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Geography Paper 1

SECTION A (25 Marks)


(a) List two forms of condensation. (2mks)






(b) Give three factors which promote condensation. (3mks)

-Availability of particles i.e dust and salts in the atmosphere which can absorb water and

act as condensation nuclei (Hydroscopic particles).

-Cooling of the air to or below dew point. -Availability of water vapour in the air.

5 marks


What is river capture?

-- River capture is the diversion of waters of a less powerful stream into the system of a powerful stream.

(b) Study the diagram below and answer the question that follows.

(i) Name the parts of the river marked. (3mks)

A-Elbow of capture.

C-Misfit stream/beheaded stream.

(ii) State two condition for river capture to occur

-The two rivers (strong and weak streams) must be flowing in the same direction adjacent to each other.

-The strong/powerful river must be flowing on a lower ground than the weak stream.

-The strong/powerful river must erode headwardly until it joins the weaker river.

5 marks


(a) Name two source of water in the Lake.

Rain water-rain lead to collection of water in depression.

River-Some rivers drains from country side into depressions.

Underground water-water seeping through rocks via springs collect in hollows.

Melting ice-supplies water into depression/hollows.

(b) Give three effects of Lakes on climate. (3mks)

- Lake breeze has a cooling effect over the surrounding land hence low temperatures during the day.

- Evaporation from the lakes leads to the formation of convectional rainfall.

- Evaporation increases relative humidity of the surrounding areas.

- Lakes have altered the atmospheric pressure due to land and sea breeze.

5 marks


(a) The diagram below shows the hydrological cycle.

What do arrows marked P,Q, on the diagram represent. (2mks)

Q- Transpiration. (b) State factors that influence the occurrence of run-off. (3mks)

- Gradient-The gradient of the slope should be steep to allow flow of water by gravity.

- Amount of water/nature of rainfall

-There should be sufficient rainfall to make the soil saturated in order to allow the excess

water to flow on the surface/intense rainfall accelerates the rate of surface run-off.

- Water table/level of saturation

- The water table should be high to reduce infiltration and allow surface run-off.

- Nature of rocks/soi

l- The rocks should allow limited infiltration and perforations for excess water to form run-off.

5 marks


(a) A part from fold mountains, name other features resulting from folding.
Rolling plains, Intermontane plateau
Intermontane basin. Ridges.
Synclinal valleys.

(b) In which countries are the following fold mountains formed.
-Andes, Cape ranges, Alps.
Cape ranges-South Africa.
Alps-Switzerland, Italy, France, Austria.

5 marks

SECTION B (75 Marks)


a)Convert the scale of the map into a statement. (2mks)

Statement scale 1 cm rep 0.5 km/½km.
(ii) Direction of Mt.Kenya Campus from the cattle dip. (2mks)
North West.
(iii) 370001E to370151E

(b) Account for distribution of settlement. (2mks)

-There are no settlements in the forested area because they reserved areas.

-The South Western part of the area covered by the map there are dispersed settlement

due to the steep slopes which makes construction of houses difficult.
-There are nucleated settlements in market

e.g. Kagumo and Karatina municipality due to availability of social amenities

-There is linear settlement along Sagana Kagochi road which eases movement of goods.

(d) 2 full squares.

10 half squares

(e) Economic activities carried out in the area. (2mks)

Farming evidenced by coffee factories.

Livestock keeping-cattle dips.

Quarrying-murram pit 8150.

Fishing-fisheries research centre 8460.

Forestry-forest station 0055. Tourism-mountain lodge 9465.

(f) Social services carried out in Karatina town. (3 marks)

-Health services.

-Hospital 9147.

-Education services.

-School 9146.

-Administration services.

-D.C office.

-Security services.

-Police station.

25 marks


(a) Define Glaciation.Glaciation-refers to the action of moving ice/process by which

glaciers changes the land surface through erosion, transportation and deposition. (2 marks)

(b) (i) A-Tarn/cirque lake.

B-Pyramidal peak/ horn.


D-Corrie/Cirque. (4 x 1 = 4 marks)

(ii) Explain the process of formation of A.

-There is a pre-existing depression on the mountain side.
-Snow accumulates in the depression.

-The snow is compacted into ice forming a cirque glacier.

-Alternating freeze-thaw action enlarges the hollow (frost action)

-Abrasion causes scouring action at the bottom of glacier-deepening the hollow.

-Plucking processes steepens the back wall.

-*Eventually a deep arm chair shaped depression known as a corrie fills up with melt water to form a corrie lake.

NB*Must be mentioned to score. (6 x 1 = 6 marks maximum 6)

(c) (i) Types of Moraine

Terminal moraine.

Ground moraine

Lateral moraine.

Medical moraine. (3x1=3 mks)

(ii) Glaciation depositional land forms.

Out wash plain.

Till plain.

A boulder train.

Erratic blocks.

Terminal moraine.


Kames and Eskers 2 x 1 = 2 marks

(d) Explain economic importance of glaciated landforms.

-Hanging valleys form waterfalls which are harnessed for generation of H.E.P.

-Features found in glaciated landscape attract tourists

e.g. the cirque lakes hanging valleys ‘U’ shaped valleys etc earning foreign exchange.

