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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Geography Paper 1

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

(a) Name two factors that influence wind erosion in arid areas. (2mks)
(b) Name three features resulting from wind erosion in deserts. (3mks)

5 marks


(a) Name two features resulting from extrusive volcanic activity. (2mks)
(b) Give three ways in which vulcanicity has influenced human activities in Kenya. (3mks)

5 marks


(a) List two processes of river erosion. (2mks)
(b) State three factors that influence river erosion. (3mks)

5 marks


(a) The diagram below shows relief rainfall.

(i) Name the areas marked X and Y. (2mks)
(ii) State three characteristics of the region marked Y. (3mks)

5 marks


(a) Name two elements of weather that can be marked at a school weather station. (2mks)
(b) Give three reasons why the recording of data at a school weather station may be inaccurate. (3mks)

5 marks

SECTION B (75 Marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section

(a) Study the map of Migwani (1:50,000) provided and answer the questions.
(i) Give the location of Nzeluni Dispensary using latitudes and longitudes. (2mks)
(ii) State two methods used to represent relief in the area covered by the map. (2mks)
(iii) Name three man-made features in arid and square 9980. (3mks)
(b) (i) Measure the length of the all-weather road bound surface from grid square 9077 to 9073. Give your answer in meters. (2mks)

(iii) Draw a frame 15cm by 10cm to represent the area bound by grid by references 0080 to 1380 and
references 0070 to 1370; on it mark and name
(a) River 1400
(b) Dam
(c) A dry weather road
(d) Conical hill (5mks)
(c) Describe the distribution of settlement in the area covered by the map. (6mks)
(d) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map. (6mks)

25 marks


(a) (i) Give three components of the solar system. (3mks)
(ii) State two theories of the origin of the solar system. (2mks)
(b) (i) Give two dates in a year during which the hours of light and darkness are equal in both the North and South poles. (2mks)
(ii) Why do the length of days and nights vary from one part to the earth to another. (2mks)
(iii) Name two main seasons caused by the revolution of the earth. (2mks)
(c) (i) Explain three reasons why the earth has a spherical shape. (6mks)
(ii) Give two discontinuities in the earth’s atmosphere. (2mks)
(iii) Describe any three characteristics of the troposphere. (3mks)
(iv) Statethree types of high level clouds. (3mks)

25 marks


Study the world map below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) (i) Name the climatic region marked B and D. (2mks)
(ii) Name the ocean currents marked C and A. (2mks)
(b) Describe the characteristics of the vegetation marked T. (6mks)
(c) Explain how the vegetation in the area marked B adapt itself to the climatic conditions. (8mks)
(d) You are required to carry out a field study of the natural vegetation within your local environment

25 marks


(a) (i) Name two component of soil. (2mks)
(ii) Give two ways in which soils are formed. (2mks)
(b) (i) Explain how the following factors influence soil formation.
(i) Climate (4mks)
(ii) Topography (4mks)
(c) (i) Other than soil erosion, state two other ways in which soils way be degenerated. (2mks)
(ii) Briefly explain two effects of soil erosion to human activities. (2mks)
(d) Draw a well labelled diagram of the soil catena. (5mks)
(e) Some geography students intend to carry out a field study of an area under the effect of soil.
(i) Name two types of soil erosion they are likely to identify during the study. (2mks)
(ii) State four soils conservation measures they are likely to recommend to the residents of the stuffy area.(4mks)

25 marks


(a) (i) Identify two fresh water lakes in the Rift valley in Kenya. (4mks)
(ii) Describe how lake Victoria was formed. (4mks)
(iii) Explain three ways in which lake Victoria has modified the climate of the surrounding area. (6mks)
(b) (i) Explain why some lakes in the Rift valley are salines. (6mks)
(ii) Give three processes that lead to formation of lakes. (3mks)
(iii) Give four economic uses of lakes other than transport. (4mks)

25 marks

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