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Home Science Paper 1

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer all the questions in the section in the spaces provided

Reasons for blanching vegetables before drying.

―To stop the action of enzymes.

―Kill bacteria.

―Helps retain vitamins.

―Helps retain minerals.

―Helps retain colour. Any 2x1=2mks

2 marks


Signs in an individual that indicate iron deficiency.

―General fatigue and breathlessness on doing normal exercise.

―Paleness of skin, tongue, inner parts of the eyelids and the nail bed.


―Pronounced heart beat. Any 2x1=2mks

2 marks


Uses of coriander in cookery.


―Adding flavour. Any ½x2=1mk

1 marks


Reasons why bicarbonate of soda is not commonly used in flour mixtures.

―Produces a strong unpleasant flavour.

―Has a yellowing effect.

―Destroys vitamin B. Any 2x1=2 mks

2 marks


Definitions. Nutrition.

―Process through which human beings receive food (½) necessary for health (½) and growth. (1mk) Food nutrients.

―Substances (½) found in food which are needed by the body to enable it perform its functions (½) and help it grow. (1mk)

2 marks


Definition of food fortication.

―Food fortification is the addition (½) of nutrients that are lacking/lost/less (½) to improve quality (1) of foods. (2mks)

2 marks


Pieces of information expected on a product certified by Kenya Bureau of Standards.

―Brand name of product.

―Quality by count, measure or weight.

―Name and address of manufacturer.

―Nutrients by percentage especially food material.

―Care and caution where applicable.

―Sell by date and date of expiry for perishables. Any 3x1=3mks

3 marks


Factors affecting the expectant mother which ma influence the unborn baby later in life.

―Lack of balanced diet.

―Smoking causing a low birth weight.

―Alcohol causing premature birth.

―AIDS and STI.

―Unpleasant drugs causing birth defects. Any 3x1=3mks

3 marks


Safety precautions to observe to make a bathroom safe.

―There should be no electrical points except a shaving socket.

―Medicine cabinets in the bathroom should be child proof.

―The floor should be kept dry all the time.

―The floor should be made of non-slippery material.

―The bathroom should be well lit.

―Bath tabs should have a non-slip mat. Any 2x1=2mks.

2 marks


Points to observe when choosing cleaning agents.

―Use safety: should be safe for user.

―Type of dirt to be cleaned.

―Type of material/surface to be cleaned.

―Cost should be affordable. Any 2x1=2mks

2 marks


Measures that lead to proper maintenance of clothes.

―Proper laundry processes to maintain clothes in their original state.

―Proper storage to protect from dust/dirt/insects.

―Reinforcing weak areas.

―Repairing as soon as a tear appears.

―Remove stains immediately.

―Use clothes for the right purpose. Any 2x1=2mks.

2 marks


Characteristics that make hard water unsuitable for laundry.

―Forms scum.

―Uneconomical due to use of too much soap

. ―Wastes time and energy.

―Can only be used well with soapless detergents. Any 2x1=2mks

2 marks


. Meaning of terms related to colour.

―Value: degree of lightness or darkness in a colour.


– lighter colours e.g. pink is a tint of red/colours produced when white is added to a colour.


– refers to dark colours/colours produced when black is added. Any 3x1=3mks

2 marks


. Functions of sebum.

―Keeps the hair epidermal cells supple/prevents skin from drying and cracking.

―Makes the skin waterproof.

―Contains substances which destroy diseases-causing micro organisms. Any 2x1=2mks

2 marks


Ways of identifying textile fibres.

―Burning test.

―Microscope test.

―Solubility test.

―Appearance and feel test. Any 4x½=2mks

2 marks


Rules to observe when working openings.

―Openings should be made long enough to allow the garment to be put on and off easily.

―The position of the opening should be accessible for convenience in fastening.

―Openings should be strong enough to support fastenings.

―Openings made on seams should be worked after the seam is completed while those made on slit should be worked before the seams are completed. Any 1x2=2mks

2 marks


Qualities of a well made cuff.

―Should be well neatened.

―Should be flat.

―Even/same size/shape in both cuffs.

―If attached without a sleeve opening. It should be large enough for the hand to ship in and out completely.

―Should have a good knife edge or well rounded corners. Any 2x1=2mks

2 marks


. Qualities of well made tucks.

―The tucks are made on straight grain of fabric.

―Tucks are equal distance a part.

―Stitching lines are straight.

―All tucks face the same direction.

―Tucks are flat the seam line. Any2x1=2mks

2 marks


Functions of equipment. Measuring card:

Measuring seam allowances and hem depth. Stiletto:

Making holes and eyelets Any 2x1=2mks.

2 marks

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Answer question 20 in the spaces provided

(a) General rules when using drying as a method of food preservation.

―Ensure food is handled with clean hands.

―Ensure equipment used is clean/clean water.

―Never dry food directly on the ground.

―Cover food to prevent dust, flies or pests from contaminating it.

―Store in air tight containers.

―Blanch vegetables before drying.

―Cut/chop/flake/grate food to facilitate drying.

―Allow complete drying to avoid a flatoxins. Any 7x1=7mks

(b) Role played by antenatal care in reduction of infant mortality in Kenya.

―Reduce the rate of mother and child death.

―Diseases and deformities are detected and treated early.

―Mother is educated on balanced diet and exercises.

―Mother is educated on how to prepare for baby’s arrival.

―Mother is advised on hospitals to choose for confinement.

