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Christian Religious Education Paper 1


(a)Give seven reasons why the Bible is referred to as the word of God.(7mks)

i. It’s inspired by word of God.

ii. The authors of the bible wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

iii. God took part in the writing of the bible e.g He commanded Moses what to re-write on the new stone tablets.

iv. Through the Bible, God communicates His will to Christians.

v. God is the main theme in the Bible/it majorly talks about God.

vi. It contains words that are spoken by God directly e.g’’Thus says the Lord....’’, Let there be.......

vii. It’s through the Bible that God speaks to men.

viii. It contains predictions and prophecies about God that eventually came to pass.

ix. It’s the word of God as it has been transmitted historically through events and realised in Jesus Christ.

x. God reveals Himself to Christians through various historical events in the Old Testament.

xi. The New Testament mostly talks about Jesus Christ whom John refers to as the word of God.1st 7x1=7mks

(b) State four similarities between the 1st and 2nd creation stones. (8mks)

i. In both God created everything/He’s the sole creator.

ii. In both, God created male and female/instituted marriage.

iii. In both God provided for needs of human beings.

iv. In both God gave human beings laws/commands to follow.

v. In both God created both living and non-living things.

vi. In both what God created was good.1st 4x2=8mks

(c)Identify causes of sin today.(5mks)

i. Ignorance of the law.

ii. Lack of faith in God.

iii. Negative peer influence.

iv. Poor role models.

v. Poor enforcement of the law.

vi. Influence from drugs.

vii. Greed for power/wealth.

viii. Permissiveness in the society/moral decadence.(Any 5x1=5 mks)

20 marks


(a)Describe the call of Moses Exodus 3:1-22(8mks)

i. Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law.Jethro.

ii. He led the animals to the Mt.Horeb.

iii. The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out the midst of a bush.

iv. He saw the bush burning but it was not being consumed.

v. He thought of turning a side to see the great fire.

vi. God called Him out of the bush and Moses responded,’’Here I am’’.

vii. He told Moses not to move near/remove his shoes from his legs for he was standing on a holy ground.

viii. God told him that He had heard the cry of the Israelites and wanted to rescue them.

ix. God sent Moses to remove Israelites from Egypt.

x. Moses felt unfit to carry out the task.

xi. God assured him of His protection.

xii. Moses demanded to know the name of God/God told Him, ‘I AM WHO IAM’’.

xiii. He told him He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

xiv. God said He knew Pharaoh would be stubborn.

xv. He instructed Moses to tell the Israelite women to borrow jewellery from their enemies. Any 8x1=8mks

(b)Outline six challenges encountered by Moses during the Exodus.(6mks)

i. Panic by the Israelites as the Egyptians army persued them to be Red Sea

ii. Food and water shortage while in the wilderness.

iii. Unfriendly desert tribes/Amalekites.

iv. Disunity among the Israelites.

v. Disobedience among the Israelites/breaking of the covenant.

vi. Attacks by wild animals (snakes).\

vii. The journey through unfamiliar territory.

viii. Difficult to manage fatigued people.1st 6x1=6mks

(c)State the relevance of the ten commandments to Christians today.(6mks)

i. Helps to avoid worship idols.

ii. Helps to set aside a day for the worship of God.

iii. Enables them to have faith in one God/worship one God.

iv. Helps them respect human life/protect human life/dignify of life.

v. Help them to respect other people’s property./acquire wealth firstly.

vi. Help them to obey parents and elders/those in authority.

vii. Help them to respect the sacredness of marriage by avoiding adultery/practise chastity.

viii. Helps them to be content with what they have.

ix. Help to be honest/avoid bearing false witness.(Any 6 x 1 = 6 marks)

20 marks


(a)Explain seven reasons why prophet Samuel was opposed to kingship in Israel.(7mks) 1 Sam 8:6-20.

. i. Israel was a theocratic state thus accepting kingship would be rejecting Yahweh as their unseen King.

ii. It would lead to God’s punishment.

iii. The earthly king would enslave the Israelites.

iv. He would take their daughters wives to be his bakers/maids.

v. The Israelites would lose their identity as the covenant people.

vi. He would grab their land.

vii. He would overtax them.

viii. He would subject them to forced labour.

ix. He would force their sons into the army.1st 7x1=7mks.

(b)Identify six achievements of King Solomon.(6mks)

i. He built God’s Temple in Jerusalem.

ii. He established economic stability/made diplomatic relations.

iii. He composed songs and wrote part of books of Psalms and Proverbs used in worship.

iv. He was wise King who resolved disputes wisely/successfully.

v. He ruled Israel successfully for 40 years.

vi. He brought the Ark of the Covenant to the Temple.

vii. He built a strong Army for he did not take peace for granted.

viii. He maintained peace with his neighbours through intermarriages.

ix. He divided the kingdom into administrative districts in order to exploit the resources more effectively.

x. He initiated industrial activities and exploited copper deposits in the area of Edom which David had conquered.1st 6x1=6mks

(c)State the role of church leaders in Kenya today. (7mks)

i. To act as role models to the church leaders by leading morally upright lives.

ii. To foster unity in the church.

iii. To intercede /pray for others.

iv. To act as mediators between God and Christians.

v. To guide and counsel the Christians with problems.

vi. To teach members on family life education.

vii. To deliver God’s message to the people/preach.

viii. To give hope to the people who are in despair.

ix. To condemn evils in the society.

x. To win new converts to the church. Any 7x1=7mks.

