block
− soft board
− a plane paper
− four optical pins
− four paper pins
− a protractor
− a 30cm plastic ruler
a) Fix the plane paper on the soft board using the four paper pins .
b) Place the glass block on the plane paper. Let the glass block rest on the paper from the broader face.
c) T race the glass block using a pencil
d) Remove the glass block.
e) Mark a point X on one of the longer side of the traced glass block as shown in figure 2. Point X should be 2cm from edge A.

e) Construct a normal at X to emerge through line DC. Let this normal meet line DC at point M.
f) Mark point N along the emergent normal 5cm from M.
g) Construct the line NP to meet the normal at N at 90o. Line NP can be about 10cm.
h) Using a protractor, construct an incident ray RX at an angle of incidence = 100. Fix two pins P1 and P2 along RX.
i) Replace the glass block to the traced figure.
j) View the path of the incident ray RX through the glass block using the other two pins P3 and P4. This can be done by
ensuring that the images of P1 and P2 are in a straight line with the pins P3 and P4.
k) Remove the glass block and draw the emergent ray through P3 and P4
l) Measure the distance, d of the emergent ray from point N along line NP as shown in figure 3.

m) Record the corresponding values of d in table 2

n) Repeat the procedure for other values of i. (12marks)
o) Plot a graph of sin2i (y-axis) against d on the grid provided (5marks)
d) Calculate the gradient of the graph. (3marks)

23 marks

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