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Biology Paper 1


(a) The study of cells; (1mark)

(b) The study of microorganisms;

2 marks


Secretion of enzyme that digests food externally;

Absorption of water and nutrients;

2 marks


(a) Not to destroy the cells; (1marks)

(b) (i) Takes part in formation of spindle fibres during cell division; (1 mark)

(ii) Controls all the activities of the cell

4 marks


Is the movement of water molecules from a region of low concentration to region of high concentration through /across semi permeable membrane; Acc: Movement of water molecules/solvent from the region of their high concentration to the region of their low concentration through semi permeable membrane

1 marks


(a) Regulates amount of light passing through the condenser (to illuminate the specimen) ;

(b) Contracts and relaxes increasing and decreasing the volume of thoracic cavity respectively;

2 marks


Hydrogen ions formed in the light stage combine with carbon (IV) oxide to form simple sugars; using energy from ATP;(2marks)

2 marks


(a) Harbours bacteria that secrete cellulose enzyme that digests cellulose in the ruminant mammals; (1mark)

(b) -Is where red blood cells are formed in infants/embryo;

- Destroys, worn out red blood cells;

-Stores iron which is used to make haemoglobin;

-Makes white cells which destroy pathogens

2 marks


(a) Gymnospermatophyta/gymnospermae;(1mark)

(b) Presence of cone/bears cones; Needle –like leaves;

3 marks


(b) - Causes development of Grafian follicle in the ovary;

-Stimulates ovary tissues to secrete hormone estrogen;

3 marks


Immature/under developed embryo;

Presence of growth inhibitors;

Hard impermeable seed coat;

Lack of growth hormone;

Low enzymatic activity; any first two

2 marks


Plants –Ethanol carbon (IV) oxide, energy ;(1 mark)

all the three must be correct/mentioned Animals

–Lactic acid, energy; (1mark) all must be mentioned to score

2 marks


–Long /feathery/hairy to increase surface area for trapping of pollen grains;

-Hang outside the flower to trap pollen grains;

2 marks


(a) Root; (1mark)

(b) (i) Monocotyledonae; (1mark)

(ii) -Vascular bundles alternate (around the pith);

-Presence of pith; any one (1mark)

(c) Phloem; (1mark)

4 marks


Blood cells;

Plasma protein

2 marks



Health status;

Occupation/physical activity;


3 marks


Oil cuts off oxygen leading to death of larvae hence breaking the life cycle of mosquitoes

1 marks


(a) Glycolysis; (1mark)

(b) Pyruvic acid; (1mark)

3 marks


(a) Gives raise to root hairs; (1mark)

(b) To facilitate the movement of materials from the soil into the root; (1mark)

(c) Diffusion; Active transport; Cytoplasmic streaming; any 1st one

3 marks


(a) Amnion;

(b) Highly folded; Thin walled; highly vascularized; any first two

(c) Has blood vessels that transport substance to and from foetus; \

4 marks

  • Thin walled for faster diffusion of gases/shorten the diffusion distance of (diffusing)gases;
  • Highly vascularized/supplied with blood capillaries to transport (respiratory) gases;
  • Moist to dissolve gases (for easy diffusion);

3 marks


(a) A –Stoma/stomatal pore;

B-Vacuole/sup vacuole; Cell H: Epidermal cell; (3marks)

(b) -Has thick inelastic inner walls which become turgid and draw a part leaving stoma/stomatal pore/A open;

-Has thin elastic wall that that makes it to bulge/stretch outward when it becomes turgid;

-Has numerous chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis;

-Has a large sap vacuole to accommodate high amount of water and solutes that determine its osmotic pressure; any first two (2marks)

5 marks


(a) To transport essential substances/oxygen/nutrients to various parts of the body;OWTTE and remove wastes from the cells/tissue/various parts of the body; OWTTE (2marks)

(b) It has a large surface area to volume ratio; sufficient for exchange of materials

3 marks


Self-sterility/ incompatibility; protogyny; protandry; monoecious plant/hermaphrodite; Any first three (3marks)

3 marks


Inhibition of lateral bud development; by the terminal bud due to high concentration of auxins/plant hormones(that inhibit lateral bud development

2 marks


(a) Insulin is secreted when blood sugar level is higher than normal; (1mark) (b) Ant-diuretic hormone is secreted when the osmotic pressure of blood is high;

2 marks


(a) To show that oxygen is necessary for germination ; (1mark)

(b) Flask A:-No germination since pyrogallic acid absorbed oxygen necessary for germination; (1mark)

B: Germination occurred due to presence of oxygen ;

3 marks


Help in recycling of nutrients; by breaking dead organic materials to simple inorganic substances(Acc CO2 ,NH3 and mineral salts)

2 marks


(a) Osmosis; (1mark)

(b) Visking tubing swells/increases size/volume ;( 1mark)

(c) Sucrose solution is hypertonic to the distilled water; water molecules are drawn into the visking tubing by osmosis

5 marks


a) Store their wastes in non-toxic forms in the leaves/flowers/fruits/barks that age and drop off from the plants;

-Store in xylem tissue away from living cells;

-Their accumulation is slow therefore low metabolic activity;

-Some waste products are re-used in the same plant;

-Exudes gums, resins and salts from the bark. Any first two (2 marks)

(b) Long loop of Henle to increase surface area for reabsorption of water/conservation of water; few glomeruli to reduce ultrafiltration ;(

3 marks


–Has rich network of blood capillaries/highly vascularized to transport(respiratory) gases;

-Thin epithelium/wall to reduce diffusion distance;

- Moist to dissolve (respiratory) gases;

2 marks

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