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Islamic Religious Education Paper 1


A) Quran can be defined as a speech of Allah sent down to Prophet Muhammed through

Angel Jibriel as a guidance to mankind. 2 marks

B) -Quran acts as the first source of Islamic Sheriah.

-Quran acts as a source of knowledge to the Muslims.

-Quran has shown mankind the path of repentance.

-Quran is used in taking oaths and swearing.

-Quran is used as a source of reference to those who do research.

-Quran is used/recited in the daily prayers.

-Quran is used for spiritual growth and meditating to Allah.

-Quran is sued in propagating Islam. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

C)i) Revealation through inspiration.

-This refers to having good ideas as from God by which the actual words

of Allah are conveyed in human language.

E.g.-An inspiration to Muhammad before prophet hood to assist the Arabs to

return the black stone to the Qaabah after renovating it.

ii) Revealation behind a veil -This is a direct speech with God behind a veil of fire.

Example of revealation behind a veil is Prophet Musa who spoke to God directly

at Mount Sinai when he was receiving the Ten Commandments.

-Prophet Muhammad spoke to Allah directly when he was at the

1st heaven to receive the five daily prayers.

-Nabii Adam when he was commanded to name the creations in paradise.

iii) Revealation through dreams or vision

-This is a mode through which Allah’s message reaches His servants through dreams.

-Example is Prophet Ibrahim who dreamt that he was slaughtering his son Ismail.

-Prophet Yusuf when he dreamt that he saw eleven stars, the son and the moon prostrating unto him.

iv) Revealation through a messenger.

-This is when Prophet Muhammad received Allah’s message through Angel Jibriel. 12 x 1 =12mks

20 marks


A -Adultery and formication is a sin and those found guilty of them should be punished.

-Muslims should always repent to Allah for the sins they commit.

-Muslims should avoid accusing chaste women.

-Muslims should not make oaths on false information.

-Muslims should always produce witnesses whenever they present information.

-Allah will punish those who don’t repent.

-Muslims should not bear witness on false obligations.

-Muslims should not follow the footsteps of shartan .

Allah curses those who slander chasty women.

-Muslims should not enter people’s houses without permission.

-Muslims should give salutation whenever they enter people’s houses.
-Muslims should establish regular prayers and give charity.

-Muslims should obey the prophet and all his commandments. 8 x 1 = 8 marks

B -Being clean from all impurities before touching the Holy Quran.

-Placing/storing the Holy Quran on clean places.

-Read the Quran in a good voice.

-Say Bismillah before reciting the Holy Quran.

-Recite a dua after reciting verses of the Holy Quran.

-Ensure that nothing is placed on top of the Holy Quran.

-Seek for Allah’s refuge before any recitation.

-Performing Sijdat-ul-tilawa whenever one reads/recites the word Isjuduu

or Wasjud from the Quran.

-Seek for Allah’s mercy when reading a verse containing a threat.

-Face Qiblah when reading the Holy Quran.

-Consider a sense of respect and humility when reciting the Quran.

-Ask for Allah’s forgiveness when reciting a verse containing a promise. 8 x 1= 8 marks

C -It leads to preservation of the Quran.

-It helps in safeguarding the Quran from any distortions.

-Quran acts as a shifaa to those who memorize it on the day of judgement.

-It helps in understanding the content of the Holy Quran

C -It leads to preservation of the Quran.

-It helps in safeguarding the Quran from any distortions.

-Quran acts as a shifaa to those who memorize it on the day of judgement.

-It helps in understanding the content of the Holy Quran.

-Quran memorizers are highly valued in the society and they mostly get study

scholarships in many institutions of learning.

-Memorization of the Quran earns an individual rewards. 4 x 1 = 4 marks

20 marks


A i) Qaul -This refers to the record of the sayings of the prophet.

ii) Fill -This refers to the record of the deeds of the prophet.

iii) Taqriir -This refers to the record of the silent approvals done by the prophet’s companions.

iv) Sulifaat-This refers to the attributes of the prophet. 8 x 1 = 8 marks

B-To destroy Islam and its leadership i.e the prophet’s image.

-To bring conflicts within the Muslim community.

