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2015 KCSE Cross Country Mock

Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

List one tool used in tightening barbed wire when constructing a fence.

0.5 marks


State four reasons for maintaining wheelbarrow in the farm.

2 marks


State any four reasons for castrating a goat.

2 marks


a) i) Name any two dairy goats that can be reared by a farmer. (1mk)
b) State any six practices carried out to improve the production of low yielding dairy goat.

4 marks


a) Distinguish between inbreeding and line breeding. (1mk)
b) State any three importance of cross breeding. (1½mks)

2.5 marks


a) Explain the meaning of the term intermediate host as used in livestock production.(½mk)
b) State the intermediate host of liver fluke. (½mk)

1 marks


State any four ways of improving the work output of draught animal.

2 marks


Explain any four reasons why bees swarm away.

2 marks


State any four factors that may lower the quality of honey.

2 marks


State any three factors that may cause early weaning in heifers.

1.5 marks


Give one function of chalazae.

0.5 marks


State four factors that may cause stress in layers.

2 marks


State four ways of stimulating a lactating cow.

2 marks


Give two hormones essential in the process of milk production from a lactating cow.

1 marks


State four predisposing factors in mastitis in a high yielding cow.

2 marks


State any two uses of phosphorus in livestock nutrition.

1 marks


Give four maintenance practices of a tractor battery.

2 marks

SECTION B. (20 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

Identify the tools and equipment drawn below.

i) Identify tools/equipment J, K and L (1½ mks)
ii) State the use of J and K (2mks)
iii) Give one functional similarity between K and L. (1mk)
iv) Give two maintenance practices that should be carried out in too J. (2mks)

6.5 marks


The diagram below shows parts of a plunge dip. Study the diagram and answer the questions that

i) Name parts A, B,C and D (2mks)
ii) Give two reasons why cattle are held for sometime in part C. (2mks)
iii) State four maintenance practices carried out on part D. (2mks)

6 marks


The following diagram illustrates a disease symptom in cattle. Study it carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

a) Identify the disease in cattle with the shown symptoms. (1mk)
b) Give two other causes of the disease named in (a) above. (2mks)
c) Apart from the symptom shown on the diagram, state other two symptoms of the disease.

5 marks


Study the following diagram showing the behaviour of chicks with temperature variations in a

a) Identify part K. ( ½ mk)
b) Describe the behaviour of chicks in X and W (2mks)

2.5 marks

SECTION C. (40 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided

a) Describe the uses of the various tools used in the fixing of barbed wire fence on the posts.
b) Outline eight uses of fences in the farm. (8mks)
c) Describe the functional differences between mouldboard and disc plough. (6mks)

20 marks


a) Outline three factors considered in the siting of a fish pond. (3mks)
b) Describe seven management practices carried out on a fish pond to maximize the harvest.
c) Using the heat method, describe the procedure of processing honey. (10mks)

20 marks


a) Describe the life cycle of a two-host tick. (6mks)
b) Describe how physical methods are used to control ticks in a herd of cattle. (4mks)
c) Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of a ruminant animal. (10mks)

20 marks

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