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Christian Religious Education Paper 2


a) Show how prophet Isaiah presented the servant of Yahweh.

i. The servant will succeed in his work and will be highly honoured.

ii. His success will surprise many.

iii. The servant was despised and rejected by men.

iv. The servant had nothing attractive nor beauty to be desired.

v. The servant was wounded and bruised for our sins.

vi. The servant endured all suffering in humility/he did not react/opened his mouth not.

vii. The servant was judged and treated like a criminal yet innocent.

viii. It was God’s will for the servant to suffer.

ix. The servant’s death is a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.

x. Through servant’s suffering, human beings are reconciled with God.

xi. The servant was buried in a rich man’s tomb. (open ended)
b) Outline seven important ideas that come out of the Bendictus (Luke 1:67-80)
i. God is the redeemer and visits his people ii. God has brought salvation/savior from the house of David.

iii. God fulfills his promise/faithful to his people.

iv. God is holy/to be served in holiness

v. John would be called the prophet of the most high

vi. John would prepare the way for the lord/forerunner.

vii. John would give knowledge of salvation to his people

viii. John would light to the people in darkness

ix. John would guide people into the way of peace. (closed ended)
c) Give six reasons why children should take part in church activities
i. They are made in the image of God.

ii. To follow the example of Christ who went to synagogues/temple

iii. To prepare them for future roles as leaders.

iv. To teach them religious beliefs/practices.

v. To lay foundation for children’s morals early in life.
vi. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God belongs to children/he appreciated blessed children

vii. For continued growth of the church

viii. To help develop/improve talents

ix. To give an opportunity to socialize with others.

x. To help them spend their leisure time positively.(closed ended)

20 marks


a) Give four teachings of John the Baptisist on social justice

i. John advised on sharing with the needy/practical charity/compassion e.g. he who has two coats to share.

ii. John taught on fairness and honesty in their dealings/not being corrupt e.g. tax collectors not to collect more.

iii. Not to abuse/misuse their power by robbing violently on false accusation/to be contented with their wages e.g. soldiers.

iv. Taught on sexual morality e.g. he condemned King Herod for taking his brother’s wife Herodius .
b) Relate the Healing of centurion’s servant Luke 7:1-10
i. A centurion was a Roman army officer who was in charge of a hundred soldiers

ii. This centurion was working under Herod Antipas.

iii. His servant who was very dear to him got very sick.

iv. The centurion was a person who commanded a lot of respect.

v. He sent Jewish leaders to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant

vi. Jesus consented to his request

vii. The centurion told Jesus that he (Jesus) was so great to his house and said that he the

(centurion) commands and it’s done similarly let Jesus command and the servant will be healed.

viii. Jesus spoke and the servant was healed. ix. Jesus was very pleased by the centurion’s faith.
c) Identify five ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
i. Christians pray/preach for the sick.

ii. Laying hands on the sick/anointing them/any other miracle healing

iii. Providing guidance and counseling services.

iv. Constructing hospitals/health centres/rehabilitation centres.

v. Providing preventive/curative drugs/treating the sick.

vi. Paying medical services for the sick

vii. Producing/dissiminating literature/electronic media on health issues.

viii. Preaching against evil/causes of ailments that interfere with good health.

ix. Providing food/clothing/shelter/finances to the sick/needy.

x. Visiting the sick
xi. Training medical personnel

xii. Educating through seminars/workshops/school curriculum.

20 marks


a) With reference to the parable of the lost son, explain four teachings about God (Luke 15:11-32) (8mrks)

i. God is the provider; demonstrated when the father gave his son on the share of his property.

ii. God forgives sins; demonstrated when the father forgave his son

iii. God rejoices when a sinner repents, the father rejoiced when the son came back.

iv. God loves; when he prepared a party for his son when the son came back.

v. He is merciful and compassionate

vi. God is always looking for lost sinners

vii. God always urges sinners to repent. (4 x 2 =8mrks)
b) Mention five actions taken by the Jewish leaders to ensure Jesus was crucicified. (Luke 22:39ff 23:1-25) (5mrks)
i. Paid Judas the Iscariot to betray him

ii. Bought false witnesses to accuse him of blasphemy

iii. Tried him at night before people knew what was happening/arrested him at night

iv. Framed a treason charge against him

v. Forced Pilate to accept to sentence him to death

vi. Organized a mob to shout for the crucification of Jesus and release of Barnabas. (closed ended) (4 x2=8mks)
c) Outline the lessons Christians learn from Jesus experience at mount Olives (Luke 22:39-46) (7mrks)
i. They should be prayerful

ii. They should put God’s will first

iii. Prayer helps one to overcome temptations

iv. They should depend on God for strength

v. Should encourage each other in their weaknesses

vi. Should be ready to suffer for God’s sake

vii. Should be watchful/alert for enemy strikes when least expected

viii. Need to have close friends/associates that one can lean on. (closed ended) (7 x 1 =7mrks)

