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2014 Kuria West Mock

Art and Design Paper 1

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all the questions in the section in the spaces provided.

(i)The illustration below represent a sculptural form made out of wood state the technique used
to make this sculpture and two main tools used. (3mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________
(ii) State three characteristics of this type of sculpture. (3mks) _________________________________________________________________________________

6 marks


Distinguish colour from a pigment.


1 marks


State one main function of rhythm and movement in a pictorial composition. _______________________________________________________________________________________

1 marks


Name and explain the method in fabric decoration in which printing is done through a surface. _______________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


Identify any two materials that can be used to stiffen clay. _______________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


Distinguish between the materials for making modeling sculpture from those of construction. _______________________________________________________________________________________

1 marks


State two important characteristics of copper wire as a material for making ornaments. _______________________________________________________________________________________

2 marks


(i) Below is a method of presenting works of Art and Design. State the method. (1mk)
(ii) Name two materials required in the making of the above work. (2mks) ________________________________________________________________________________

3 marks


Explain the term warp faced plain weave as used in weaving. _______________________________________________________________________________________

1 marks


Identify the road sign illustrated below.

1 marks

SECTION B (25 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions from this section in the spaces provided.

In the spaces provided below construct the word. Expanded in block letters to illustrate this concept.

5 marks


(i) Define the term glaze as used in pottery. (1mk) _______________________________________________________________________________________
(ii) State two functions of glaze in pottery work. (2mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________

(iii) Explain three important points in the throwing technique. (3mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________

6 marks


(i) Define the term mono print. (1mk) _______________________________________________________________________________________
(ii) Give at least two examples of mono print works. (2mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________
(iii) Give two reasons why a flag is considered as a work of graphics. (2mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________

5 marks


In the spaces provided below sketch an elderly male figure walking with the aid of a walking stick.

5 marks


(i) State the type of pictorial composition illustration above. _______________________________________________________________________________________
(ii) Identify two characteristics of the work. (2mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________
(iii) Identify two other works related to the work illustrated above. (2mks) _______________________________________________________________________________________

5 marks

SECTION C (5 Marks)

Answer any one question in this section. Write your answer in the spaces provided after question.

(a) Differentiate an ornament from a jewellery. (1mk)
(b) State and explain five factors that should be considered in designing ornaments. (10mks)

(c) Define the following terms as used in ornament making. (2mks)
(i) Annealing.
(ii) Soldering.
(d) Explain two roles of ornaments in the African traditional society. (2mks)

15 marks


(a) Identify two types of designs that can be produced in Batik. (2mks)
(b) State another technique related to batik and give a reason to your answer. (3mks)
(c) State and explain three importance of using a double container in batik. (6mks)
(d) Briefly explain how you would remove wax from a batik piece made for a blouse. (2mks)
(e) Explain how you would identify a batik piece work. (2mks)


15 marks


(a) Define the term perspective. (2mks)
(b) Using birds eye view illustrate a traditional village. (13mks)

15 marks

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