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Christian Religious Education Paper 1


(a) Order of creation in Genesis 1. (7 marks)

Day Work at creation

i. Light and darkness/day and night

ii. Sky/firmament

iii. Land, sea and vegetation.

iv. Sun, moon and stars/heavenly bodies.

v. Birds and sea creatures.

vi. Animals and human beings

vii. God rested. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

20 marks


(a) Conditions that God gave the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai Covenant. (7 marks)

-The Israelites were to obey God’s commands.

-They were to break down the altar of idols in the land they were going to occupy.

-They were not to make treaties with other Nations.

-The Israelites were not to worship any idol gods.

-They were to keep the festivals of the unleavened bread. (Passover)

-They were to dedicate their first born sons as well as those of their male domestic animals to God.

-They were to keep the Sabbath day holy.

-They were also to celebrate the harvest festival and the festival of shelters. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

(b) Ways in which the Israelites realized God’s presence during the Exodus.(8 marks)

-When crossing the red sea God instructed Moses to hold his rod over the sea

so that it divided the water to let the Israelites walk on dry ground.

-God provided them with water to drink. He made sweet, the bitter water they found at Marah (bitter).

Later God provided water from a rock at Sinai (at Massah and Meribah)

-When the Israelites complained due to lack of food, God provided quails and Maana for them to eat.

-When they were attacked by the Amalekites in the desert, God gave them victory over them.

He guided the Israelites through a cloud of smoke by day and pillar of fire at night. (1 x 8 = 8 marks)

(c) Similarities between the aspects of Israelites worship and that of Christian church today. (5 marks)

-The celebration of the Passover feast that marked the liberation of the Israelites from

Egypt is also celebrated in the Christian church today as the Lord’s Supper.

-In both there is the use of songs and prayers in their worship.

-the Israelites celebrated the Lord’s Day (Sabbath) similarly the Christian keep the Sabbath day.

-The Israelites made offerings in form of material goods like wine, wheat similar to Christians who

offer money, goods and services to God.

-In Israelites worship, they had Alters, and some Christian churches also built altars today. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

20 marks


(a) Ways in which the construction of the temple contributed to the failures of king Solomon. (5 marks)

-He sold part of the land in exchange of building material to king Hiram of Tyre.

-He introduced forced labour in constructing the temple.

-Solomon introduced nepotism in collection of taxes for construction because he

exempted the tribe of Benjamin from tax collection.

-He designed the temple using Pagan skills/used foreign artisans.

-He took longer time to build his own palace compared to the time taken to construct the temple.

-He allowed idols images to be placed in the constructed temple. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

(b) Describe Elijah’s fight against moral corruption in Israel. (1 kings 21) (8 marks)

King Ahab coveted Naboth’s vineyard which was close to is own palace at Jezreel.

Ahab offered to buy the vineyard at a generous price/have it exchanged with another.

Naboth refused to sell or exchange the inheritance because it was a family

–estate King Ahab went home gloomy and refused to eat. Jezebel asked her husband

“do you now govern Israel” She promised to get Naboth’s vineyard for the King using her own way.

She forged letters in the Kings name and sealed them with the King’s stamp and sent them to the elders of Jezreel.

Naboth was accused of two grievous crimes (blasphemy and treason.)

Naboth was not given time to defend himself and was stoned to death.

After Naboth’s death, Ahab went and possessed the land.

God sent Elijah to go and pronounce divine judgment on the house of Ahab for what he had done.

Elijah was to tell Ahab that his dynasty was going to be destroyed.

Ahab put on sack clothes as a sign of repentance.

God promised to effect punishment during the reign of his sons. (8 x 1 = 8 marks)

(c) Seven ways in which corruption is manifested in our society today. (7 marks)

i. By land grabbing.

ii. Embezzlement of public funds.

iii. Misappropriations of public funds.

iv. Grabbing of public utilities e.g buildings.

v. Nepotism/tribalism in employment.

vi. Fraud. vii. Forgery. viii. Bribery. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

20 marks


i. Through letters.

ii. Through songs and lyrics.

iii. Through narratives.

iv. Through sermons.
v. Through miracles.

vi. Through poems.

vii. Through writing it down.

viii. Through symbolic actions.

ix. Through personal lives /experiences. (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

(b) Prophet Amos teaching on the day of the Lord. (7 marks)

i. There will be hunger and thirst for God’s word.

ii. People will look/search for God’s word without success.

iii. There will be mourning and wailing and dead bodies would be lying all over.

iv. There will be darkness upon the earth for the son will go down at noon/signs in the sky.

v. There will be earthquake and tremors. vi. It would be a day of disaster.

vii. No one would escape the punishment of God.

It would be like running from a bear only to meet a serpent.

viii. The day would come unexpectedly.

