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2015 KCSE Cross Country Mock

Geography Paper 2

SECTION A. (25 Marks)

Answer all the questions in section A

(a) What is wildlife? (1mark)
(b) List two physical problems affecting wildlife in Kenya (2marks)
(c) State the measures being undertaken in East African to manage wildlife (3marks)

6 marks


(a) Name two horticultural crops grown in Kenya (2marks)
(b) State three human factors favouring horticultural farming in Kenya. (3marks)

5 marks


(a) Name two exotic breeds of cattle reared in commercial ranches in Kenya (2mark)
(b) State three environmental conditions which favour commercial beef farming
in Kenya. (3marks)

5 marks


(a) Name two indigenous softwood tree species found in Kenya. (2marks)
(b) State three characteristics of temperate hardwood forests. (3marks)

5 marks


(a) What is energy crisis? (2marks)
(b) State three solutions to energy crisis in the world (3marks)

5 marks

SECTION B. (75 Marks)

Answer question six (6) and any other two from the remaining questions

Comparative line graph

(a) What was the percentage difference between value exports of tea and
horticulture in the year 2000 (1mark)
(b) Explain three factors which may have led to the increased export earnings
from horticulture between 1999-2003 (6marks)
(c) Give two advantages of using comparative line graph to represent statistical
data (2marks)
(d) (i) Describe four physical factors favouring cocoa growing in Ghana
(ii) Outline the stages of Cocoa growing in Ghana from harvesting to
Marketing (5marks)
(iii) State three physical problems facing cocoa farming in Ghana (3marks)

25 marks


(a) (i) Differentiate between land reclamation and land rehabilitation (2marks)
(ii) Name two methods of land rehabilitation in Kenya. (2marks)
(b) The map below shows major irrigation schemes in Kenya. Used to answer
the questions that follow

(i) Name the irrigation schemes marked X,Y & Z (3marks)
(c) (i) Name two crops grown in Perkerra irrigation scheme (2marks)
(ii) Explain three physical factors favouring the establishment of perkerra
Irrigation scheme. (6marks)
(iii) State two solutions to the problems encountered in the scheme (2marks)
(d) Explain four significance of irrigation farming in Kenya. (8marks)

25 marks


(a) State three ways in which minerals occur. (3marks)
(b) Explain how the following factors influence mining: ï‚· Mode of exploitation (2marks) ï‚· Transport system. (2marks)
(c) Use the map of East Africa below to answer questions

(i) Name the minerals found in the areas marked R, S and T.
(ii) Describe deep shaft mining method (6marks)
(d) (i) Name two areas where diamond is mined in South Africa. (2marks)
(ii) Outline the processing of diamond in South Africa. (5marks)
(iii) State two human problems facing diamond mining in South Africa. (2marks)

25 marks


(a) (i) Define fishing (1mark)
(ii) State three factors favouring fishing in L. Victoria (3marks)
(iii) Name two fish species along the Kenya Coast (2marks)
(b) Use the Map of the N-W Pacific fishing ground to answer the questions that

(i) Identify the ocean current marked W and X (2marks)
(ii) Name the major ports marked H and K (2marks)
(iii) Describe how drifting method is employed in marine fishing (5marks)
(c) Compare fishing in Kenya and Japan under the following sub-headings:
(i) Technology (2marks)
(ii) Nature of the coastline (2marks)
(iii) Research (2marks)
(d) Give four conservation measures of fisheries in Kenya (4marks)

25 marks


(a) (i) Define the term energy. (2marks)
(ii) Identify the type of energy from the following sources. (3marks) ï‚· Sun
ï‚· Uranium
ï‚· Wind
(b) (i) Explain three physical factors that have influenced the location of
Owen Falls hydro-electric power project in Uganda. (6marks)
(ii) Explain two benefits of hydro-electric power project to the economies of
East African countries. (4marks)
(iii) A part from Owen falls dams, name two other Hydro-electric power
projects in Uganda. (2marks)
(c) A Mokasa geography class intends to carry out a field study at Olkaria
Geothermal Power Plant.

(i) State two objectives of the study (2marks)
(ii) Give three reasons why a pre-visit would be necessary or their study.(3marks)
(iii) What three follow-up activities are they likely to engage in after the Study? (3marks)

25 marks

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