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2015 KCSE Cross Country Mock

English Paper 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.


Prof Atieno Ndede-Amadi the head of the university’s school of Business at Technical University of Kenya (TUK) and associate professor of information systems and accounting, has embarked on a crusade to convince her peers of the need to introduce information systems (IS) analysis as a complete academic programme. She believes that the course would benefit young people interested in IT, as well as local enterprises that have had to rely on expatriates with the skill.

Prof Atieno’s concern arises from her own study. She established that despite a high demand for information system analysts there weren’t many Kenyans specially trained for the job. As such, companies were hiring outsiders as local universities continued to concentrate on broad range computer science and programming courses, and failing to give much thought to IS analysis.

Information system analysts are trained to evaluate and develop technology systems to help business to run optimally. They identify user and consumer needs and translate them into technology solutions. Despite this critical function, there aren’t many people called IS analysts in the local market, and that’s because the universities here have not been keen to train in this specialization.

“A wide systems analysis skills gap exists in the country due to the absence of strong information system academic programmes in local universities.” Prof Atieno states in her study report which is titled,” Information Systems Education in Kenya: Students Specialization Choice trends.” The work has been published in the International Journal of Education and Development using Information and communication Technology (IJEDICT). The study found that of all the 32 public universities and university colleges studied, none offered an information systems or management information systems degree. Only two degrees came close with four institutions offering a Bachelor of Technology (Business Information Technology) degree in varying combinations, and one university offering a Bachelor in Business Information and Management.

Prof Atieno says that if both students and university heads fully appreciated the value of information systems analysis, they would be more focused on it as an area of study. She actually established in her study that the supply gap of people with the skill is largely a result of ignorance. Globally, a majority of IS programmes within universities are located in business schools, and they have names such a information systems, management information systems, computer information systems, business information systems, or business information technology. An IS degree programme combines business and computing topics, with the emphasis on technical and organizational issues varying from one programme to another, and also from one academic institution to the next. Generally, it bridges business and computer science, using the theoretical foundations of information and computation to study various business models and related algorithmic process within the computer science discipline.

According to Prof Atieno, organizations cannot effectively and efficiently do business without solid IS setups for connecting systems within as well as with its supply chain stake holders, such as vendors and distributors. Yet, many students aren’t aware of the possibility of a career in this field. In fact, the study found that only 11% of those interviewed knew about IS analysis as a possible area of specialization. “Information systems as an academic discipline seems to be largely unknown to high school students in Kenya, making it impossible for them to select it as an area of specialization in their university education,” it states. The net effect is that the level of IS education in the country has suffered, resulting in a deficiency in systems analysis and related skills.

1. What campaigns has Prof Atieno Amadi involved herself in according to paragraph 1 . (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Mention the consequence Kenyans face as s result of lack of personnel in Information
Systems Analysis (1mk)

3. Explain the irony evident in the passage (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Enumerate the functions of an Information System analyst. (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. In your own words write the message in this passage (3mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. What do you think is shocking about the findings of this study (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. What is the tone of the passage? (2mks)


8. i) A wide system analysis skills gap exists in the country due to the absence of strong
information systems. (1mk)
Begin : As a result ……………………………………………………………………………
ii) There weren’t many Kenyans specially trained for the job ( add a question tag) (1mk) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage (4mks)
i) Globally


ii) Specialization


iii) Supply chain stake holders

……………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) Algorithmic processes


20 marks

2.LITERATURE (25 Marks)

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.


GRUSHA (to the CHILD): Noontime is meal time. Now we’ll sit hopefully in the grass,
while he good Grusha goes and buys a little pitcher of milk. (She lays the CHILD
down and knocks at the cottage door. An old man opens it.) Grandfather, could l
have a little pitcher of milk? And a corn cake, maybe?

OLDMAN: Milk? We have no milk. The soldiers from the city have our goats. Go to the
soldiers if you want milk.

GRUSHA: But grandfather, you must have little pitcher of milk for a baby?

OLDMAN: And for a God-bless-you, eh?

