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2014 Kakamega County Mock

English Paper 1


Follow the instructions below.

A friend of yours is organizing a get together. She is required to prepare a dish for
five guests. E-mail her a recipe of your favourite dish.

20 marks

2.CLOZE TEST (10 Marks)

Read the passage below and fill the blanks with the most appropriate word.

Discipline is defined as ___________process of training or control, often using a system ________________punishment aimed at obeying the rules. To many people, discipline is connected ______________________punishment, reprimand and fear. If this attitude is ___________________towards discipline, it will indicate negative values in your people. It must be remembered that punishment ______________from bad behaviour should be aimed ___________________correcting the wrong action. If correction is not _______________then

The purpose of discipline is lost. Discipline should be regarded as a positive element ______________

should be connected with corrective measures. Discipline is the ____________important component of running an educational institution. No progress ___________be made without it.

10 marks

3.ORAL SKILLS (30 Marks)

Answer the questions that follow.

place the appropriate stress markers on the underlined words in the following sentences to show whether they are nouns or verbs
i) protest that I did not protest …………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) progress until your teacher gets satisfied with your progress …………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) Transport everything. The manager will decide what means of transport he will

3 marks



I had a dream last night, I dreamed
I had to pick a mother out
I had to choose a father too
At first, I wondered what to do,
There were so many there, it seemed,
Short and tall and thin and stout
But just before I sprang a wake
I knew that parents I would take
And this surprised and made me glad
They were the ones I always had
i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem (2mks)

ii) What makes the poem easy to remember? (2mks)

iii) Which word will you stress in line 7 and why (2mks)

6 marks


Arrange the following words the way they would appear in a dictionary.
Thwart, Thurible, Thy, thwack, Thump, Thunder

2 marks


From the following list pick 5 pairs of homophones (words with similar pronunciation
same sounds but different spellings (5mks)


5 marks


Identify from list below and then group together words that share the same underlined
vowel sound


5 marks


Your grandmother is a good story teller. She likes to tell different folk tales. On one
occasion she narrated the story of the hare, the Antelope and Rhinoceros. You identified the
story as a trickster story.
Name any three characteristics of the trickster stories

3 marks


Imagine that you are the form four class representative. A play based on a set text is
being staged at the Kenya national theatre. The class decides that they must go to watch it.
They send you to the Principal for permission and financial support. Taking into account the
principals of good negotiation skills, complete the following conversation.
Principal: Come in please. Good morning, Olwenda.
Olwenda: (1) __________________________________________

Principal: Well, what can I do for you?

Olwenda:(2) _____________________________________________________________________

Principal: The school does not have a budget for that activity. So maybe you shouldn’t go.
Olwenda:(3) __________________________________________________________________

Principal: Well, I’ll talk to your English teachers separately. I can give you the school
bus, but it seats only 40, and I believe the two streams have a total of 80. We
would need to hire another bus, have you worked out the total budget?
Olwenda:(4) _____________________________________________________________________

Principal: You say you need Ksh.8000/= for lunch and Ksh.6000/= for hiring an extra
bus. But don’t forget we will need another Kshd.3000/= to fuel the bus. This
gives us a total of Kshs.17, 000/=. I don’t have that kind of money.
Olwenda:(5) _____________________________________________________________________

Principal: Okay. The matter is settled, the school is giving you Ksh.8000/=. I will also
give the English teachers who will accompany you an imprest for lunch.
Olwenda: (6) _____________________________________________________________________

6 marks

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