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Biology Paper 2

SECTION A (40 Marks)


(b) (i) Saliva

― softens food;

―dissolves food;

―digest food;

―lubricates food ; ( 1mk) (Any one)

(ii) Pushing food along the canal;

―Act as valves to open and close different parts of the canal; Acc one (1mk)

(c) Absorption of digested food; Digestion; ( 2mks)

Letters should be in the lower case

Rej IF separation lines are missing.

8 marks


(c) Has a lower susceptibility to malaria than the people with normal red blood cells because the

plasmodium survive poorly in sickled red blood cells ; (1mk)

(d) (i)It is a phenomenon where an organism has more than two sets(2n) of chromosomes;

(ii)It is the genetic manipulation of genes to produce desired characteristics;

It is the practice that involves the identification of a desired gene, altering,

isolating and transferring it from one living organism to another ; (1mk)

8 marks


(a) Alveolus ; (1mk)

(b) X- Epithelium of the alveolus; (2mks)
Y-Moist surface/water film; (2mks)

(c) (i) Diffusion; (1mk)

(ii) Pulmonary Vein ; (1mk)

(d) ―(Cork)cells are loosely arranged for efficient circulation of gases;

―(Cork)cells have moist surfaces to dissolve respiratory gases; (2mks)

(e) Maintains a steep diffusion gradient for gaseous exchange; (1mk)

8 marks



B – Antipodal cells;

C – Egg cell /ovum; (2mks)

b) ―Allows passage of the male nuclei to the embryo sac;

―Secretes enzymes that digests tissues of the style ;( any one) (1mk)
F1 generation

―Allows water into the seed;

―Point at which pollen tube enters an ovule ;( any one) (1mk)


(i) Double fertilisation; (1mk)


―One male nucleus fuses with the egg cell nucleus, to form a diploid zygote that develops into an embryo;

―The second male nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei to form a triploid nucleus that forms the

primary endosperm nucleus; (2mks)

e) It develops into a seed; (1mk)

8 marks


(a) Maximum number of members of a species that an area can support without them

causing degradation of the environment depletion of the resources; (1mk)

(b) (i) Producer ; (1mk)

(ii) Snake; (1mk)

(c) (i) Nitrates; (1mk)

Rej NO-3

(ii) I―Nitrosomonas/Nitrococcus bacteria; (1mk)

II―Nitrobacter; (1mk)

(d) Corrosion of metallic structure; accept correct examples,

Damages leaves;

Kills aquatic animals;

Leaches minerals salts reducing soil fertility; (1mk)

8 marks

SECTION B (40 Marks)


20 marks


(a) (i) Natural selection; (1mk)

(ii) Phenotypically acquired characteristics cannot be inherited; Acc.Environmentally

acquired for phenotypically acquired characteristics. (1mk)

(b) •Fossil Records/Palaentology; Remains of organisms preserved in rocks for many years

reveals gradual changes of structures from simple to more complex ones;

•Comparative anatomy; Comparison of forms and structures reveals resemblances of

structures performing the same function; i.e homologous structures. Analogous structures

which are morphologically different perform same functions;

e.g. wings of insects and birds that suggest common ancestry;

•Comparative embryology;. Embryos of vertebrates at their early stages of development

shows great structural similarity suggesting common ancestry; they have long tails

gill slits and similar circulatory systems;

•Geographical distribution; Organisms are believed to have originated from a common

dispersal centre when the present continents were joined together; continental drift occurred;

isolating the organisms which brought different species/speciation; due to adaptation to new environment;

•Comparative serology; Different organisms have antigens and antibodies that show similar

reactions suggesting common ancestry;

•Cell Biology; Different organisms have similar cell organelles performing similar functions

suggesting common ancestry; (18mks)

20 marks


(a) ―Broad lamina which offers a large surface area for diffusion of gases/absorption of light;

―Thin lamina which provides a short distance for diffusion of carbon (IV) oxide to the photosynthetic cells;
―Presence of veins which transports manufactured food/water and mineral salts/support the

lamina in a favourable position to receive light;

―Presence of stomata for efficient diffusion of respiratory gases/carbon (IV) oxide or oxygen;

―Transparent cuticle/epidermis to allow penetration of light to the photosynthetic cells;

―Numerous chloroplasts in the palisade cells to receive maximum light for photosynthesis;

―Palisade cells are closely packed/vertically elongated to allow many to be packed beneath

the epidermis to receive maximum light;

―Chloroplasts have chlorophyll fort absorbing/trapping light;

―Interconnected intercellular air spaces for rapid diffusion of carbon

(IV) oxide into palisade cells and oxygen out into the atmosphere;

―Mosaic leaf arrangement to ensure all leaves receive light by reducing over lapping/over shadowing; (10mks)

Rej correct function without correct adaptation.

(b) ―Some fruits have hooks/sharp hairs; to stick on animal fur/human clothes (as they pass);

―Fruits are brightly coloured; to attract animals; ―Fruits are scented; to attract animals;

―Fruits are juicy/succulent; to attract animals that eat them and carry the seeds away from the parent plant;

―The seed coats of some seeds are resistant to digestive enzymes; hence pass out undigested;

and deposited far away from the parent plant;

Total 11 mks

Max. 10mks

20 marks

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