GRUSHA: Who said anything about a God-bless-you? (She shows her purse.) We’ll pay
like princes. “Head in the clouds, back side in the water.” (The peasant goes off
grumbling, for milk,
) How much for the milk?

OLDMAN: Three piasters. Milk has gone up.

GRUSHA: Three piasters for this little drop? (Without a word the OLDMAN shuts the door
in her face.
) Michael, did you hear that? Three piasters! We can’t afford it!
(She goes back, sits down again, and gives CHILD her breast.) Suck. Think of
the three pisaters. There’s nothing there, but you think you’re drinking, and that’s
something. (Shaking her head, she sees that the CHILD isn’t sucking any more.
She gets up, walks back to the door, and knocks again.
) Open, grandfather, we’ll
pay. (Softly.) May lightning strike you! (When the OLD MAN appears:) I
thought it would be half a piaster. But the baby must be fed. How about one
piaster for that little drop?


GRUSHA: Don’t shut the door again. (She fishes a long time in her bag.) Here are two
piasters. The milk better be good. I still have two days journey ahead of me. It’s
a murderous business you have here – and sinful, too!

OLD MAN: Kill the soldiers if you want milk

GRUSHA: (giving the child some milk): This is an expensive joke. Take a sip, Micheal, it’s
a week’s pay. Around here they think we earned our money just sitting on our
behinds. Oh, Micheal, Micheal, you’re a nice little load for a girl to take on !
(Uneasy, she gets up; put the child on her back, and walks on. The OLD MAN,
grumbling, picks up the pictcher and looks after her unmoved

SINGER: As Grusha Vashnadze went northward
The Princes’ Ironshirts went after her.

CHORUS: How will the barefoot girl escape the Iron shirts,
The bloodhounds, the trap - setters?
They hunt even by night
Pursuers never tire.
Butchers sleep little.

a) Explain what happens immediately before this extract (3mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) “Revolutions sometimes bring suffering to the common man”. Describe what justifies this
statement in this extract (4mks).

c) As Grusha Vashnadze went Northward, the Princes’ ironshirts went after her. Using the
excerpt and elsewhere in the novel, explain the importance of this mission to the soldiers.


d) What is the attitude of the old man towards the soldiers? (2 mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
e) Explain two character traits of Grusha as brought out in the excerpt (4mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

f) What is the significance of the song in the extract (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
g) Identify and explain two other styles used in the excerpt (4mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
h) It’s a murderous business you have here and sinful too. (Add a question tag). (1 mk) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
i) Give the meaning of the following statements as used in the passage:
I. This is an expensive joke (1mk) ………………………………………………………………………………………….

II. And for a God-bless-you, eh (1mk) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

25 marks


Read the Oral Narrative below and answer the questions that follow.

Long time ago in a certain village there lived a rich healthy woman. Everyone in the village
called her mama. Everybody liked her for her gay and pleasant nature. Her face was ever radiant
as though she cared about nothing in this world. Aside from this, she was very fond of young
children who referred to her as guuku. Mmbone, the old woman, was rather a mystery. Nobody
knew where she came from or who her real family members were. This elicited many rumours
about her origin. Some people believed she was the only survivor of a clan that had been wiped
by a severe drought. Her survival had been secured by her good nature that made the gods spare
her. Another rumour had it that she was hardworking and intelligent enough to keep enough food to last the entire drought period. The most bizarre rumour had it that she was chased away
from a distant clan after killing her neighbours’ child so as to gain potency. All these mysteries
about her notwithstanding, Mmbone’s compound remained a darling of villagers. Though she did
not have children and grandchildren of her own, Mmbone’s compound was always full of
playing children. Whenever she was annoyed, which was rare, she expressed her anger by
rebuking “ Eh…!!..........eeh! Not again you hear me? And as usual her bright face
would come back.

As the children played, she would be busy in her garden trying to plant vegetables, which helped
her in making her ends meet. After a whole day’s work, she would come back home and prepare
food to share with the children who spent the whole day running up and down the field.
After finishing the food, the children would help one another to wash the utensils after which
they would gather around the grandmother to enjoy her stories and songs. The songs and stories
aimed at teaching the children moral values.