―The mother is immunized against diseases like tetanus.

―Identify any possible risks likely to occur during birth and counteract them early. Any 6x1=6mks

(c) Procedure of making a hem on a skirt/pair of trousers.

―Measure (½) and mark (½) the hemline (½).

―Fold (½) along the hemline towards the W.S (½).

―Measure and mark (½) the width (½) of the hem plus inner turning (½) required.

―Trim (½) the excess material.

―Fold the inner turning (½) towards the W.S (½).

―Pin and tack (½) the hem.

―Fix the hem using appropriate stitches (½)/hemming stitches/slip hem/machine stitches.

―Remove tacking (½).

―Press(½)the hem. Any 14 x½=7 mks

20 marks

SECTION C (40 Marks)

Answer all the questions in the section in the spaces provided

(a) General rules when using drying as a method of food preservation.

―Ensure food is handled with clean hands.

―Ensure equipment used is clean/clean water.

―Never dry food directly on the ground.

―Cover food to prevent dust, flies or pests from contaminating it.

―Store in air tight containers.

―Blanch vegetables before drying.

―Cut/chop/flake/grate food to facilitate drying.

―Allow complete drying to avoid a flatoxins. Any 7x1=7mks

(b) Role played by antenatal care in reduction of infant mortality in Kenya.

―Reduce the rate of mother and child death.

―Diseases and deformities are detected and treated early.

―Mother is educated on balanced diet and exercises.

―Mother is educated on how to prepare for baby’s arrival.

―Mother is advised on hospitals to choose for confinement.

―The mother is immunized against diseases like tetanus.

―Identify any possible risks likely to occur during birth and counteract them early. Any 6x1=6mks

(c) Procedure of making a hem on a skirt/pair of trousers.

―Measure (½) and mark (½) the hemline (½).

―Fold (½) along the hemline towards the W.S (½).

―Measure and mark (½) the width (½) of the hem plus inner turning (½) required.

―Trim (½) the excess material.

―Fold the inner turning (½) towards the W.S (½).

―Pin and tack (½) the hem.

―Fix the hem using appropriate stitches (½)/hemming stitches/slip hem/machine stitches.

―Remove tacking (½).

―Press(½)the hem. Any 14 x½=7 mks

20 marks


. (a) Reasons for including vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)in our diet daily.

―Helps in absorption of iron in the body therefore prevents anaemia.

―Maintains a healthy skin.

―Normal growth in children.

―Formation of scar-tissue during recovery from an injury.

―Prevents scurvy.

―Excess isn’t stored in the body.

Any 5x1=5mks

(b) Choice of fabrics for soft furnishings.

―Shrink (1) resistant to avoid loosing (1) shape and size after washing.

―Colour fast (1) to avoid fading (1) during washing.

―Crease resistant (1) to drape (1) well.

―Easy to launder (1) to withstand frequent washing (1).

―Attractively designed (1) to add beauty (1) to the room.

―Colours should blend (1) well with the existing colour scheme for beauty (1).

―Durable (1) so as not to require frequent replacement (1). Resistance to rot(1) to avoid disintergration (i) due to expose to sunlight. Any four points 1mk point 1 mk explanation. 4x2=8mks.

(c) Procedure of working a French seam.

Place the parts to be joined W.S (½) facing. Match raw (½) edges and fitting (½) lines.

Pin and tack (½)6mm (½) above the fitting line.

Remove pins and machine (½) along the tacking.

Trim (½) turnings to 3mm (½) and press (½) open.

Turn (½) the work to the W.S (½) and knife edge (½) with R.S (½) together.

Pin and tack along the fitting lines, enclosing raw (½) edges completely.

Remove pins (½) and stitch (½) along the tacking.

Remove (½) tacking and press (½) the seam over towards the back (½) of the garment. Any 14 x½=7mks

20 marks


(a) General rules in pastry making. i. All ingredients should be kept cool

―To avoid melting of fat. ii. Measure ingredients accurately.

―Too much fat make the dough too difficult to handle and produce a tough pastry.

―Too much water creates sticky dough that is difficult to handle and produce a tough/limp pastry. iii. Allow pastry to ‘rest’ or ‘relax’ in a cool place for about 30minutes.

―This allows fat to harden and the gluten strands to soften after it has been kneaded.

―As the dough rests it gives one time to prepare the filling. iv. Bake in a fairly hot oven.

―To allow the water to quickly turn into steam to puff up the pastry.

―Too hot an oven hardens the pastry before it rises and too cool an oven allows fat to melt and run out of the pastry before it is absorbed making it dry and tough even before it has risen. 1mk point 2x4=8mks 1 reason

(b) Ways of disposing refuse.


―Feeding animals.

―Putting in a compost pit.



―Making compost manure.

―Collection by local authorities. 5 x 1 = 5 marks

(c) Preparing and setting of a plain sleeve.

―Make two rows of running (½) stitches at the crown (½) between the two sets of notches (½).

―Join the under arm seam (½).

―Working on the W.S (½) of the garment put the sleeve through the armhole matching the R.S (½) underarm (½) and side seams (½) centre of crown (½).to shoulder seem, back and front notches. (½)

―Pin and draw (½) the running stitches.

―Ease them out (½) and tack (½) firmly. Machine on the F.L.

―Trim the seam (½).

―Neaten appropriately (½). Press. Any 14 x½=7mks.

20 marks

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