Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Marking Scheme
Christian Religious Education Paper 1
- a) Outline seven attributes of God portrayed in the Genesis stories of creation.
- God is all powerful/omnipotent
- He is the creator
- He is a spirit
- He is orderly/perfect
- He is self existent/everlasting
- He commands/moral
- He is everywhere/omnipresent
- He is all knowing/omniscient.
- He is the provider/sustainer
- He is holy
- He is the source of goodness.
- God is loving.
b) State seven effects of sin on Adam and Eve as is found in Genesis 3.
- Both Adam and Eve realized they were naked
- They became ashamed/embarrassed.
- They hid from God /feared to face God.
- The woman was to experience pain in child bearing.
- Adam was made to rule over Eve
- Adam was to toil/sweat in order to eat
- Death was introduced in their lives
- They were chased from the Garden of Eden/separated from God.
- They started blaming each other /developed mistrust.
- They lost authority over the other creation
- There developed enemity between them and the serpent.
c) What are the remedies of evil in the traditional African society?
- Respecting parents and elders
- Wearing of protective charms
- Offering sacrifices to appease God, spirits and ancestors.
- Carrying out purification ritual
- Punishing of the offenders
- Strict observance of customs and traditions of the community.
- Consulting religious specialists to determine the cause.
20 marks
- a) Explain four characteristics of a covenant demonstrated in the covenant between God and Abraham. (8mrks)
- A covenant is made between two parties who enter into a mutual agreement. God and Abraham were the two parties that entered into a mutual agreement.
- A covenant has an outward sign; Abraham was to circumcise all his male children.
- In a covenant, promises are made; God made several promises of what he would do for Abraham.
- The covenant is solemnized through rituals/ceremonies. Abraham offered animals/birds as a sacrifice to God.
- A covenant has conditions/obligations to be met; the covenant between God and Abraham was not to be broken. It bound even his descendant’s generations later.
- During covenant making, there were witnesses. God as the sole initiator passed through the sacrifice as a witness.
- A covenant is sealed. It was sealed through the blood of animals.
- Mark for mention
- Mark for explanation.
b) Outline five instructions given to Abraham by God concerning circumcision.
- God commanded Abraham to circumcise himself and all other males of his family.
- Circumcision was to be done on the eighth day after birth.
- It was to be a continuous practice among the Jews/generational.
- It was to serve as a sign of the covenant for the people.
- It was to be a compulsory practice.
- All male servant and foreigners living in Abraham’s house were to be circumcised.
c) What lessons do Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to circumcise his son Isaac?
- They should obey God.
- They should have faith in God.
- They should be pre pared to face difficult situations.
- They should be patient and wait upon God/should not give up.
- They should be ready to give up everything for God/be totally committed to God.
- They should involve family members in worship.
- They should be wise when dealing with issues affecting their lives.
- They should serve God because he blesses those who are ready to serve him.
20 marks
- a) Give five activities of king Jeroboam that made the Israelites in the Northern kingdom to turn away from God.
- He himself worshipped idols.
- He made golden calves/idols and placed them at Bethel and Dan.
- He made Bethel and Dan centre’s of worship/alternative places of worship.
- He chose priests who didn’t belong to the family of Levi.
- He instituted religious festivals unlike those found in Judah.
- He built other places of worship on hilltops/shrines.
- He stopped the Israelites from going to worship in Jerusalem which was against the law.
b) Explain five challenges faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel.
- There was widespread idolatry among the Israelites.
- There was religious persecution and hostility passed by Jezebel.
- There was increased corruption and people had rejected the covenant way of life.
- He had to face King Ahab and challenge him for misleading the people.
- People were practicing syncretism.
- There were many false prophets in Israel who had been brought by Jezebel to promote false religion.
- He had to convince the people that he was a true prophet of Yahweh
- He had to prove Yahweh as the true God by holding a contest on Mt. Carmel
- He had to endure hardships in the wilderness.
c) Outline five teachings that Christians learn about God from the Mt. Carmel contest.