20 marks


(a) List five titles given to the Old Testament prophets.(5mks)

i. God’s messengers/God’s spokesmen.

ii. Shepherds of God’s people.

iii. God’s servants.

iv. Seers.

v. God’s watchmen.

vi. Men of Spirit.1st 5x1=5mks.

(b)Outline seven ways in which the Old Testament prophets conveyed God’s message to His people.(7mks)

i. Using songs/poems.

ii. Holding contests like Prophet Elijah at Mt.Carmel.

iii. Through their lifestyles e.g Jeremiah’s celibacy and solitary life.

iv. Symbolic actions e.g Jeremiah’s visit to the potter.

v. Performance of miracles like Moses’ striking a rock to produce water.

vi. Sermons/preaching like Jeremiah at the Temple.

vii. Direct confrontation like Elijah confronted King Ahab.

viii. Through writing like Jeremiah wrote a letter.

ix. Through lamentations e.g Jeremiah.

x. Through narratives.

xi. Through oracles.1st 7x1=7mks

(c)What are the relevances of the Old Testament and African traditional prophets to Christians today.(8mks).

i. Christians have a duty to reveal the nature and will of God to people.

ii. They should lead a prayerful life.

iii. They should warn people of God’s judgement when they sin.

iv. They should persevere when they suffer in their work.

v. They should be courageous in condemning evil in the society.

vi. Should respond to God’s call in obedience.

vii. Should lead exemplary life to be emulated by others.

viii. Should preach the Gospel to all people without discrimination. Any 4x2=8mks.

20 marks


(a)Give seven factors that helped Nehemiah in his work of reconstruction of Jerusalem.(7mks)

i. He had faith in God to help him complete the work.

ii. He prayed to God when faced with problems.

iii. He was courageous and not scared of threats from enemies.

iv. He was dedicated to his work/worked hard.

v. He mobilised the Israelites towards the reconstruction.

vi. He had good organisational skills.

vii. He was patriotic to his people and country.

viii. He was wise hence made wise decisions.1st 7x1=7mks.

(b)Explain why Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice. (6mks)

i. It was an act of idolatry.

ii. It showed infidelity of the Israelites

. iii. It showed disrespect to the sacredness of life.\

iv. It showed lack of knowledge of the true nature of God.

v. It defiled the land given to them by God.

vi. It provoked God’s wrath for God did not command it.

vii. It was a brutal/barbaric act.

viii. God would punish the Israelites by death as they killed their innocent children. Any 6x1=6mks

(c)Identify ways in which Christians observe the day of worship. (7mks)

i. Preaching to others.

ii. Repenting their sins.

iii. Going to church to worship/attending fellowships.

iv. Visiting the needy.

v. Engaging in bible study.

vi. Giving church contribution.

vii. Participating in singing for the Lord.

viii. Reaching Christian literature.

ix. Offering guidance and counselling.

x. Solving family problems.

xi. Resting from routine work. Any 7x1=7mks.

20 marks


(a)Give reasons why seclusion after child birth is important in traditional African community.(7mks)

i. It gives the mother time to regain the lost energy.

ii. It keeps the mother/baby away from evil eyes/witchcraft.

iii. It gives the mother ample time to rest

iv. It enables the mother to be trained on how to care for the baby.

v. It enables the mother to be trained on how to care for the baby.

vi. It enables the mother to feed well so as to produce enough milk.

vii. It enables the baby to adjust to new life.

viii. To enable the mother to take maximum care of the baby.

ix. It marks the end of pregnancy and the beginning of a new life. Any 7x1=7mks

(b)State eight traditional African understanding of life. (8mks)

i. Life is sacred/no killings.

ii. Life is cyclic from unborn, living and the living dead.

iii. Life is a mystery.

iv. It’s enhanced through observation of rituals, taboos, customs and regulations.

v. It is perpetuated through marriage and procreation.

vi. It is promoted through transitional stages of birth, intiation and marriage.

vii. Life does not end at birth.

viii. It begins at conception.

ix. The Supreme Being is the source of life.

x. Life is communal-no isolation.1st 8x1=8 mks.

(c)What changes have taken place within the traditional African land ownership system.(5mks)

i. Land is individually owned.

ii. Land owners have title deeds.

iii. One can buy and own land anywhere.

iv. Even women own land.

v. Girls can inherit land from their parents. vi. Those who own no land live as squatters. vii. Cases of land ownership are handled by the modern courts and the police. Any 5x1=5mks.

20 marks

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