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Christian Religious Education Paper 2


(a). Explain how John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah. (7 marks).

i. He preached repentance.

ii. He advised soldiers not to rob.

iii. He encouraged the spirit of sharing.

iv. He told the tax –collectors not to overcharge.

v. He baptized those who repented.

vi. He said he was not the Messiah.

vii. He preached good news about the Messiah.

viii. He reprimanded Herod for marrying his brother’s wife.

ix. He baptized Jesus.

x. He warned the Israelites not to boast of being Abraham’s descendants. (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

(b). Ways in which the birth of Jesus was going to be extraordinary were:

i. He was to be born by a virgin woman.

ii. His birth was announced by the angel.

iii. He was to be born in Bethlehem.

iv. The name was given by the angel.

v. The birth was foretold by the prophets.

vi. Mary was given assurance by the angel.

vii. The greeting of the angel was unique.

viii. The birth was announced by the shepherds.

ix. The shepherds glorified God.

x. Marry kept everything in her heart. (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

20 marks


(a). With reference to Jesus’ parables in St. Luke’s gospel explain the teachings about the kingdom of God. (8 marks).

i. The kingdom of God is precious.

ii. The kingdom of God starts from a humble beginning.

iii. The kingdom of God is for those who repent.

iv. There is joy for those who attain the kingdom of God.

v. God searches for the lost individuals and brings them back to the kingdom.

vi. The kingdom of God requires nourishment in order to grow.

vii. The kingdom of God is universal.

viii. The kingdom of God is a present reality.

ix. It is who establishes his kingdom. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)

(b) Relate the parable of the rich fool. Luke 12:13-34.

i. Jesus told this parable in response to one man’s plea to have Jesus ask his brother to divide their father’s wealth between them.

ii. Jesus warned people against greed and pride in worldly wealth.

iii. He told of a rich man whose land bore good harvests.

iv. This man tore down his old barns to store his crops and other goods.

v. He then sat down and relaxed as he had no more worries.

vi. God called him a fool for his soul would be taken that very night.

vii. Jesus warned his listeners that those who depend so much on worldly wealth could suffer a similar fate. (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

(c) Ways in which Christians can prepare themselves for the kingdom of God (6 marks).

i. Repenting their sins.

ii. Being baptized and participating in sacrament.

iii. Praying and fasting.

iv. Evangelizing /preaching.

v. Living according to the demands of one’s vocation.

vi. Having faith in God.

vii. Thanking/praising God.

viii. Doing works of charity.

ix. Living exemplary life/Holy life.

x. Forgiving others. (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

20 marks


.(a). Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28 -40)

i. When Jesus drew near to Bethpage and Bethany at mount called Olivet, he sent two of his disciples into a village

ii. He told them that they would find a colt tied on which no one has ever sat.

iii. They were to loose it and bring it to him.

iv. If anyone asked them, they were to say the Lord had need of it.

v. The disciples found it as they had been told.

vi. As they were loosing it the owner asked them, and they replied that the Lord was in need of it.

vii. They brought it to Jesus and threw their clothes on the colt and set Jesus on him.

viii. Many spread their clothes on the road as they rejoiced and praised God.

ix. Some Pharisees told Jesus to tell his disciples to be silent.

x. He said if they kept quiet the stones would cry out. (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

(b). Ways through which Jesus prepared the disciples for His coming death.

i. He talked to the disciples about his death.

ii. He allowed them to witness the transfiguration which was a pointer to the death.

iii. He accepted to be anointed by a sinful woman.

iv. He had a last meal with them.

v. He told them of a betrayal among them.

vi. Talked of his resurrection.

vii. He asked the disciples to pray with Him in the garden of Gethsemane/pray for them / pray for him.

viii. He told Peter that he would deny Him.

ix. Promised a helper/Holy spirit.

x. Appointed Peter as the leader to take over from Him.

xi. He demonstrated to them humility by washing their feet. xii. Intruded them to prepare themselves for the future. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)

3. (c). Give reasons why the death of Jesus is important to Christians in modern times.

i. Christians are not supposed to make animal sacrifices to God.

ii. It demonstrates God’s love for human beings.

iii. Christians are forgiven their sins.

iv. Christians have a personal relationship with God.

v. Through His death, salvation is availed to all people.

vi. Jesus became their everlasting priest by offering his own body.

vii. It enables Christians to face death with courage.

