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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Biology Paper 3

Answer all questions.

You are provided with liquid X and substance Q.
(a) Place three drops of liquid X onto a white tile, Add four drops of iodine solution and record your observation. (1 mark)
(b) Pour 2 ml of liquid X into a test-tube. Add equal amount of Benedict’s solution and boil the mixture. Record your
observation. (1 mark)
(c) Label three boiling tubes as set-ups A, B and C. Place 3 ml of liquid X into each of the set-ups.
Divide substance Q into three equal portions.
- To set-up A, add one portion of substance Q and shake.
- Place the second portion of substance Q into a test tube. Add 1 ml of water to it and boil for two minutes. Add it to set-up B and shake.
- To set-up C, add the third portion of substance Q. Add 8 drops of 2 M hydrochloric acid and shake.
Place the three set-ups in a warm water bath maintained at 370C for 40 minutes.
Cool the set-ups by dipping the boiling tubes in cold water.
Place 2 ml of the contents of each set-up into three separate test tubes. Add equal amount of Benedict’s solution to each of three test-tubes and boil. Record your observation.
Set-up A. (1 mark)
Set-up B (1 mark)
Set-up C (1 mark)
(d)Account for your observations in the set-ups;
Set-up A. (1 mark)
Set-up B (1 mark)
Set-up C (1 mark)
(e) Suggest the identity of substance Q. (1 mark)
(f) Give a reason why the temperature of the water bath was maintained at 370C. (2 marks)

11 marks


Below are photographs of specimens obtained from plants. Examine the photographs.

(a) For each of the specimens, name the mode of pollination and the features that adapt the spaciments to the mode of
Specimen R
- Mode of pollination. (1 mark)
- Adaptive features. (2 marks)
Specimen S1
- Mode of pollination. (1 mark)
- Adaptive features. (2 marks)
(b) Label any four parts on specimen R. (2 marks)
(c) Name the structure labeled X on specimen S1. (1 mark)
(d) Using observable features only state two differences between R and S1. (2 marks)
(e) With a reason, name the class of the spermatophyta to which specimen R and S2 belongs.
Specimen R.
Class (2 marks)
Specimen S2.
Class (2 marks)

15 marks


You are provided with specimen P.
(a) Classify the specimen into kingdom and class giving reasons in each case,
Kingdom. (1 mark)
Reason (1 mark)
Class. (1 mark)
Reasons (2 marks)
(b) Describe the external features of one of the leaves of specimen P. (2 marks)
(c) Identify the prominent string-like structure on one of the axils.
(i) Give the identity of the structure (1 mark)
(ii) How is the structure identified in c(i) above suited to its function? (2 marks)
(d) Name the type of response exhibited by the structure above. (1 mark)
(e) Explain why the tip of the structure named in c (i) above appears as it is under its natural ecosystem. (3 marks)

14 marks

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