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2015 KCSE Murang'a South Mock

Biology Paper 1

Answer Al questions

(a) Centriole ;
(b) Formation of cilia and flagella ;

2 marks


(a) Inconspicuous petals, ;
Large anthers loosely attached to filament ; Long feathery stigmaSmall / smooth and light pollen grains ;any three
(b) Cause exchange in genetic materials which lead to variation that enable organism to exploit new environment / resistant to diseases.

5 marks


(i) Typhoid ;
(ii) Amoebic dysentery / amoebiasis ;

2 marks


(a) Anaerobic respiration in animals ;
rej. Anaerobic respiration only.
(b) Bear brewing
Bread baking / leavening of bread
Processing of dairy products acc correct example
Manufacture of wines and spirits
Production of organic acids.
mark any correct

2 marks


(a) ATP (adenosine triphosphate) ;
(b) W - carbon ((V) oxide ;
(c) Stroma ;
(d) Condensation ;

4 marks


(a) Catalase ;
(b) Liver ;
(c) Detoxify hydrogen peroxide which is toxic ;

4 marks


(a) Haemophilia, colourblindness, sickle cellanaemia ;Albinism any two
(b) Early maturity ; Resistance to pests / diseases / drought ;High yield ; any two

4 marks


(i) emergence of present organisms from pre-existing forms gradually over a long period of time ;
(ii) Structures that have stopped being functional due to dis-use and hence reduced in size or become rudimentary.
(iii) Nature selects those individuals which are sufficiently / well adapted and allow them to reproduce ; and rejects / select against those that are poorly adapted by wiping them out ;

3 marks


(a) Mastication / chewing / grinding ;
(b) Intestinal juice / succus entericus
(c) gastric glands

3 marks


Chilopoda Diplopoda
- A pair of walking legs per - 2 pairs of walking legs per
segment ; segment (except in
thoracic segment) ;
- Body flattened dorso - Body cylindrical in shape ;
ventrally ;
- Body divided into head - Body divided into head,
and trunk thorax and trunk
- Has poison claws - Lack poison claws
- Has long antenae - Has short antenae First 3 correct

3 marks


(a) Biochemistry ;
(b) Microbiology ;

2 marks


(a) males are more muscular than females who have more fat ;
(b) Basal metabolic rate rej BMR
Body size

4 marks


(a) Place / environment in which (specified) organism live ;
(b) A natural unit with abiotic and biotic factors ;

2 marks


(a) an increase in external environmental temperature (linearly) increases the body temperature of animal A.
(b) (i) Poikilotherms / exotherms ;
(ii) Homoiotherms / endotherms ;

3 marks


(i) Light microscope ; rej microscope alone
(ii) Raises or lowers the body tube for small distance to bring the image into sharp focus.
(iii) Show arrows representing light rays from outside to the mirror ; and then reflected to the stage through condenser ;

4 marks


Osmosis Active transport
- Does not require energy - Require / use energy
- No carrier molecules - Carrier molecules are
- Involves movement of solvent - Involves movement of
molecules solule particles
- Solvent molecules move - Solute molecules move
along concentration gradient against concentration gradient.

4 marks


(a) Homologous chromosomes ;
(b) gamete ;
(c) Ovaries ;

3 marks


(a) A - Metaphase
B - Anaphase
C - Telophase
(b) - Cambium / vascular cambium / cork cambium / phellogen ;
- Apical meristem / shoot tip / root tip ; any one correct

5 marks


(a) E - denitrifying bacteria
J - Nitrobacter bacteria
(b) F - Nitrogen Fixation
H - Decomposition, ammonification, death, decay

4 marks


(a) Flower with floral parts above ovary ;(inferior ovary)
(b) A flower having stamens but lacking pistil ; (produce only pollen grains)

2 marks


(i) Negative phototaxis.
(ii) The organism move towards area with high light intensity for photosynthesis.

2 marks


(a) Progesterone hormone will not be secreted; thisprevents thickening of endometrium ; hencemiscarriage.
(b) (i) Stimulate milk let -down
(ii) Prepare mammary glands for production of milk;

4 marks


Molecule too large to pass through capillary pores and pores in Bowman’s capsule ;

1 marks


(a) Activate germination enzymes ;Hydrolyse starch stored in cotyledons ; Soften seed coat ; medium of transporting hydrolysed products. any 2 correct
(b) Supression of lateral buds development by apical bud ;

3 marks


(a) A - Stoma rej stomata
B - Outer wall
(b) gaseous exchange ;loss of water in form of water vapour ;

3 marks


(a) Food web ;
(b) Three ;
(c) Rabbit ;
(d) Sun ;

4 marks


Have ability to pollinate their flowers ;
Have ability to photosynthesis ;
Have ability to disperse seeds and fruits ;
Have ability to absorb water and mineral salts ;

1 marks

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