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2016 KCSE KAMDARA JET Examination

Geography Paper 1

SECTION A: (25 Marks)


a) Name two elements of weather that can be recorded at a school weather station (2 marks)
b) The diagram below represents a weather measuring instrument. Use it to answer the questions
that follow.

(i)Which element of weather is measured using the instrument shown above (1 mark)
(ii)Describe how the above instrument is used (2 marks)

5 marks


Explain how an overthrust fold is formed

4 marks


a) What is latitude? (2 mark)
b) What is the time at Hola on 400
E when the time at Tema on 00 longitude is 12:00 noon (2 marks)

4 marks


a) Statetwo causes of submergence of coasts (2 marks)
b) Name two features resulting from submergence of highland coasts (2 marks)
c) Explain how waves transport material by the longshore drift process (3 marks)

7 marks


a) State two factors which influence occurrence of surface run-off (2 marks)
b) The diagram below shows a waterfall. Name the features marked X, Y and Z (3 marks)

5 marks

SECTION B (75 Marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section.

Study the map of Busia 1:50,000(sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.
a i) Give the six figure grid reference of the reservoir to the North West of the area covered by the
map (1mark)
ii) What is the altitude of the highest point in the area represented by the map (1mark)
iii) Name the type of map being used in this question (1mark)
iv) Give the two ways which this map has been identified (2 marks)
v) Measure the distance of the loose surface road (B 8/3) from Northing 41 to the Northern edge of the map (2marks)
b) i) Calculate the area to the west of the international boundary shown in the area covered by the map (2 marks)
ii) Name two man made features found in Grid square 2928 (2 marks)

c)i) Using a scale of 1cm to represent 40 metres, draw a cross section from Easting 30 Eastwards to
Easting 36 along Northing 35.
ii) On it mark and name the following
• a river (1 mark)
• Loose surface road (1 mark)
• Riverine vegetation (1 mark)
iii) Calculate the Vertical exaggeration (VE) of the section (2 marks)
d) i) Describe the distribution of settlement in the area covered by the map (4 marks)
ii) Citing evidence from the map, explain two factors that favour trading in the area (4 marks)

25 marks


a) What is climate?

The map below shows both climatic regions and vegetation types of the world. Use it to answer
question b.

bi) Name the climatic regions marked E, F and G (3 marks)
ii) Describe five characteristics of the Mediterranean climate (5 marks)
iii) Identify the temperate grasslands found in
• Canada (1 mark)
• Australia (1mark)
c) Explain four ways in which the desert vegetation has adopted to the harsh Climatic conditions.
d)Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of vegetation
(a)Relief (2 marks)
(b)Soils (3 marks)

25 marks


a) i) What is an ice sheet? (2 marks)
ii) Give two reasons why there are no ice sheets in Kenya (2 marks)
iii) Explain three factors influencing the movements of ice from the place of accumulation (6 marks)​

b) The diagram below shows types of moraines in a valley glacier. Use it to answer below
Identifythe moraines marked S,T and V (3 marks)

c)i) Describe the formation of Lake Victoria (4 marks)
ii) Explain how Lake Victoria has modified the climate in the area (4 marks)
iii) State why some Lakes in the Rift valley have fresh water (4 marks)

25 marks


a i) Name two features resulting from wind erosion (2 marks)
ii)Describe the following processes of wind erosion
• Deflation (3 marks)
• Attrition (2marks)
b) Explain three factors influencing wind deposition (6 marks)
c) The diagram below shows features resulting from formation of water in an arid area. Use it to
answer (i) and (ii)

i Identify the features marked E F and G (3marks)
ii Describe how the above features are formed (5 marks)
d) Name four features formed in inland drainage basins in arid areas (4 marks)

25 marks


a i) Name three components of soil (3 marks)
ii) Differentiate between Zonal soils and intra zonal soils (2 marks)
bi) Explain how the following processes of leaching occur
• Elluviation (3 marks)
• Salinisation (3 marks)
• Ferralization (3marks)
ii) Explain three factors that cause soil erosion (6marks)

c) You are supposed to carry out a field study on an eroded area
i What information would you collect through observation that would indicate that the area is
severely eroded (2marks)
ii State three recommendations you would give to control soil erosion (3 marks)

25 marks

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