20 marks


a) Explain how the use of the holy spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth (8mrks)

i. There was competition in speaking in tongues

ii. Some people thought that they were more important since they could speak in tongues

iii. Worship sessions became noisy and disorganized

iv. Not all speaking in tongues could interpret the message

v. There was confusion and disorder (4 x 2 =8mrks) (Open ended)
b) Give seven gifts of the holy spirit as outlined by St.Paul (7mrks)
i. Wisdom ii. Knowledge

iii. Faith

iv. Healing

v. Performing miracles

vi. Prophecy

vii. Distinguishing spirits

viii. Speaking in tongues

ix. Interpretation of tongues. (7 x1=7mks) (closed ended)
c) Give five characteristics of love as taught by St. Paul 1cor 13:4-8 (5mrks)
i. Love is patient

ii. Love is kind

iii. Love is not jealous

iv. Love is not arrogant or rude

v. Love is not irritable or resentful

vi. Love is not easily angered

vii. Love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices in truth

viii. Love always protects, trusts, hopes and endures.

ix. Love never ends. (5 x 1 =5mrks)(closed ended)

20 marks


a) Identify seven life skills that were imparted in young growing youth in

traditional African society to practice responsible sexual behavior. (7mrks)

i. Self awareness ii. Self esteem i

ii. Assertiveness

iv. Effective decision making

v. Critical thinking

vi. Creative thinking vii. Negotiation skill/effective communication

viii. Coping with emotions and stress

ix. Friendship formation and maintenance

x. Non-violent conflict resolution

xi. Empathy
b) State the Christian teachings on human sexuality (7mrks)
i. Sex is a gift from God i.e. male and female he created them
ii. Male and female are equal before God i.e. he created them in his own image and likeness.

iii. Sex is only allowed in marriage life i.e. for procreation and love. i

v. Virginity is highly valued and whoever defiles a virgin faces punishment.

v. Irresponsible sexual behavior e.g. lesbianism, adultery, incest in Leviticus is forbidden for body is God’s temple.

vi. Man and woman are created for mutual help and companionship i.e. complementary roles.

vii. Husband and wife must not deny one another sex/conjugal rights except on mutual understanding

e.g. during God’s work

viii. Sex is sacred/holy.
c) Identify six ways in which responsible parenthood is manifested in our society today (7mrks)
i. Training/teaching their children in religious/spiritual matters.

ii. Helping them grow intellectually/provision of formal education

iii. Teaching them morals and good virtues of socialization

iv. Teaching them the significance of work and its virtues

v. Correcting and instilling discipline in their children with love.

vi. Appreciating/rewarding good deeds from children

vii. Love all their children without discrimination

viii. Teach them civic and social responsibilities

ix. Providing them with basic needs e.g. food, shelter,clothing

x. Being good role models.

20 marks


a) State secular perception of work (7mrks)

i. Depends on level of education i.e. higher the education level the higher the salary

ii. Job market/opportunities are over limited on career one wishes to be.

iii. People have learnt to do available jobs in order to survive however indignified e.g prostitution

iv. Work is competitive commodity forcing people to engage in corruption to get or maintain it.

v. Work is divided into different levels hence each worker expects/wants to move to higher level.

vi. Work is impersonated hence the worker is not known by name but by a certain number and departments of work.

vii. Personal fulfillment/satisfaction/enjoyment in doing work is gone making people to despise or ignore certain jobs. (open ended )
b) Discuss the church and state relationship in Kenya today (8mrks)
i. Church and state have come together in providing education. Many churches have established colleges,

schools and universities/writing syllabus.
ii. The state relies on church advice on various issues including democracy/leadership/governance

iii. The church continues to preach peace, love and unity and need for citizens to be law abiding.

iv. The church mobilizes citizens to adopt government policies like campaign against HIV/AIDS.

v. The church and the state are involved in the rehabilitation of prisoners.

The government isolates law breakers, the church counsels/preaches to them in prison.

vi. The church has been donating food and clothing during disaster/abandoned children and the aged cared for.

vii. Religious leaders offer prayers during important government functions such as holidays

viii. Both church and state educate citizens on the meaning/importance of constitution.

ix. Christians provide employment and pay government taxes.

x. The state allocates land for construction of churches.
c) Give five ways in which the church can promote self employment (5mrks)
i. Open more technical institutes for masons, technicians etc.

ii. Provides Guidance and Counseling for positive attitude to work i

ii. Enhance sense of responsibility in work

iv. Helping/providing them with necessary equipments

v. Helps them find market for finished goods

vi. Organizes in service courses for self employed to improve quality of their products.

vii. Organizes communal self help projects.

viii. Helps them in obtaining premises for their business. (closed ended) (5 x1=5mks)

20 marks

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