(c) Six ways in which Christians can avoid God’s punishment. (6 marks)

i. Obeying all the commandments of God.

ii. Preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to others.

iii. Condemning all evils in the society.

iv. Being prayerful.

v. Repenting their sins to forgiving others.

vi. Showing love by assisting the needy and the poor.

vii. By emulating Jesus and living exemplary lives.

20 marks


(a) Content of Jeremiah’s temple sermon. (7 marks)

-He condemned the people for believing that the temple would not be destroyed.

It would be destroyed like the shrine at Shiloh.

-He condemned hypocrisy of the temple worshipers.

They committed sins like idolatry and human sacrifice.

-He condemned defilement of the temple. They placed idols in the temple.

-Jeremiah also spoke against the worship of idols. This was a violation of Sinai covenant.

-He condemned human sacrifice. This showed lack of respect for one another.

-He spoke against social injustice. People committed murder, adultery and theft.

They took advantage of the weak. -he condemned dishonesty where people misled others with their lies.

They bore false witness against others.

-Stubbornness and rebellion. People were stubborn and rebellious against their God.

They refused to listen to God’s prophets.

-He proclaimed judgment over the people at Jerusalem and Judah.

-He urged people to repent at their evils and turn back to God. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

(b) Jeremiah’s acts related to hope and restoration. (8 marks)

-Vision of two baskets at figs- The good fruits represented those who were in exile in Babylon.

God would restore them back to their land.

-The buying of land- Jeremiah bought land to signify hope that the exiles would still occupy the Promised Land.

-The wooden ox yoke.

He put the yoke around his neck to show that if the people of Judah would submit tot the Babylonians,

God would restore them back to their land.

-Letter to exiles. He wrote a letter to the exiles

to assure them that the God would restore them after 70 years. (2 x 4 = (8 marks)

c) Relevance of Jeremiah’s teaching to a Christian life. (5 marks)

-Christians should endure suffering as they do God’s work like Jeremiah did.
-Like Jeremiah, Christians are faced with the problem of dishonesty.

They should be able to discern what is right and wrong.

-Like Jeremiah, Christians should condemn social evils like witchcraft in the modern society.

-Christians should be prepared for the divine judgment as Jeremiah taught.

-Christians should call people to repentance as Jeremiah did.

-Christians should seek a personal relationship with God as Jeremiah predicted in the new covenant.

-Christians know that God is universal as Jeremiah taught.

-Christians learn that they are members of the new covenant foretold by Jeremiah.

-He taught on values like honesty, humility, justice, respect e.t.c which guide Christians today. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

20 marks


(a) Rituals performed during the birth of a child in Traditional African Community. (8 marks)

-They shaved the hair of the child to indicate acceptance of the new born child.

-Some communities has a way of announcing the sex of a child like the Agikuyu used five

ululations for the birth of a baby boy and four for a baby girl.

-Placenta and umbilical cord is disposed off ceremoniously, for example it was thrown into

a running stream / river, drying and keeping it or burying in the farms to ensure that woman’s womb remain fertile.

-Purification which involved washing the child by a medicineman to protect the child from evils.

-Giving charms and amulets to wear to protect them against witchcraft/evil eyes or bad luck.

-Heavy feasting and great rejoicing to welcome the child. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)

(b) Reasons why Traditional African Communities valued kingship ties.(7 marks)

-They help determine how members relate to one another.

-The relationship binds together the entire community.

-They help them preserve cultural identity and expression, through rituals and beliefs.

-The relationship defines social relationship and how people are expected to behave towards one another.

-it defines and identifies relatives hence it enhances a sense of security and belonging.

-It helps to determine how certain ceremonies should be carried out.

-It defines and enforces duties and responsibilities of individuals, families and clans to the living and the dead.

-It brings people together during times of crisis and enables individuals to seat help from relatives.

-It helps people to establish new relationships especially through marriage.

-It sets out punishment for misbehavior in the community. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

(c) Factors that have influenced changes in the role of elders in Traditional African Communities.
-Role of elders have been influenced by modern changes in government where officials are appointed by

the government according to their qualifications.

-The eiders are not the custodian of the law today but the government, and the elder,

like any other person are expected to abide to the law.

-The role of elders in officiating marriage and initiation has been taken by the church and individual families.

-Today elders role is more of political matters, as social matters have been taken up by trained people

like social workers, the church guidance and counseling departments

-The community policing work hand in hand with the police to ensure peace in the community.

-The modern technology has reduced the role of elders in communicating government policy as this

can be done faster and effectively through the mass media.

- Due to the individualism in our modern society, the role of elders has disappeared as family do

not need to consult anyone in matters of marriage, initiation e.t.c.

-Increased crime rate, in our society /high technology used by terrorist have made elders,

ineffective and unable to cope with this situation. (5 marks)

20 marks

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