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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

History and Government Paper 1

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in the section.

Source of History and government.
− Oral tradition (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Coastal Bantu of Kenya.
− Mijikenda
− Pokomo
− Taita (2 x 1 = 2 mks)

2 marks


Centralized form of government in the pre colonial period.
− The Wanga (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Crops introduced by the Portuguese at the East Africa.
− Maize
− Groundnuts
− Cassava
− Sweet potatoes
− Pineapples
− Pawpaws
− Guavas (2 x 1 = 2 mks)

2 marks


Terms of the Anglo-German agreement of 1886
− The sultan of Zanzibar was given a 16km coastal strip plus the islands of Lamu, Pate,Mafia.
− The region of Witu was given to the Germans.
− The territory between River Umba and Ruvuma was given to the Germans.
− The British took the territory between River Umba and Juba.
− The Western boundary was not defined i.e Uganda was left for any power that got there first.
(2 x 1 = 2 mks)

2 marks


Definition of dual citizenship
− A situation whereby a person is legally a citizen of two countries. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Grievance of Ukamba Members Association
− They were against the destocking policy. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Kenyan communities that showed mixed reactions against colonial invasion
− The Luo
− The Agikuyu
− The Akamba (2 x 1 = 2 mks)

2 marks


The woman who led the Agiriama resistance
− Mekatilili wa Menza (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Reasons why Africans in Kenya were denied the right to grow cash crops during the colonial period
− To avoid competition with the Europeans
− For them to continue providing labour to the settlers.
− Their crops would spread diseases to the settler farm’s. (2 x 1 = 2 mks)

2 marks


Demands of African elected Members Organization (A.E.M.O)
− Change of the discriminative voter qualification requirements.
− Demanded the end of the state of emergency.
− Registration of voters on a common roll. (2 x 1 = 2 mks)

2 marks


Who introduced dairy farming in Kenya?
− Lord Dalamere (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


The main ideological difference between KANU and KADU before independence in 1963
− KANU wanted a unitary system of government while KADU wanted a federal system of government.

1 marks


The main function of Parliament in Kenya
− To make laws. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Two levels of government in Kenya today.

− National government.
− County government. (2 x 1 = 2 mks)

1 marks


The constitutional amendment that reverted Kenya to a multi-party state.
− Section 2A. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

1 marks


Two types of funds in which government revenue is deposited.
− Consolidated fund.
− Equalization fund.
− Contigency fund. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)

2 marks

SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section.

(a) Reasons for the migration of the Nilotes.
− To search for pasture and water.
− Spirit of adventure.
− Natural calamities e.g. drought and famine
− External attack.
− Family feuds.
− Diseases and epidermics. (5 x 1 = 5 mks)
(b) Social organization of the Maasai
− The basic social unit was the family.
− Several related families formed a clan.
− People circumcised at the same period formed age sets age groups.
− The Maasai believed in the existence of a supreme God Enkai.
− The Oloibon was a religious leader and acted as the link between people and Enkai.
− They offered sacrifices to God in special places in a ceremony called Eunoto.
− Believed in the existence of ancestral spirits.
− They were polygamous.
− Both boys and girls underwent circumcision.
− Women built houses (manyatta).
− Their staple food was meat, milk and blood. (5 x 2 = 10 mks)

15 marks


(a) Characteristics of Coastal towns by 1500 AD
− Kiswahili was the language of communication.
− Islam was the main religion.
− Shariah law was used in administration.
− Houses were built using Arab architecture.
− Trade was the main economic activity.
− City states were ruled by Imams or Sheiks.
− Towns minted their own coins. (5 x 1 = 5 mks

(b) Results of plantation agriculture in the East African Coast by Seyyid Said
− The demanded for labour led to increased slave trade.
− Introduction of new crops e.g. cloves, coconuts and maize.
− Developments of towns e.g. Malindi and Pemba.
− Promoted trade.
− Growth of wealthy merchants among the Arabs and Swahili.
− Depopulation in the interior as slaves were taken to work in the farms at the Coast.
− The population of foreigners from Oman increased at the Coast. (5 x 2 = 10 mks)

