History and Government Paper 1 Marking Scheme
History and Government Paper 1
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all questions from this section on the answer sheets provided.- Folk tales.
-Riddles. (2x1) = 2mks
2 marks
-They were attacked by the Oromo (1x1 = 1mk)
1 marks
The Wanga.
1 marks
-To be used as a watch tower.
-To be used as a store for armaments.
-To be used as a prison for captives.
2 marks
- Female circumcision.
-Belief in ancestral spirits. (2x1 = 2mks)
2 marks
- They were protected against raids by their neighbours.
-Lenana was made paramount chief.
-They were rewarded with cattle acquired from uncooperative communities e.g the Agikuyu and the Nandi.
(2x1 = 2mks)
2 marks
-Christian missionaries.
-Colonial government.
-African themselves.
-Asians. (2 x 1 =2mks)
2 marks
-KANU was dominated by larger ethnic communities such as the Agikuyu and the Luo.
-KADU was in favour of Majimbo or federal constitution while KANU was for a Unitary constitution. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
2 marks
-Building of schools / libraries /laboratories. -
-Bought school buses.
-Enabled student to pursue higher education. ( 2 x 2 = 2mks)
2 marks
- In order to limit the number of candidates.
-So as to identify party candidate.
-To adhere to constitutional requirement.
(2 x 1 = 2mks)
2 marks
-A person who has been married to a Kenyan citizen for at least 7 years can apply to be registered.
-A person who has lawfully resided in Kenya for a continuous period of at least 7 years may apply to be registered.
-A child who is not a citizen but is adopted by a citizen is entitled to be registered as a citizen upon application.
2 marks
- Kriegler.
-Kenya human right commission. (2 x 1= 2mks)
2 marks
- Direct.
-Indirect. (2 x 1= 2mks
2 marks
-A form of government in which there is transfer or allocation of authority and power from the central government to a local government. (1x1= 1mk)
1 marks
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.a) State FIVE effects of the migration of the Borana. (5mks)
-During migration some groups fought , killing many people
-Displacement of other communities e.g. the Mijikenda.
-Formation of alliances i.e. the Rendile and Samburu formed an alliance against the Turkana.
-Increase in population.
-Introduction of cultural practices i.e taboo against fish eating
-Led to intermarriages.
-Redistribution of population in Kenya.
-Intensified trade. (5 x 1 = 5mks)
b).Describe the political organization of the Maasai in the pre – colonial period. ( 10mks)
-Had a decentralized system of government.
-Clan was the basic political unit.
-Clans were administered by council of elders.
-The council administered justice and acted as the final court of appeal.
-Had warriors who defended the community.
-Had age set system.
-Laibon was consulted by warriors before war.
15 marks
a)State the role played by Mekatilili in the Agiriama resistance against the British. (3mks)
-Encouraged fighters.
-Presented the grievances to the British.
-Rallied people together.
-Her leadership highlighted the role of women in the struggle for independence. (3 x 1 = 3mks)
b).Explain SIX factors that enabled the Nandi to offer a protracted war of resistance against the British.
-The terrain favored guerilla warfare i.e. forests , caves and hills.
-The regimental age set supplied young men who were disciplined and well organized.
-Had knowledge of weapon manufacturer.
-The regular supply of food and war equipment sustained fighters
-The wet and cold climate caused respiratory disease.
-Their mixed economy substantially aided them.
-Assistance from the Kipsigis.
-The Orkoiyot was their symbol of unity and strength.
15 marks
a)What were the terms of the Devonshire white paper of 1923. (5mks)
-Kenyan Highland were to be exclusively for white settlers.
-Indians would elect five members to the legislative council on a communal roll.
-Settlers demand for a self government was rejected.
-Racial segregation in all the residential areas was abolished .
-The interest of the Africans were to be given priority before those of the immigrants races.
-The colonial secretary would exercise strict control over the affairs of the colony.
-A missionary was to be nominated to the Legco to represent the interest of the Africans.
-Settlers had to maintain their representation in the legislative council (5 x1 = 5mks)
b.)Explain 5 positive effects of urbanization during colonial rule. (10mks)
-Led to interaction between people of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds.
-Watered down the differences and prejudices between communities and instilled in them a sense of Nation hood.
-Welfare association were formed to cater for the need of African workers. This united Africans.
-Popular sporting and cultural activities cemented unity.
-Many Africans were gainfully employed in industries.
-Industries expanded due to the large labour forces. 5x2=10marks
15 marks
a)Identify THREE Arab dynasties that ruled East African coastal city states in the 16th century (3mks)
-Shirazi. (3 x 1 = 3mks)
b).Explain the features of early political organization in Kenya up to 1939. (12mks)
-They were led by mission educated young men.
-Confined to one or two ethnic groups.
-Got both material and moral support to most of these organizations.
-Had similar grievances.
-Most of the association claimed for better living condition and an end to European exploitation and oppression. ( 6 x 2= 12mks)
15 marks
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer any TWO questions from this sectiona)Identify THREE occasions when National Anthem is sung.
-During holiday celebration.
-During opening ceremonies of sports , meetings where Kenya is represented.
-When the president of Kenya visits another country.
-During flag raising ceremonies. ( 3 x1= 3mks)
b).Explain six factors that limit national unity in Kenya. (12mks)
-Religious conflict.
-Different political ideologies.
-Unequal distribution of resources.
-Poverty. ( 6 x 2= 12mks)
15 marks
a)State FIVE objectives of sentencing a person who has broken the law. (5mks)
-To deter the criminal future crime.
-To deter other from committing similar offences.
-To secure for the public a period of protection from the offender.
-To reform the criminal.
-To satisfy the demand of the people for retribution through punitive justice. (5x 1 = 5mks)
b) Explain function of the Kenya defence force. (10mks)
-Defense and protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity.
-Assist and cooperate with other authorities in situation of emergency or disaster and report to the National. Assembly whenever deployed in such circumstances.
-May be deployed to restore peace in any part of the country that is affected by unrest or instability, only with the approval of the National Assembly. -Assist in presentation of internal security.
-Participated in National building activities such as road and bridge construction.
-Assist the public during national emergency – floods, famine etc.
-The navy specializes in detecting and fighting off criminals who uses water masses like the Indian ocean to commit crimes.
-Take part in peace keeping missions.
15 marks
a)State THREE qualification for one to be registered as a voter under the new constitution. (3mks)
-Be a Kenyan citizen with an original identity card or passport.
-Be an adult i.e. must have attained 18 years.
-Not have been declared to be of unsound mind.
-Not have been convicted of an election offence during preceding five years.
b.)Explain SIX functions of Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission of Kenya. (12mks)
-Conducting and supervising referendum and elections
-Conduct any other election as prescribed by the act of parliament.
-Ensure continuous registration of voters.
-Revises voters roll.
-Delimitation of constituencies and wards
-Regulate the processes by which parties nominates candidates.
-Settle electoral disputes.
-Registration of candidates.
-Voters education.
-Facilitates observation, monitoring and evaluation of elections.
-Ensure the development of code of conduct for candidates and parties.
-Monitors compliance with the legislation relating to nomination of candidates.
-Regulate the amount of money that may be spent on behalf of a candidate or party.
15 marks