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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer All the questions in this section in the spaces provided

Name three methods of selecting livestock

1 marks


State four structural requirements if a calf pen.

2 marks


State four practices that farmer should carry out to reduce egg eating in poultry

2 marks


State three mechanical methods of controlling ticks

1.5 marks


Give two physical characteristics of saddle back breed of pigs

1 marks


List two uses of clutch in a tractor

2 marks


State four demerits of live fences.

2 marks


State four qualities of good creep feed.

2 marks


Give three methods of treating timber for building construction

1.5 marks


State three qualities of good livestock ration.

1.5 marks


List two sources of farm power that are environmental friendly.

1 marks


State four factors that would contribute to depreciation of farm tools and equipments.

2 marks


State four practices carried out on the fish before preservation.

2 marks


What is meant by dry cow therapy as used in agriculture

1 marks


Distinguish between pen mating and flock mating in poultry management.

2 marks

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Answer all the questions

Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the method illustrated above (1mk)
(b) Name two alternative methods of obtaining the product other than the one illustrated above (1mk)
(c) State two factors that determine the quality of the product given in the above illustration (2mks)

4 marks


Below is a diagram showing one of the stroke in a tractor engine . Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the stroke ............................................................................................................ (½ mk)
(b). Name the parts labelled (1½ mk)
(c) Briefly describe the stroke in (a) above (2mks)

4 marks


Below is a diagram of farm structure .Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the structure illustrated above. (1½ mk)
(b) Name the parts labelled G, H & K
(c) State two maintenance practices carried out on the farm structure above (2mks)

6 marks


Below is a breeding cycle of a ewe in relation to its feeding use it to answer the questions that follow

(a) Which practices are shown by: -
(b) State two importance of practice (ii) above (2mks)

4 marks


Study the diagram below of a biogas plant and answer the questins that follow.

(a) Name the main component of biogas that is trapped in part L (1mk)
(b) Give the name and use of the materials deposited in part labelled M (1mk)
(c) State two uses of Biogas on the farm (2mks)

4 marks

SECTION C (40 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section

(a) State five reasons for keeping livestock healthy (5mks)
(b) Describe Newcastle disease under the following subheading
(i) Casual organism (1mk)
(ii) Signs of attack (7mks)
(iii) Control measures (2mks)
(c) Describe five microbial activities that take place in the rumen of ruminant animals. (5mks)

20 marks


(a) Outline five advantage of artificial insemination (5mks)
(b) Describe factors that affect digestibility of feed in livestock (5mks)
(c) Describe the differencies between Petrol and diesel engines (10mk)

20 marks


Give five harmful effects of liver flukes in sheep (5mks)
(b) Describe uses of fences in the farm (10mks)
(c) State five functions of water in farm body of dairy animals (5mks)​

20 marks

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