“One story was particularly interesting. She told them about how one generous old woman once
faced starvation. She went to the home of the people whose children she had saved from
starvation during a drought. Surprisingly, the woman refused to assist the old woman. This
greatly disturbed her. She however left, singing the following song.

Ndyegu yatsia kutusmu
Akiima umwama
Umwana natsia kusuma
Akiima Ndeygu,
Ngeyegu vava, ukaliranga ki
Ndegegu went to borrow food,
She denied her child
The child went to borrow hers
She denied Ndyegu,
Ndyegu ended up crying
Why then?

With time however the drought ended and the old woman survived. Years down the road,
another drought happened. The mean woman was hard hit. She got scared and ashamed of
going to borrow from the old woman. Seeing the agony of the children of the woman, the old
woman went to her and asked.

‘My daughter, what disturbs you?’

The woman answered,’ Mama, my children are hungry and l have no food to give them.”
Then why don’t you come to ask for some from me?’

The woman replied,’ Mama, I remember the day you came to borrow from me and l turned you
away though l had some food to spare.”

“Don’t worry my daughter. Though you refused to help me, the gods of our fathers fed me. Do
you call me mama for nothing? Come! Take some cassava for my husbands and co-wives. They
don’t have to suffer for your childish mistake!”

The woman took some food home and saved her children.”
During the story time, she showed the children how to dance but did not do it perfectly due to her
advanced age. Regardless of all this, the children gave all their ears to her and benefited from
her wisdom. One day, when she chould not dance with the agility of the children, one naughty
child made fun of her. Instead of rebuking her directly, the old woman said, ‘Utarora nnya
vukana dada yata vustsa tsing’ombe.” She would later smile broadly as she walked back to her
house and parted with the children.

After some time the village was shocked to hear that their beloved ma and grandma had gone
West. Both the children and their parents grieved for long. She was then sent back to her
ancestors, from where she had mysteriously come. Little did the children know that the old
woman’s favorite stories were about her own life.

a) Categorise this tale (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Identify and illustrate three features of oral tales evident in the story (6mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
c) Describe Mmbone’s character (2mks)


d) Identify one social and one economic activivty of the people from which this tale is taken. (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
e) What is the moral lesson of this narrative (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

f) Which proverb would be appropriate to caution against agreed as evident in the story? (1mk) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
g) Why was Mmbone the darling of the villagers? (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
h) State what is achieved through the usage of the song in the tale (3mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

20 marks

4.GRAMMAR (15 Marks)

Answer the following questions.

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each.
i) The weary looking housewife lamented that she did so much housework that by the time
she went to bed she was exhausted. (Change the sentence into direct speech) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) “This comes as a complete surprise”, Mary said, ” but the sudden change of heart is
welcome news”. (change the sentence into indirect speech) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

2 marks


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate prepositions.
i) This boy is unable to distinguish a verb …………………………. a noun.

ii) Janet has cultivated a taste ………………… good music.

2 marks


Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with appropriate personal pronouns.
(i) Mother gave Muiriuki and ……………………………. Some house chores to
complete by midday
(ii) I went to meet my uncle at the bus stop. I noticed him first before he could

2 marks


Supply the appropriate question tag to each of the following sentences. Punctuate them
i) He never goes out with his dog
ii) Let’s take the next bus.

2 marks


Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces
i) The audience was offended by the ……………………. of the main speaker (sense)
ii) The ball …………………………… yesterday (burst)

2 marks


Rewrite the following sentences using a phrasal verb that begins with the word in
brackets and has the same meaning as the word in bold
i) When Philomena received the news of her grandfather’s death, she fainted. (pass) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) It really annoys me when people don’t use proper punctuation marks. (tick) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2 marks


Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions appearing after each.
i) You will succeed in your exams. Just work hard. (Combine the sentences to make a
conditional sentence) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) Maxwell bought…………………………………………… (golden, shiny, round, tiny).
Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the right order.
iii) The principal took pity on the students. He gave them food. (Combine into one sentence using a participle).


3 marks

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