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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Physics Paper 1

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in this in the spaces provided

A measuring cylinder, water and weighing balance were used to find the density of a stone. The arrangement was as shown in figure 1.

Calculate the density of the stone

3 marks


Using the idea of particle, explain why pressure inside the tyre is increased when it is pumped up.

3 marks


A pick-up of mass 0.4 tonnes is moving at a speed of 3.0m/s, a man jumps onto the pick-up causing its speed to decrease by 0.5m/s. Calculate the mass of the man

2 marks


State one factor that affects the stability of an object.

2 marks


A certain machine raises 2.0 tonnes of water through 22 metres. If the efficiency of the machine is 80%, how much work is done on the machine? (Acceleration due to gravity g = 10m/s2)

3 marks


The figure below shows a pipette used to suck in liquids through part C.

Give a reason why part B ha a larger cross-sectional area than parts A and C

1 marks


The figure shows a metal lid tightly stuck in a glass bottle neck

Explain how the lid can be removed by changing the temperature at the neck if metals expand more than glass for equal temperature rise.

2 marks


A solid displaces 5.5m3 of paraffin when floating and 20.0m3 when fully immersed in it. Given that the density of paraffin is 0.8g/cm3, calculate the density of the solid.

3 marks


A turntable of radius 10cm is rotating at 43 revolutions per second. Determine the linear speed of a point on the circumference of the turntable.

3 marks


The figure below shows two capillary tubes of different sizes dipped in water.

(a) Mark on the diagram the level of water in the capillary tubes. (1 Mark)
(b) Explain the difference in the level of water in the two tubes. (1 Mark)

2 marks


Explain why methylated spirit at room temperature when dropped at the back of the palm makes the palm to feel very cold.

2 marks


A block measuring 20cm by 10cm by 4 cm rests on a flat surface. The block has a weight of 6.0N. Determine The minimum pressure it exerts on the surface.

2 marks

SECTION B (55 Marks)

Answer all questions in this in the spaces provided

(a) Define the relative density of a solid (1 Mark)
(b) In an experiment to determine the relative density of liquid A, the following set up was used.

The distance x of the mass in liquid A was measured for various length, y of an identical mass of equilibrium and a graph of y against x was drawn as shown in the grid below.

(i) Determine the gradient, S, of the graph. (3 Marks)
(ii) If S = 𝐹F/W𝐹𝑊𝑊, where F is the apparent weight of mass in liquid A and W is the actual weight of the mass. Calculate the value of F and the upthrust u. (2Mks)
(iii) Determine the relative density of the liquid a, Given that the weight of the 100g mass in water was 0.9N. (2mks)
(c) A balloon’s fabric weighs 10N and has a gas capacity of 2M3. If the gas in the balloon weighs 2N and air has density 1.29kg/m3, Find the resultant force on the balloon when it is floating in air. (2Mks)

2 marks


a) State Pressure Law (1mark)
(b) The following diagram shows a set up of apparatus used to verify Charles Law.

(i) Give the name of part labelled X (1 mark)
(ii) What is the function of the part named in (i) above? (1 mark)
(iii) Briefly explain how the set up above is used to verify Charles Law (3 marks)
(a) A certain mass of hydrogen gas occupies a volume of 1.6m3 at a pressure of 1.5x1055 Pa and a temperature of 12oc. Determine the volume when the temperature is 00c at a pressure of 1.0x103Pa. (2 marks)

10 marks


A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a vertical tower and strike the ground at a point 50m from the bottom of the tower. Given that the height of the tower is 45m, determine the
(i) time taken by the ball to hit the ground. (3 Marks)
(ii) the initial horizontal velocity of the ball. (3 Marks)
(iii) vertical velocity of the ball just before striking the ground. (3 Marks)

9 marks


(a) State Hooke’s Law (1mark)
(b) The diagram below shows a graph of force against extension for a certain spring.

(i) What is the spring constant of the spring? (2 marks)
(ii) What force would cause two such springs placed side by side to stretch by 10cm. (3 marks)

6 marks


a) State Newton’s second law of motion. (1mark)
b) A body accelerates uniformly from rest to 30m/s in 10s.Find its acceleration. (2marks)
c) A car of mass 800kg moving with a speed of 15m/s crashes into a wall and comes to rest in 0.4 s. Find the :
(i) Impulse (3 marks)
(ii) Average force by the wall (3 marks)
d) A steel ball is released at the top of a tall glass cylinder containing a viscous liquid. Sketch the velocity –time graph for this motion. (2 marks)

11 marks


a) The figure below shows a lift pump.

Explain why, when the piston is
(i) Pulled upwards, valve Q opens while valve P closes. (2mks)
(ii) Pushed downwards, value Q closes while valve P opens. (2mks)
(iii) State two advantages of a force pump over the lift pump. (2mks)
(b) A boy lifts a load of weight 108N through a vertical distance of 3.2N using a pulley system of velocity ratio 2. He applies an effort of 60N. Calculate the;
(i) Work done on the load. (2mks)
(ii) Mechanical advantage of the machine. (2mks)
(c) Give a reason why the efficiency of machine is less than 100%. (1mk)

11 marks

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