Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme
Biology Paper 1
3 marks
(a) Kingdom ;
(b) Ape man
Quadrupedal gaits, Bipedal gait;
Small brain, Enlarged brain ;
Protruding lower jaw , Smaller lawerjaw;
Larger canine , Smaller canine ;
Opposable toe , non opposable toe; (mark the first two)
3 marks
(b)Avoid insect being sucked into the mouth of sucker ;
3 marks
The gametes may not fuse at the right moment when female is on heat; Both male and female may be separated by distance or other natural obstacles;
2 marks
(a)splitting of water molecule (H2O);into Hydrogen ions and Oxygen and ATP molecules using sunlight;
Rej : Hydrogen gas
(b)Importance of chloroplast/chlorophyll in photosynthesis ;
3 marks
3 marks
(i)Dental carriers
- Regular brushing of teeth;
- Avoid sweet/ sugary food;
- Chew hard food;
- Use teeth for the right purpose;
- Eat diet rich in calcium and vit D;
- Visit dentist regularly ; (mark the first two)
3 marks
Fish that can feed on mosquito larvae;
Month which feed on cacti;
Cats to feed on rats;
Aphids to feed on e.g. water Hycinth;
2 marks
(ii)Ethanol rej.Alcohol
2 marks
(a) Limits growth (because it is not flexible);
(can be too heavy)hindering fast movement;
(b) To prevent friction between the vertebrae;
To allow bending movement of the vertebrae;(mark the first one)
2 marks
(a ) A solution with equal concentration to that of the potato cytoplasm;
(b) The potato would absorb water molecules by osmosis; become turgid: increase in size; OWTTE
2 marks
-Have Aerenchyma tissue for buoyancy;
-Have their stomata only on upper surface of the leaf;
-Very thin cuticle;
-Lose water by evapotranspiration; (mark the first two)
2 marks
(a)Complete metamorphosis;
(b)-Organogenesis (format of organs);
-Innactive in terms of feeding; OWTTE
2 marks
(i)Animal should have been animalia (Latinization);
Division should have been Phylum;
3 marks
(a) –Geographical distribution;
-Fossil records
(b)Divergent Evolution ;
3 marks
(a)Maintenance of a constant internal body environment;
(b)Formation of contractile vacuole where water is accumulated and then excreated;
3 marks
Genital / reproductive organs
2 marks
Stigma above Anthers (A)
Prevent self pollination / pollinating agent reaches stigma earlier than the Anthers avoiding self pollination;
Stigma below anthers (B)
-Encourages self pollination to form pure breeds;
-Allow for the first wind to blow away the pollen grains preventing self pollination where Anthers mature earlier than the stigma;
(b)Seed viability – Ability / suitability of a seed to germinate when provided with all necessary conditions:
2 marks
-Plant parts avoid unfavorable conditions;
-Helps climbers to acquire support;
-Plant part growing towards resources
3 marks
(a)Transpiration ;
-Root pressure ;
-Transpiration pull;
-Adhesion and cohesion forces;
4 marks
-Use of tendrils;
-Turgidity of parenchyma tissues/cell;
-Twinning round woody plants;
3 marks
(b)It combines permanently with haemoglobin hence reducing the Ability of blood to transfere oxygen;
3 marks
.-Flowers;barks;(epicarp)of fruits;(OLD)leaves;Xylem wall; (mark the first two)
3 marks
(a) Air bladder;
-Hollow bones;
-Strong keel muscles;
-Streamlined body
3 marks
-Lenticels; Hydathodes/ Pneumatophores. (mark the first two)
2 marks
-Attachment of muscles;
-Strengthening bone;
3 marks
(i) Pathway through which a nerve impulse moves from receptor to effector;
(ii) Sensory neurone; associative / relay neurone;
Motor neurone; (mark the first two)
3 marks
(i)Gene linkage - A condition whereby certain genes are located in a certain chromosome and always moves with that chromosome together; OWTTE.
(ii)Phenotype – an observable characteristic /trait controlled by Genes/physical expression of the Genotype.
(iii)Non – Disjunction – a condition where Homologous chromosomes fails to segregate during the process of meiosis leading to polyploidy in offspring’s; OWTTE.
3 marks
(a) – Trypsins;
-Pepsin ;
(b)To prevent self digestion of the Alimentary canal/gut ;
3 marks
(a)Meristematic tissue;
Cambium meristem
(b)Growth – Permanent increase in size of an organism ;rej.if No organism.
2 marks