15 marks


(a) Ways used by the colonial government to provide labour for the settler farmers.
− Introduction of taxation.
− Enacting pass laws.
− Low wages.
− Forced recruitment.
− Creation of reserves.
− Introduction of the Kipande system.
− Use of the squatter system.​

− Africans were forbidden to grow cash crops. (5 x 1 = 1 mks)

(b) Effects of colonial land policies.
− Africans lost their land
− Brought to an end the widespread migrations of the African societies as they were now restricted.
− Led to the introduction of hut and poll tax.
− Africans were condemned to provide labour to the white settlers.
− Introduction of Kipande system to regulate African movement.
− The traditional social and economic structures were disrupted.
− Led to introduction of private land ownership as opposed to communal land ownership. (5 x 2 = 10 mks)

15 marks


(a) Methods used by African nationalists in their struggle for Independence.
− Armed struggle.
− Strikes and boycotts.
− Use of mass media.
− Formation of political parties.
− Petitions and memorandas.
− Use of trade unions.
− Mass media.
− Public rallies.
− Constitutional negotiations. (3 x 1 = 3 mks)

(b) Effects of Mau Mau uprising in Kenya
− Many Africans were arrested and detained.
− Banning of political parties.
− Establishment of emergency villages to separate the civil society from the fighters.
− Led to the declaration of the state of emergency in Kenya in 1952.
− Created bitterness among the Kikuyu as they were divided into loyalists and fighters.
− Attracted the attention of the British colonialists and the international community.
− The powers and the influence of the settlers was reduced since it was this cause of African bitterness.
− Land reforms were adopted e.g land consolidation
− Political reforms were introduced. (6 x 2 = 12 mks)

15 marks

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two questions in this section

(a) Function of Kenya correctional facilities
− Take care of the welfare of the prisoners.
− Offer prisoners vocational training.
− Confine prisoners convicted by the courts.
− Watch over the behaviour of suspected criminals i.e. remandees.
− Execute the court sentences e.g Administering capital punishments.
− Rehabilitates convicted prisoners. (5x1 = 1 mks)

(b) Factors that undermine the administration of Justice in Kenya.
− Inadequate evidence due to inadequate personnel to carry out thorough investigations.
− Lack of awareness by general public on their rights and legal procedures.
− Unwillingness of the public to assist police in investigations and appear as witnesses.
− Abuse of constitutional privileges by government officials.
− Use of outdated customary laws.
− Corruption. (5 x 2 = 10 mks)

15 marks


(a) Political causes of conflicts
− Supporting different /opposing political ideologies.
− Unfair electoral processes.
− Political party rivalry.
− Violation of constitutional rights. (3 x 1 = 3 mks)

(b) Ways through which education fosters National Unity.
− Students are subjected to common national examinations.
− A common curriculum is followed in all schools.

− Learners from diverse backgrounds meet in learning institutions.
− Some subjects taught in schools e.g. Religion and History emphasizes the need of unity.
− Sporting and drama activities carried out in learning institutions promote interaction and National Unity.
− The distribution of learners in various learning institutions aims at promoting National Unity.
(6 x 2 = 12 mks)

15 marks


(a) Composition of the County Assembly
− Elected members from wards.
− Special seats for members to ensure gender balance.
− Members to represent marginalized groups e.g persons with disabilities.
− Speaker of the County Assembly. (3 x 1 = 3 mks)

(b) Challanges facing devolution in Kenya today
− Shortage of funds because money allocated from national government is not enough.
− Disagreements between national governments and county governments.
− Poor infrastructure is some counties.
− Conflict between county executive and county assemblies.
− Mismanagement of county funds.
− Conflicts over shared resources e.g water, forest, land e.t.c
− Inherited debts from previous local authorities.
− Structural overlaps leading to inflated wage bill.
− Political interference from parliament and senate.
− Personal differences among elected leaders. (6 x 2 = 12 mks)

15 marks

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