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2014 Kuria West Mock

Computer Studies Paper 1

SECTION A: (40 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the space provided.

(a) Distinguish between Optical scanners and Magnetic ink scanners. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(b) Differentiate between hardware and software portability. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

4 marks


(a) Explain the difference between digital signal and analog signal in data communication. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(b) Give two ways in which computers are used in communication industry. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

4 marks


(a) Name two special purpose memories found either inside or outside the microprocessor. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

(b) Distinguish between an accumulator and an address register. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

4 marks


Differentiate between formatting and editing as used in word processing. __________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


(a) Distinguish between a paste board and a printable page. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(b) Differentiate between a margin guide and a column guide as used in D.T.P. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

4 marks


(a) Define the term normalization as used in a database design. (1mk) ____________________________________________________________________________
(b) Explain two objective of normalization. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

3 marks


Describe two methods used to secure data in a database. __________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


Explain the meaning of the following terms as used with DTP.
(i) Crop.______________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ Embedded object.______________________________________________________________
(iii) Master page.__________________________________________________________________
(iv) Tool box.____________________________________________________________________

4 marks


Make a clear difference between a Website and Web portals. __________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


State two advantages of using wireless transmission media to connect to the internet. __________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


(a) What is a protocol? (1mk) ____________________________________________________________________________

(b) Write the following in full:
TCP/IP, HTML, HTTP and FTP. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

3 marks


Make a clear difference between Log file and Firewall.


2 marks


Explain the meaning of the terms below as used in data security and controls.
(i) Information security.___________________________________________________________
(ii) Fraud._______________________________________________________________________
(iii) Eavesdropping.________________________________________________________________

3 marks


Make a clear difference between the following information gathering methods.
(a) Observation.__________________________________________________________________
(b) Questionnaire.________________________________________________________________

2 marks


Explain the importance of control structure in program development. __________________________________________________________________________________

1 marks

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer question 16(compulsory) and any other THREE questions from this section.

Mwangi deposits 8500 shillings in a microfinance company at an interest rate of 15% per annum.
At the end of each year, the interest earned is added to the deposit and the new amount becomes
the deposit of that year.
(a) Write an algorithm for a program that would track the growth of the deposits over a period
of five years. (6mks)

(b) Draw a flowchart for above algorithms. (7mks)

(c) List four Selection Controls used in writing a program. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

15 marks


(a) Define the term network topology and explain the two types of topology. (5mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(b) Define the following terms as used with network. (4mks)
(i) Routers _______________________________________________________________
(ii) Repeaters ______________________________________________________________
(c) Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D in the diagram below. (2mks)

A __________________________________________________________________________

B __________________________________________________________________________ C___________________________________________________________________________

D __________________________________________________________________________
(d) Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in signal transmission. (2mks)
(i) Attenuation ____________________________________________________________
(ii) Noise _________________________________________________________________
(e) State two advantages of using fiber optic cables. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

15 marks


(a) (i) Define the term spreadsheet. (1mk) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) Give two examples of spreadsheet packages available in the market today. (2mks) ______________________________________________________________________
(iii) Explain the following terms as used in spreadsheet.
What IF analysis. (2mks)


Cell. (1mk)


Formula. (1mk)


Pie-chart. (1mk)

(b) Distinguish between the following sets of terms used in spreadsheet.
(i) Worksheet and workbook. (2mks) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) Filtering and sorting. (2mks) ______________________________________________________________________
(c) State one way in which a user may reverse the last action taken in a spreadsheet package.(1mk) ____________________________________________________________________________
(d) Distinguish between a Formula and a function as used in spreadsheet. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

15 marks


(a) Describe each of the following data processing methods and give an example of where used.
(i) Online processing _______________________________________________________
(ii) Batch processing ________________________________________________________
(iii) Real-time. _____________________________________________________________
(b) Make a clear difference between: (6mks)
(i) Logical file and physical file _______________________________________________
(ii) Master file and back-p file. ________________________________________________
(iii) Random and indexed sequential file organization methods. ______________________
(c) An organization is facing threats to data integrity. Explain three of how the threats can be
minimized. (3mks) ____________________________________________________________________________

15 marks


(a) Give two reasons why data and information in a computer system needs to be converted to
other number systems other than binary. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(b) Explain two reasons for use of binary in digital technology. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(c) Using ones complement, subtract 17 from 28. (5mks)
(d) Using BCD coding system convert 796 to binary. (5mks)

(e) Differentiate Database administrator and web administrator. (2mks) ____________________________________________________________________________
(f) (i) Define the term accreditation as used in education. (2mks) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) Explain two factors you would consider before enrolling for an ICT course in a
college. (2mks)

15 marks

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