English Paper 1 Marking Scheme
English Paper 1
Congragulation note and Invitationa) Format- 2mks
Language – 2 marks
Content -6 marks
- It must be a note. If not -2AD
- Must have date / address
- Should state clearly what the receipt has achieved i.e. graduated with first class Honours
- Must have salutation i.e. Dear aunt
- Should wish the aunt well i.e. good health, employment, scholarship etc
- Must be written in informal tone
- Must have writers name Max 6pts
b) Must be a note
- Must have date /address
- Must have salutation
- Should clearly state purpose of invitation i.e. attend prize giving day
- Should mention
– date
-Place /venue
- Must have senders name NB: Tone must be informal
20 marks
2. CLOZE TEST (10 Marks)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.1. OF 6. an
2.many /most 7. behind
3. not 8. their
4. detected 9. get
5. cross 10. Also
1 mk each -No mark for wrong spelling/ punctuation
10 marks
3. ORAL SKILLS (30 Marks)
a) Silent letters
i) Basically
ii) coup
iii) rue
iv) comb ½ mk each =2mks
½ mark each =5mks
c) Curtsy who ________________a girl /woman ½ mk
who ________________Greeting / receiving / Giving a gift to a senior person ( ½ mk
Bow who ____________man / woman / boy ½ mk
When ___________________ Greating /showing respect / Receiving / giving an award ( ½ mk
i) The narrator is likely to have used the following
- facial expressions
- Dramatization
- Tonal variation
- Mimicry
- Gestures
- Body movement Accept any 5 pts with appropriate illustrations from the narrative 1x5 5mks
ii) The sound technique is alliteration going to go sound /g/ is repeated (1mk)
iii) Crocodile is ashamed | embarrassed that he has been outwitted by monkey (2mks
ei) Before an interview
- Ensure you have arranged documents in the right order
- Switch off mobile phone
- Pray
- If anxious can breath in and out
Accept any 3 relevant points
ii) Avoid the following
- Answering / Responding to questions one does not understand
- Giving incorrect information
- Fidgeting in the chair
- Using informal language Any 2pts – 2 mks
f) i) Wound 1a The clock was wound several times
b) I have a wound on my knee minute
1a) This assignment will be done in a minute
b) There are minute organisms in the blood NOTE
- If word form is changed awarded O
- Award zero if one sentence is wrong / difference in meaning is un clear
g) The students: / audience -are bored /disinterested in topic - hungry - indisciplined Any 2pts 1mk each
The speaker
- Is inaudible
- Irrelevant
- Poor mastery of content
- Fails to establish rapport with audience
- Uses difficult language Any 2 relevant pts. Award 1 mark each
20 marks