- He is more powerful than false gods.
- He is the only true God.
- God should be worshipped.
- He is faithful / answers prayers.
- He is a jealous God.
- He is just/he punishes evil.
- He is a merciful God.
- He is omnipresent. 5x1=5mrks
20 marks
- a) What are the similarities between traditional African seers and Old Testament prophets?
- Both were mediators between God and the people.
- They both warned people of impending dangers.
- Both had supernatural experiences through dreams, visions and trances.
- Both were people of high moral integrity.
- Both could be consulted and they helped to settle disputes.
- Both led people in performing religious rituals.
- Both condemned social injustice.
b) Give seven reasons why Israel would face Gods judgments according to the teachings
of prophet Amos.
- They practiced idolatry which annoyed God.
- They practiced hypocrisy/insincere in worship.
- Sexual immorality was rampart especially in the temple.
- The rich sold the poor into slavery
- The rich led luxurious lives at the expense of the poor.
- There was robbery with violence
- They practiced syncretism.
- There was cheating in business whereby the poor were exploited.
- There was bribery and corruption in law courts.
- Political leaders put their trust in alliances with other nations other than God.
c) State ways in which Christians can avoid God’s punishment.
- Obeying all commandments of God.
- Preaching the good news of Jesus.
- Condemning evil in the society
- Being prayerful
- Showing love by assisting the needy
- Avoiding being tempted and tempting others
- Worshipping God in sincerity
- Believing in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Repenting their sins and forgiving others.
20 marks
- a) With reference to Jeremiah 1:4-19, state the different responses Jeremiah made to God during his call.
- He was reluctant to take up the call arguing that he did not know how to speak.
- He was afraid
- He was not ready
- He felt immature because he was young
- He had a dialogue with God
- He saw two visions with the call which changed his attitude toward his mission.
- He accepted to be sent after God assured him of protection.
b) Explain four factors that led Nehemiah to engage in prayer.
- A feeling of compassion for the ruined state of Jerusalem city.
- The need for favor from the king in order to return to Judah
- The need for the rich to change their hearts so as not to exploit the poor.
- To seek protection from God against his enemy.
- The need to be strengthened following the plot to kill him.
- To plead with God not to destroy the temple following its defilement by Tobiah.
- To be given guidance to assign duties to the priests after their
- The need to punish Sanballet for marrying a foreigner yet he was a priest.
c) What is the importance of prayers in the life of a Christian today?
- It enables one to gain power over temptation.
- It enables one to give thanks to God.
- It expresses once obedience before God.
- Enables one to ask for protection.
- One is able to intercede for others.
- So as to praise/ glorify/ exalt God.
- One is able to communicate with God.
- In order to acknowledge God as the provider of everything.
- One is able to communicate with God.
- It expresses humility.
20 marks
- a) Explain why the initiates are secluded for a period of time in traditional African communities.
- To facilitate the healing process of initiates.
- To teach the moral values.
- To facilitate proper feeding for them
- The isolation is rebirth from childhood to adulthood.
- To enable them adjust to the new independent life.
- It promotes social interaction and the formation of age-set system.
- To learn the secrets of the community.
b) Identify seven changes that have taken place in initiation rites today.
- The rites are less elaborate.
- Some initiation rites have been abandoned e.g. removal of teeth.
- Times for initiation have been shifted due to formal schooling.
- The age for initiation has been shifted from adolescent to young children.
- Many prefer to go to hospital for circumcision.
- It is carried out at family level not command in most cases.
- Female circumcision has been outlawed.
- Some communities have adopted initiation rites from others.
c) How are the youth prepared for adult life in the church in Kenya today?
- They are assigned duties to perform.
- They are taught adult roles.
- They are given guiding and counseling
- Some are appointed to leadership positions.
- Those who go against Christian teachings are punished.
- They are helped to identify marriage partners.
- They’re baptized hence recognized
- They form social group to promote social skills.
20 marks