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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Physics Paper 1

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in this in the spaces provided

V1=10 , v2=16 D=7.49/6
M= (27.61-20.12)g =1.248g/cm^3

3 marks


Number of particles/molecules increace reducing time between collision.

3 marks


M1u1 +m2u2 = (m1+m2)v
400 *3)+0=(400+m2)2.5
1200 = 1000+2.5m2

2 marks


Position of cog 1mk
Area of the base 1mk

2 marks


Reduce the speed of flow of the liquid

1 marks


sLower (decrease) the temperature;
Metals contract more than glass for same temperature decrease ;

2 marks


Upthrust = δvg = 5.5 x 800 x 10 = 44N
δ = 𝑚m/v𝑚𝑣𝑣 = 4.4/20 = 0.22kg

3 marks


W =2𝜋πf
= 2 x 3.142 x 43S-1

= 270.2 S-1
V = rw ✓1
= 10/100 m x 270.2S-1
= 27.02m/s ✓1

3 marks


(b) The difference between the adhesive and cohesive force produce resistant force which can hold a given mass of water above the level in the beaker. For mass lifted to be equal level the level must be higher in the narrow tube.

2 marks


Absorbs latent heat vaporisation from the hand

2 marks


Pmin =Force/Amax =6.0/0.02 = 300N/M^2

2 marks

SECTION B (55 Marks)

Answer all questions in this in the spaces provided

2 marks


(a) The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature provided volume is kept constant.
(1 Mark)
(b) (i) Sulphuric acid index (1 Mark)
(ii) A drying agent (1 Mark)
Indicate the volume of gas
− The apparatus are set up as shown and the water bath heated
− The temperature and volume /length of index is recorded at regular intervals of time
− A graph of volume of versus absolute temperature is drawn and graph analysed.
− A straight line cutting the temperature axis at about -273K is obtained; hence volume is directly proportional to absolute temperature. (3 Marks)
(c) P1V1/ T1 = P2V2/ T2 (2 Marks)
1.5 X 105 X 1.6 / 285 = 1.0 X 103 X V2 / 273
V2 = 1.5 X 105 X 1.6 X 273 /(2.85 X 1.0 X 103)
= 229.89 m3

10 marks



9 marks


(a) For a helical spring or any other elastic material, the extension of a string is directly proportional to the force applied, so long as the elastic limit is not exceeded (1mark)
(b) (i) Gradient = (3– 1)/(12 – 4) (2 marks)
= 0.25Ncm-1
(ii) In parallel arrangement, k = 25 X 2 = 50 Ncm-1
F = k e = 50 X 0.1
= 5Ncm-1

6 marks


(a) A body remains in its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. (1 Mark)
(b) a =(v − u)/t
𝑡𝑡 = (30−0)/10
= 3m/s2 (2 Mark)
(c) (i) Ft = mv – mu (3 Marks)
= 800 (0 – 15)
= -12000
I = 12000kgm/s
(ii) F = (mv −𝑚mu)/t
= 12000
0.4 = 30,000N

11 marks


(i) Valve Q opens due to high atmospheric pressure on the water while valve P closes due to its weight and that of the water above it. ✓
(ii) Valve Q closes due to its weight and pressure of water above the piston while valve P opens due to the pressure of water below it. 2mk
(iii) Can raise water to height greater than 10m. ✓
Unlike the lift pump, the flow of water out of spout is continuous. ✓
(b) (i) Work done = 108 x 3.2✓
= 345.6J✓
(ii) M.A. = L/E
= 108/60✓

= 1.8✓
(iii) Due to:
(i) Friction between the moving parts of the machine or
ii) Weight of the moving parts of the machine. ✓ (award 1mk for either

11 marks

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