-Melting glaciers are sources of rivers which provide water for domestic/industrial/agricultural use.

-‘U’ shaped valley floors provide suitable areas for settlement and agriculture.

-Glaciated floors provide shelter waters suitable for fish breeding promoting fishing.

-Fiords provide suitable sites for development of deep harbours.(4x2=8mks)

25 marks


.(a) Distinguish between a spring and a well.

A spring is a place on the surface of the earth where underground water flows

out onto the surface while a well is a deep hole in the ground,

usually dug by people, for the purpose of getting water. (2 marks)

(b) Conditions which are ideal for formation of artesian well.

-The a cquifer must lie between impermeable rocks so as to be able to retain water.

-The acquifer must outcrop in a region which is a source of water e.g. a rainy area.

-The acquifer must dip from a region of water intake and form a broad syncline.

-The mouth of the well must be lower than the intake area to ensure water comes

out of the well on its own. (3 x 2 = 6 marks)

(c) (i) P-Stalagmite


R-Limestone pillar. 3 x 1 = 3 marks

ii) Explain the formation of stalagmite.

-Water on the surface percolates through the rocks of the roof of a limestone cave.

-This water, which is a solution of sodium bicarbonate, drips slowly from the roof of the cave to the floor.

- The water spreads out and begins to evaporate.

-Tiny crystals of sodium carbonate are deposited on the floor.
- More crystals form on top of the previous ones.

-The accumulation of the crystals builds a structure upwards, called a stalagmite. (6mks)

(d) Karst scenery surface features.

- Clint.

- Grikes.

- Swallow holes.

- Dry valleys.

- Dolines.

- Uvalas.

- Polje.

- Gorges. 3 x 1 = 3 marks

(e) Reasons why Karst scenery discourages settlement

- The surface is rocky which is not conducive to settlement.

- The surface in most places has thin soils which would not encourage agriculture.

- The vegetation in most places is poor and would not support livestock keeping.

- Karst landscapes experience in adequate water supply both on the surface and underground.

- The surface is rugged thus hindering construction of transport lines.3 x 1 =3 marks

(f) Significance of the Karst scenery.

- Surface and underground features in limestone areas are tourist attractions.

- Blocks of limestone rocks are used for building houses.

- Limestone is a raw material for manufacture of cement. The limestone landscape discourages

settlement because of it’s rugged nature and scarcity of surface water. 2 x 1 = 2 marks

25 marks


(a) Differentiate between faulting and folding.

Faulting is the breaking/fracturing of crustal rocks caused by tensional compressional and

shear forces while folding is the bending of crustal rocks caused by compressional forces.(2 marks)

(b) Name two types of faults.

- Normal fault.

- Reverse fault.

- Shear/tear fault. (2 marks)

c) Give two examples of escarpments in East Africa.

- Lake Manyara escarpment

- Kerio valley escarpment.

- Kikuyu escarpment. (2 marks)

(d) Using well labelled diagrams, describe how the Rift valley was formed through tensional forces.

In the above diagram, layers of crystal rocks are subjected to tensional forces.

25 marks


(a) Identify the climatic region marked:

A – Equatorial climate.

D – Cool temperature Eastern Margin. 2 x 1 = 2 marks
(b) Give the climatic characteristics of the region marked B.

- There is intense solar radiation throughout the year.

-There is high rate of evaporation.

- There is low humidity.

- The area experience high temperature during the day (~ C 030 ) and low temperature at night.

- The diurnal range of temperature is very large. -Skies are always cloudless.

- High terrestrial radiation at night due to cloudless skies.

- The area receives less than 250 mm of rainfall per year.

- If it rains, the rainfall is erratic and unreliable.

- Rain results in occasional flash floods because it is sporadic.

- There are strong dusty winds causing windstorms. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

(c) Explain four ways in which man influences climate.

- Industrialisation has led to increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere thereby leading to a rise in global temperature.(Global warming)

- Defforestation interferes with hydrological cycle thereby resulting into less and unreliable rainfall.

- Building of cities (urban climate).The many pavements, and tarmac roads,

roofs absorb more heat hence making temperature higher in the city than surrounding country side.

- Forest fires which destroy vegetation cover thus increasing carbon dioxide

amount in the atmosphere hence global warming.

-Dams present a large surface area where evaporation

can take place hence promoting rainfall. 4 x 2 = 8 marks

(d) You are supposed to carry out a field study of a semi-arid area in Kenya.

(i) State two ways you would prepare for the study.

- Assembling necessary tools.

- Formulating hypothesis and statement of objectives.

- Writing a working schedule.

- Conducting reconnaissance.

- Reading from relevant sources.

- Seeking permission.

- Dividing students into smaller groups and appointing group leaders. 3 x 1 = 3 marks

(ii) What information would you collect through observation in O.

- Different types of vegetation. -Settlement patterns.

- Dust storms and sand storms.

- Drought resistance crops.

- Features formed as a result of the action of water and wind in the desert.3 marks

(iii) What measures would you recommend to the local authorities for controlling desertification.

- Control overgrazing.

- Planting of trees.

- Avoid burning bushes.

- Practise appropriate farming methods.

- Control tree cutting for fuel. 3 x 1 =3 marks

25 marks

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