-Some people invented false Hadith to save the religion of Islam.

-Some pious Muslims also fabricated Hadith with the purpose to create

fear of the day of judgement among the believers.

-Some people invented false hadith to earn respect, fame and monetary benefits.

-Some people invented false hadith to praise their leaders,

imams and condemn their opponents.

-They fabricated Hadith to support their opinions/judgements. 5 x 1 = 5 marks

C -Sahih Bukhari

-Sahih Muslim

-Sunan-Abuu Dauda


-Sunan ibn Majah

-Sunan An –Nasai

-Al-Kafii -Man La Yshdhiribul-Al-Faqih





20 marks


A -Angles are made of light/Nuur -Angles are sinless.

-Angels are always obedient to Allah’s laws.

-Angles neither eat nor drink.

-Angels are neither male nor female. 4 x 1 =4 marks

B Yaumul-Baath – Day of resurrection.

Yaumul-Aakhir – The last day.

Yaumul Hisaab – Day of accounting

Yaumul Mahshaar- Day of assembling

Yaumul –Diin – Day of judgement 5 x 1 = 5 marks

C Adam - Ibrahim - Issa - Dhul-Kifl - Muhammad

Idrees - Lut - Yusuf - Daud - Musa

Nuh - Ismail - shuaib - Suleiman - Issa

Hud - Ishaq - Ayub - Ilyaas

Swaleh - Ya’aqub - Harun - Yunus 7 x 1= 7 marks

D -It makes Muslim surrender all his life to Allah.

-Shahada instills in a believer a high degree of self-upset and confidence.

-It makes a believer to be humble and modest and never be arrogant and he/she knows

that Allah is the controller of everything. -Shahada makes a believer to be contented.

-Shahada makes a believer to be patient and persevering. 4 x 1 = 4 marks

20 marks


A i) Najasat-ul-Mukhafafa-This means light Najis e.g. urine of a baby who feeds on milk only.

ii) Najasatul –Mutawasita-This means medium Najis e.g. blood, urine, vomit e.t.c

iii) Najasatul- Mughaladhula – This means heavy Najis e.g dog and pig.

B -One should enter with the left leg.

-One should recite a dua before entering the toilet.

-One should not utter Allah’s name when in the toilet.

-A woman neither face qibla or turn his/her back to qiblah when releaving him/herself.

-One should clean her/himself with clean water or wet toilet paper or three stones when there is no water.

-One should not releave oneself in private.

-One should come out of the toilet with the right leg first.

-One should recite a dua after coming out of the toilet. 8 x 1 = 8 marks

C -The dress should be clean and free from all impurities.

-The dress should cover all body parts apart from the face and the arms.

-The dress should not be tight fitting.

-The dress should not resemble the dress of people of other faiths.

-The dress should not be transparent.

-The dress should not resemble that of men. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

20 marks


A -Pilgrimage to the house of God is one of the major pillars of Islam and whoever performs it earns rewards.

-Pilgrimage helps to build the unity of Muslims.

-Performance of Hajj shows commitment and sincere love of Muslims towards Allah.

-Hajj is a tiring exercise and so it reflects the perseverance and patience of Muslims.

-The Ihraam garment during Hajj signifies equality of Muslims.

-The stoning of the three pillars shows the Muslims readiness to shun evil.

-After correctly performing Hajj, a Muslim is forgiven all his/her sins.

-If a Muslim dies during Hajj, he pritels paradise 7 x 1 = 7 marks

B i. Obligatory fasting – fasting during the month of Ramadhan which is compulsory for every Muslim male and female.

ii. Voluntary fasting- recommended fasts to follow the footsteps of the prophet e.g. fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

iii. Fasting for fulfilling a vow- When one promises to fast after achieving something.

iv. Kafarah fasting –fasting for expiation i.e after committing a sin

e.g. killing a Muslim unintentionally, having sexual intercourse during the day in the month of Ramadhan.

v. Nafl fasting-superigatory fasting – fasting to increase one’s piety.

C i. The poor ii. The needy

iii. The Zakat collectors

iv. The new converts

v. The debtors

vi. The slaves

vii. The way farers

viii. In the cause of Allah

20 marks

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