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2014 Kuria West Mock

Chemistry Paper 3

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You are provided with: - Solution B1 containing 3.15g of a dibasic acid represented as H2A dissolved to make 250cm³ of a solution. - Solution B2, 0.2M sodium hydroxide. - Phenolphthalein indicator.
You are required to:
(i) Titrate solution B1 against solution B2. (ii) Determine the molecular mass of the organic acid.

Fill the burette with sodium B1. Add 1 to 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator into the solution in the conical flask and then titrate with solution B1. Pipette 25.0cm³ of solution B2 sodium hydroxide into a conical flask.
Record your results in the table 1 below.


Experiment details123
Final burette reading............
Initial burette reading............
Volume of solution B1 (cm³) ............

(i) Calculate the average volume of solution B1 used. (Show your working clearly).(1mk)
(ii) Write an equation for the reaction between the acid H2A and solution hydroxide.(1mk)
(c) Calculate:-
(i) The concentration of the acid solution B1 in moles per litre. (2mks)
(ii) The concentration of acid B1 in grams per litre. (1mk)

(iii) The relative molecular mass of the acid B1. (1mk)
(d) Given that the formula of the acid is H2A.XH2O. Calculate the value of X.
(H = 1.0, O = 16.0, A = 88.0). (2mks)

8 marks


You are provided with:-
- Acid D, labeled solution D. -

2.0M sodium hydroxide, solution G.

You are required to:-

Determine the:-
(i) reaction ratio between sodium hydroxide and acid D/
(ii) molar heat of neutralization of acid D with the alkali sodium hydroxide (solution G).

Fill a clean burette with solution D. Place 5cm³ of solution D into a 100ml beaker. Measure
the initial temperature of solution D in the beaker and record it in table 2. Using a 10ml or a
50ml measuring cylinder, measure 25cm³ of solution G. Add it to solution D in the beaker
and immediately stir the mixture gently with the thermometer. Record the maximum
temperature reached in table 2. Repeat the experiment with other sets of volumes of
solution D and G and complete the table


Volume of solution D (cm³)5913172125
Volume of solution G (cm³) 2521171395
Maximum temperature (ºC)........................
Initial temperature (ºC)........................
Change in temperature, ΔT (ºC)



(a) On the grid provided, plot a graph of ΔT (vertical axis) against the volume of
solution D. (3mks)

(b) From the graph, determine the volume of solution D which gave the maximum
change. (1mk)

(c) Determine the volume of G that reacted with the volume of solution D in
(b) above. (1mk)
(d) Calculate the:-
(i) reacting ratio between sodium hydroxide and acid D.
(Assume that the volume ratio is the same as the mole ratio). (1mk)
(ii) the number of moles of sodium hydroxide, solution G used. (1mk)
(iii) the molar heat of neutralization between sodium hydroxide and the acid.
(Density of the solution = 1gcmˉ³) sp. ht. capacity = 4.2kJkgˉ¹kˉ¹) (2mks)

9 marks


(a) You are provided with solution Q.
(i) To about 1cm³ of Q add drops of 2.0M sodium hydroxides.


(½ mk)


(½ mk)

(ii) Dip a metallic spatula in solution Q and burn it directly on a non-luminous flame.


(½ mk)


(½ mk)

(iii) To about 1cm³ of Q add three drops of 1.0M barium nitrate solution provided and keep the mixture.


(1 mk)


(1 mk)

(iv) To the mixture in (iii) above add a few drops of 2.0M hydrochloric acid drop wise till in excess.


(1 mk)


(1 mk)

(v) To about 1cm³ of Q add three drops of acidified potassium dichromate (VI) solution.


(½ mk)


(½ mk)

(b) (i) To about 2cm³ of solution B1 in a test tube add 2-3 drops of bromine water.


(1 mk)


(1 mk)

(ii) To about 2cm³ of solution B1 in a test tube add 2-3 drops of acidified of potassium manganate (VII) solution.


(1 mk)


(1 mk)

(iii) To the remaining solution B1 test with both blue and red litmus.


(1 mk)


(1 mk)

8 marks

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