20 marks


.(a). Jesus teachings on the role of the Holy Spirit. (7 marks)

i. Acts as an advocate, counselor, and comforter.

ii. Teach the disciples and help them understand the deeper truths concerning Jesus’ teachings.

iii. Remind the disciples everything that Jesus taught them.

iv. Reveals the sins of the world.

v. Pronounce judgment on the unrighteous.

vi. Reveal the glory of Jesus.

vii. Continue with the work of Jesus of forgiving sins.

viii. Give courage to disciples to face persecution.

ix. Take the place of Jesus after his physical departure.

x. Reveal to the disciples the full mystery of God.

xi. Help disciples to understand his relationship with God.
(7 x 1 = 7 marks)

4.(b). What the teachings of Jesus about the vine and its branches in John 15:1-10 reveal about the unity of believers.

i. In the new testament, Jesus is the true vine.

ii. God is the vine dresser/ the gardener.

iii. The followers of Christ are the branches of the vine.

iv. The branches that one removed and thrown away represent Christians/believers who lack faith and do not follow God’s commandments.

v. The good branches that bear more fruits –represent Christians who perform good deeds and follow God’s commandments.

vi. Good fruits are the results of the good deeds performed by Christians.

vii. Jesus the vine , links Christians to God so that they can beer fruits.

viii. Christians/believers who are spiritually dead will be burnt in eternal fire.

ix. Jesus used the vine to show the close relationship between him and his followers
(4 x 2 = 8 marks)

4. (c). Factors that prevent effective church co-operation in Kenya. (5 marks)

i. Competition to win more converts to superceed others.

ii. Differences due to historical legacy based on foundational principles.

iii. Leadership wrangles.

iv. Differences arising from appointments of women as preachers.

v. Differences due to the issue of acceptable Christian norms.

vi. Differences due to political inclination.

vii. Lack of equity in resources/some more developed than others.

viii. Differences in church acquisition of wealth.

ix. Discrimination due to training. (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

20 marks


. (a). Responsibilities of children to a Christian family.

i. To provide for their parents when they grow old.

ii. To listen to and obey instructions given by their parents.

iii. To take head of their parents counsel and advice.

iv. To honour and respect their parents.

v. To be hard-working and assist their parents by doing the right house chores.

vi. To bring joy to their parents. (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

b. Ways in which retrenchment of employees may affect the Christian family in Kenya (8 marks).

i. May lead/give room to temptations/immorality.

ii. May lead to separation of families/ disrupts the family unity.

iii. May lead to poverty, overstretching of family resources.

iv. May lead to ill health/depression/stress/death.

v. May lead to change of family roles.

vi. If one is paid any due, if well invested may lead to prosperity.

vii. May lead to pride duet to large sum of money acquired.

viii. May lead to irresponsibility /negligence of duty.
(4 x 2 = 8 marks)

(c). Ways in which Christians youths can overcome temptations to drug abuse. (6 mark)

i. Practicing self control.

ii. Praying in order to overcome temptations.

iii. Seeking guidance and counseling.

iv. Avoiding the company of those who misuse drugs.

v. Reading literature on correct use of drugs and the side effects of misuse of drugs.

vi. Participating in activities that promote proper use of drugs e.g. First aid clubs. (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

20 marks


(a). Factors that hinder fair distributions of wealth in Kenya today.

i. Geographical factors such as remoteness, unreliable rainfall, infertile soils.

ii. Uneven development where some regions have more industries than others.

iii. Natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes and famine.

iv. Tribalism where political leaders are unfair in distributing the national cake.

v. Unwillingness of the rich to share with the poor hence increasing the gap between the rich and the poor.

vi. Different climatic conditions such as elnino.

vii. Corruption greed and selfishness leading to misappropriation of funds.

viii. Rural –urban migration leading to the neglect and eventual underdevelopment of rural areas.

ix. High illiteracy levels especially in rural areas.

x. Cultural ties resulting in resistance to change.

xi. High population growth rate leading to slower development rate.

xii. Exploitation of the poor by the rich. (First 7 x 1 = 7 marks)
(b). Reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia. (8 marks)

i. It’s against God’s commandment.

ii. Life is sacred.

iii. It contradicts the ethics of medical profession.

iv. It infringes on people’s rights.

v. Some patients can recover.

vi. Life is a gift from God.

vii. It is an inhibition to research work.

viii. God sets time for everything.

ix. Wealth and money cannot purchase life.

(in the case where a patient is seen as an economic burden. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)

c. The role that Christians can play in national elections. (5 marks)

i. By praying for free and fair, just and peaceful elections.

ii. Being employed in various levels in and out of polling stations.

iii. Being committed in playing different roles.

iv. Being honest/ not fearing intimidation /persecution.

v. Casting one’s vote.

vi. Educating the masses on their civil rights/obligations.

vii. Financing/assisting the government in facilitating smooth and fair elections.

viii. Avoiding situations of confrontations with the government of the day. (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

20 marks

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